Self defence

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Updated 22/3/17

I got and went downstairs into the kitchen and sat at the table, I got in late last night I had a shift at work and got home at about three its harder to sneak in and out of the house when its only me, not like it was at Karen's. I always had jess or harry to cover for me, now its a lot harder. I sat yawning when Eddie walked in "late night was it" he asked "couldn't sleep" I lied "well sneaking in at 3 in the morning doesn't help either" he said and I paled shit he had heard me "its a god job your mum didn't hear you or she would of grounded you for a year, honestly I think shes missed the authority" eddie said "you can say that again, I think shes come back stricter" I said as she came walking into the kitchen "you ready for your first day back" I asked her "yep, you coming" she asked as I got out of my chair and headed into the car with Eddie tailing behind.

"how's things" I asked jess as I met up with her in the hall "awful, we stayed at a hotel last night it had no satellite TV and I forgot my phone charger" "oh my god its so disastrous" I said sarcastically "shut up" she said nudging me "look I need you to cover for me, third period I need to go somewhere at break and I wont be back" I said "fine" she said.  I headed  to registration and headed bumped onto tom "soph, come here" he said "WHAT" I shouted to him "i want you to come to the self defence class at lunch" he said "and why would I do that" I said "because I said so" he said walking up to me inches away from my face so that I could smell his cologne I tuck in a deep breath shutting my eyes he leant into my ear "i know I still have that effect on you" he said the hall was empty "just because im not sleeping with you, doesn't mean that you can bully me into things" I said as I stormed off "sophie" he called "no tom, im not going to jump when you say so I am my own person"  I yelled as I walked to my lesson.

At break I left to go for work "hi steve" I said as I walked in the door "hey, its my favourite girl I didn't know you were working today" "im just doing an hour before I head back to school" I said as I headed into my dressing room and changed out of my uniform. I got back to school my fourth period and my mum came over to me "sophie" she called "mother" I said "Mr Clarkson says you not going to the self defence classes" "and" "and I want you to go, give it a shoot yeah" "why I don't need to defend myself against anyone" "you never know Sophie" she said "ugh fine" I said as I headed to the changing rooms to get changed for this stupid class. I walked in with lauren "didn't think this was your kind of thing sophie" she said "its not I got roped into this" I said "your not here to kick over peoples head in" tom said "shame" I said as tom glared at me. As we got into the self defence we heard fighting out side in the hallway and seen a parent and Mr Kirby fighting tom broke up the fight "what was that all about" mum asked "don't ask me" tom said he turned to us "you lot back inside now" he said as we turned back and headed inside the hall.

The end of the day I spotted tom walking down the hall and he caught eye contact with me and said something to josh before heading over to me and grabbing my arm and pulling me into an empty classroom "im sorry for earlier" I said to him "me too" he said this was awkward I could cut the atmosphere with a knife "its hard seeing you everyday" I said "your the one who ended things sophie" he said "im awake of that, I had to okay, its better in the long run" "whats that suppose to mean" "nothing" "i miss you soph, I miss the way you giggled at silly little things, the way you flip your hair over your shoulder I even miss your little strops and you birthmark on your right hip" he said I walked over to him and kiss to on the lips "i miss you too, but its not the right time" I said before I left the classroom leaving him standing there.

I headed home and found I was the only one home I sat at the bottom of the stairs and broke down crying. soon mum and eddie got home and spotted me at the bottom of the stairs mum sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug "do you want to tell me whats going on?" she asked I shuck my head "ill take a guess, and say tom clarkson" "what give you that idea" I asked "i know, the way you look at each other" "theres no me and tom" I said "and its hurting you" she said and I nodded my head.

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