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Updated 22/3/17

I sat in the kitchen the following morning when tom came in he put his hands on my shoulders and kissed the top of my head "i know your worried about her soph" he said as he took the seat next to me "what do you expect tom, she's one of my best friends" I snapped at him "im sorry I didn't mean to, im just worried" I said "she's Sam Kelly she'll be okay" he said "but what if she's not" I asked "she's getting her test done this morning, and if she's not okay we'll pass that bridge when we come to it" he said.

I got to school bumped into Sam "hey Sam, are you okay" I asked her "im fine, its just migraines" she said fake smiling I frowned at her she was defiantly up to something. I headed off to first period when tom grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a spare classroom "miss me that much?" I asked him great news about Sam isn't it, the severe migraines" he said "hmm...yeah great" "what is it soph" he asked "i don't know there just seem something off about it all" "what do you mean" "i mean Sam, with the fake smiling pretending everything's okay, look tom I could be wrong but I don't think its migraines I think its something else" I said "look, ill talk to her, yeah" he said as he pulled me into a hug "I've got to go I've got netball" I said "maybe I can come watch" he said "maybe , but im sure your doing football try outs" I said as I headed out of the room.

As we headed into the changing room there was some guy sniffing sams bra "ugh are you some sort of pervert or something" Lauren asked as Sam walked over a slapped him "you dirty pig that's my bra" she said slapping him. At  break we headed to the hall for careers day, "so what are you thinking, im thinking of nursing you know scrubs, parties, all the lads fancying you" Lauren said "i don't need lads fancying me" I said "you two thinking of nursing, it doesn't pay that much, you want to help for people, long hours" tom said as he came over "why not" Lauren said as Sam stood next to me "you not thinking of nursing" tom asked "no its not my thing" I said "well I think you have enough of doctors and nurses to last a lifetime" he said "yeah well you get sick at two and have the cancer come back years later and see how it feels" I said as I walked off "Sophie" he called as I walked away. As the bell went I watched Sam stormed out of the hall holding her head "Sam" I said as I ran after her with tom following on my tail. I found her in the canteen "are you going to tell me what's the matter" I asked as tom sat down next to me "Sam, are you okay, have you had a argument with Finn?" he asked "no" she said as she held her head "you look like your in pain" he said to her "im fine" she said "Sam, what's going on" I asked her "its nothing" "what's going on Sam" tom asked "its just a  migraine" she said "its okay I just need some air"  she said as she went outside. As I put my head in my hands as tom grabbed my hand "she'll be fine" Tom said "ill go find her" I said heading outside to find her running off "Sam" I called running after her.

 "why are you following him" I asked Sam as we followed martin "i need to speak to him, apologise" "what, for Finn he should be doing that himself" I said. we followed him to the lake "why did you follow me soph?" she asked "cause im worried about you Sam" I said as she sat down on the bench and did martins makeup for him "so your a girl" I asked "soph, you cant just ask people that" Sam said "sorry, I didn't think" I said "its fine, im a girl born in a boys body" he said "how did you know" Sam asked him "think I always knew, I cant go on like this its not like anyone with miss me" he said "so, your going to top yourself" Sam asked"why not" "because its a cop out, some people actually want to live" Sam said "Sam, what that meant to mean" I asked her "well let them" martin said "they don't have a choice martin" "do you think I have the choice living like this" "you have a future" "not like this" "your a coward, you don't know how lucky you are" Sam said standing up from the bench and pacing "what your problem, what have you got to worry about" he asked Sam "ive got cancer" she said "sam, what" I said as I stood in front of her "its a brain tumour" she said  "sam, you should be in hospital" I said "i know, were going back" she said.

"come on, we need to go back to school" I said as we walked back in silence bumping into tom " there you two are, sam your mums been going frantic so have I" he said "i just wanted one more day where I could be normal" she said crying into his shoulder "come on ill take you home, soph you coming" he asked as I nodded and followed them.  "did she tell you" tom asked when we got back to sams I sat at the table and nodded my head "come here" he said as I stood up and hugged him "she'll fight this soph, you did" he said "every persons different tom" I said we stood in the kitchen in silence as tom held my hand when sam and rose came downstairs "ill give you a lift to the hospital" tom said "we were kid of wondering fi you could do a little more than that" rose said "us kellys, were strong and that but weve been thinking if we all fight this" sam said  "you know what they say in strength in numbers" rose said "if your okay with it, soph you've beaten this before I couls really do with your support" she said "of corse" I said "you try stopping me kiddo, we'll get through this together" tom said as we headed out to the car and to the hospital.

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