Confronting a monster

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Edited 4/3/17

I know he's in town I can feel it in my blood, his presents, the presents of my father and I honestly can't say how scared I am, of the thought of seeing him I feel as if I'm a little kid who's scared of the monster under the bed, but that's what he is to me,nothing but a monster. I got to school to see the campaign for bringing Chlo home, there was news reporters there for the local news. I was meant to be talking to the reporter along with Max and Janeece but at the moment I couldn't deal with it, not with everything going on. I watched as Max and Janeece had an interview with the press and rolled my eyes, maybe if they were a bit nicer and supported her as friends she wouldnt be missing, maybe if I was nicer. I noticed Mr Clarkson glaring at Mr Rimmer I'm guessing he thought this was all bullshit to. I walked over to him "im sorry about Chlo" I said and he smiled at me "thanks Sophie, it means a lot" he said "she'll come home she cant run forever besides she's only a kid" I said and he smiled and took my hand squeezing it reassuringly "i hope your right, Sophie".

At break I stood in the yard, it was raining and i pulled out my phone and tried to ring Chlo again "you okay" Mr Clarkson asked and I sighed "no, its my fault" I said "what do you mean" he asked "its my fault chlos gone" I said "your soaking Sophie, where's your coat" he asked me as he walked over to me and pulled me so that I was standing under his umbrella "thanks" I said "what do you mean by that" he asked "i was harsh on her about Brett, I should of been a friend instead I was a cow made her feel like she had no other choice" I said "Chlo is fifteen, she's a big girl she'll come back" he said ad I smiled "i hope so" I said. I found myself googling teenage runaways and the impact it had in the library, prostitution and alcohol this is not making me feel to good. I wish Chlo would come home. Later on at  lunch, I found Bolton by the bins "Bolt, what's up" I asked "Rimmer isn't it, he wants me out" he said "he cant do that you haven't done anything wrong" "well, I did some graffiti a while back and organised some fight club at the start of term now he's accusing me of doing that graffiti on the wall, fair enough I did do it buts its art freedom of expression, Soph" "he doesn't understand and Rimmer is a prick he can't get rid off you, he just can't" "thanks Soph, now he wants to send me to a school four miles away where I'll be Mr billy no mates" "Bolt, don't worry" I said pulling him into a hug "your the best Soph" he said kissing my cheek and ran off "oh my god" said Maxine from behind me "shut it Max" I said smirking "you and Bolton Smilie" "there's no me and Bolton" I said "yeah, we'll see" Max said walking off. "Mind your business" I said to her.

I went home to get some spare clothes as I knew my Mum and he hopefully would be out. I was packing some clothes into a bag when I heard someone behind me. Him. I froze on the spot suddenly feeling unnerved. "Well Sophie aren't you going to give your dad a hug" that voice, that voice that tormented me for years, that gxve me nightmares, the voice of my father "yeah, when hell freezes over" I said shuffling past him heading downstairs for my pe kit and football boots "why wont you look at me" no way in hell "you bloody well know why" "i thought we talked about this, Soph" "don't Soph me, Christophe, you fully know what im talking about it was no game I was nine years old, your suppose to protect me not the other way around, not cause me harm and that means you and  your horrible little friends touch me, rape me, violate me several times i was nine i shouldn't have to go through that at all never mind at nine and do you know what's worse, you, your meant to be my father and you did that to me you , even tape it, why because your a perv and it was a sick fantasy to you  and it makes me sick to breathe the same air as you what kind of man gets kicks out of harming his daughter, you would even beat me if I fought back you shouldn't do that to me im meant to be your daughter, you make me sick " I said "yeah, me too" came a voice from behind "mum" I said she slammed the door shut before slapping him across the face "Sophie, go back to school" " but.." Sophie Patricia Mason, will you listen to me for once in your life" she shouted and I looked at her " mummy" I said in a near whisper "I'm sorry, he won't hurt you anymore" she said as she hugged me while I broke down and cried on her shoulder after all these years of holding this secret, it got to much. "school" she said and I nodded.

Heading back to school I noticed that Rimmer was shaking students hands "what's going on" I asked Janeece "Rimmers resigned" said Maxine "no way" "where have you been" asked Janeece "home, for some clothes my dad was there and I confronted him, my mum heard" I said "how it go" asked Janeece "honestly, like a weight off my shoulders and yet at the same time, I felt like  I've opened a whole new can of worms" I said "so are you going to tell us" asked Max "i nodded my head and told them everything. That night I lay in bed at Maxine's tossing and turning, just thinking about what has just happened during the past day. Hoping my mum was okay around that man and wondering what was going to happen next and never feeling more terrified in my life.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now