your mine

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Updated 22/3/17

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower, since tom proposed I haven't answered him and I've avoided him for the last week. I was in the bathroom when there was a knock at the bathroom door "come on soph, others have to use the bathroom" said Eddie "alright im coming" I said getting out of the shower and headed into my room getting ready for school. I headed downstairs for breakfast and found mum sitting with a cup of coffee "mum whats going on" I asked her "nothing darling" she said "don't lie to me, im not a kid no more I know your hiding something I heard you and eddie last week" I said "what do you mean" "i mean, I heard you discussing something but im not sure what, you blame yourself for the abuse and you think ill hate you, just tell me" I said "i know you'll hate me" she said "mum" "i was with your dad two weeks before I fell pregnant I was seventeen, but I was with someone else beforehand my ex we were together for two years and we broke up not long after me and Christophe were together" she said "what are you telling me exactly" "im telling you that... I always thought Christophe was  your dad but now" "he might not be my dad and yet he sent me to leave with him where I was violated by him, how could you" "im sorry, I always thought he was your dad because he was the last person I was with before I feel pregnant" "what about the other guy" "Michael I haven't heard from him in years" "ill never forgive you for this, did he now" I asked "yes, he knew it was a 50 50 chance" "i see" I said standing up from the table and walking out to school "soph, where are you going" she called "school, is that aright miss" I said slamming the door.

I headed  to jess's and met up with jess and vicki "hey soph, your here early" vicki said as I listened to the shouting "whats going on" I asked "harry and jess, harry told Karen about jess and finn and Friday night" she said "Friday?" "they were going to have sex" "and harry told, jess will kill him" I said "yep" we walked to school and jess was talking about how much she could kill harry, siblings. "ill see you later" I said to vicki and jess as I spotted tom and walked into the toilets, god this is so childish.

I found harry later on that day he was being weird, weirder than usual "harry whats going on" I asked him he looked at me in surprise "no-nothing" he said "don't lie to me I know you " "its nothing " he said storming off I turned to ruth "your his friend, tell me whats happening" I said "hes being bullied" she said "who" "Finn sharkey, josh Stevenson" im going to kill them. I walked through the hallway and seen finn laughing on with his mates "you think its funny do you" I said storming over to him "what" "picking on someone younger than you, your nothing but a bully a coward" I said "soph" he said grabbing my arm "don't soph me, wait til jess finds out" " don't tell her" "if its not me it will be someone else" "you know what your hot when your mad" he said smirking at me I slapped him across the face hard, the slap echoed through the hall "sophie a word" said tom and I rolled my eyes and followed him "im sure you must make a habit of attacking over students" "only those who deserve it" I said "how so" "bullys, and your son is in for it when I find him" I said "josh, what has josh done" he asked "what you don't know, josh and  finn have been bullying harry for weeks" I said walking off.

"you not going to the debate" eddie asked me I shuck my head "no" I said "whats up" "harry been bullied apparently hes been making himself sick, I should of known" I said "how could you of known" he asked I just stood looking out of the window "come on eddie, I should of seen it the signs I had an eating disorder I know the signs more than anyone" I said "soph, don't dare put the blame on yourself you and I both know they've had issues that family" he said "i should of seen it, though I had anorexia I know what it feels like to be in his shoes" I said "come here" he said pulling me into him and hugging me. At the end of the day I headed to work I need to get away from school.

when I got to work I got changed and headed to the stage, I looked around the room and caught the eye of someone, someone familiar I recognised the blue eyes tom, shit. he was sitting at a table sipping a beer I was in two minds whether to run of the stage or carry on but I knew I needed the money for my medication so I carried on doing my job. I had stripped down to my underwear money was thrown at me like I was every other night when I recognised my name being called "sophie" I looked up and made eye contact with tom before I turned around and ran to my dressing room tom followed me through the back as I locked the door on him "sophie, I know its you open up" he called "go away" I called "please, I want to talk" I was crying slowly, I turned around and opened the door to let him in and walked to the other side of the room avoiding eye contact "whats going on" he asked "what does it look like" I said "it looks as if your getting naked for money" he said I turned around and past him "you don't understand" "well tell me" "i cant, how did you know it was me" I asked "by this" he said walking over to me and tracing the birthmark on my hip "i need this job, I need the money" "does Rachel or eddie know" "no one does, im ill tom" his face went white "ill how" "i have a blood disorder that's why I need this job to pay for the medication, its caused by the brain tumour" I said he walked over to me ad pulled me into a hug "im scared tom" I said "i know, but you cant work here soph and you need to tell your mum" he said "i need the money" "ill pay for the medication, if I have to....your mine soph and I don't want some sleazy men looking at you as if your a piece of meat" he said "what were you doing here" I asked him "i came for a drink, after today with josh and harry I needed a drink" he said.

Tom walked me home later that night "you didn't have to do that" I said as we got to the front door "yes, yes I did" he said "tom" "yeah" "my answers yes, yes ill marry you" I said he looked at me as if registering what I had sad and ran to me picking me up and swinging me around before kissing me.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now