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I walked into school with a banging head the next day "im never drinking again" I said taking a seat at breakfast club next to Bolton "bad head " he asked "all I want is a full English and yes im not in the slightest mood whatsoever for school" I said as someone flicked beans at me "you did not" I asked Bolton "of course not soph" he said smirking I picked up his plate tipping it onto his head, which escalated into a full blown food fight which stooped when Candice came in and sent us out. when my mum came along the corridor "how did I know you would be involved" she said "don't even start" I said "what happened" she asked "Bolton happened, can I go home and change" I asked "go on then don't be long" she said

I sat in French dozing of I know all this stuff, when budgens wife came in saying Haydock had ruined her life, I sat and watched out of the window as they argued and budgens wife slapped Haydock. what on earth?. I pulled out my phone texting max

Sophie: Haydock got whacked!! x

max: as if, apparently she's sleeping with budgen his wife just been down here yelling x

Sophie: no way, she was just down here 2 minutes ago x

Break time I went to the toilets and pulled my hair up into a bun I pulled off the bandage for my burn and noticed the scar I felt tears rolling down my face when max walked in "soph?" she said as I put the bandage back on she noticed me crying and pulled me into a hug "it needs changing" I said "ill do it, after school yeah?" she said "are you sure I mean you've got blood and that?" I said "soph, im your best friend I'll do it" she said "thank you" I walked back to the office to find my mum standing in the office starring "what's wrong" I asked her "Eddie and Melissa are together" "what, but Eddie is yours" "he was never mine, not officially" she said "but you love him" "i do" "he's an idiot" "thanks love, what is it you wanted" "I was wondering, I know your busy but could you read my history essay" "sure".

I got changed for football when miss koreshi came in "so what's going on miss?" I asked Mr cleaver wants to get rid of the girls football team" she said "He cant do that" I said "Sophie, it gets worse he wants to replace it with cheerleading" he said "what so he thinks cause we're girls we have to do cheerleading" he said "i think cheerleading would be mint" said janeece "why dancing on the side of a field in skimpy little outfits, yeah sounds like a hoot, well you can count me out im not doing cheerleading is such a stereotype just cause im a girl, nope" "i agree Sophie" said miss koreshi "just cause you cant dance" said Danielle "actually I can dance fine I have mastered ballet when I was the age of 6 mastering the class I was in and better than some adult dancers and I did hip-hop for 3 years so I think I can dance just fine" I said watching the smug smile wipe of Danielle face.

At the end of the day I met up with max "are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked her "of course" she said as we headed back to mine, when my mum came up to me in the hallway "Sophie"  "yeah" "I've read your paper, great work" "thanks" "I'll be late home I've got a meeting " "its fine, me and max were just going to back to ours, we were going to hang out" "right so ill see you later" she said heading in the opposite direction "don't you feel guilty lying to her" asked max "yes, but its only half a lie we are heading back to mine just not to hang out besides I see it as withholding information" I said.

when we got back to mine we went up to the bathroom "you know we've been friends for over a year and I've never been to your house" she said "oh yeah" I stood in front of the mirror as she took the bandage off "jeez soph" she said "i know its bad" I said "you cant hide this forever" "i can try" "it needs changing everyday""i know" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror when I noticed the bathroom door open and my mum walked in "Maxine, why don't you get yourself off home" she said "right, ill see you tomorrow soph" said max "yeah" I said. I turned around leaning on the sink facing my mum "is that from the fire?" she asked I nodded my head "why didn't you tell me?" she asked "cause, you were having a hard time with your burn I didn't want to worry you" I said she walked over to me "turn around" I faced the mirror "if you didn't come into the fire, you wouldn't have this" "don't, I would do it all over again, you may of died in there" I said "but you burnt yourself" "and I would do it again" "don't say that" "but I would" she cleaned up my burn putting on  a clean bandage "i didn't want to worry you" I said she pulled me into a hug  "its my job to worry, im your mum ill always worry about you whether your 15 or 30 with your own kids" she said "im sorry" I said crying into her "don't be, I made a appointment with the plastic surgeon" "about your burn" "yes why don't we see if he can do something about yours" I nodded "okay"

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now