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Updated 9/3/17
I met up with chlo as Mr Clarkson dropped her off "morning Mr Clarkson" Michaela and her gang said "they act as if they own the place" Chlo said and I glared at her "don't worry Chlo, she knows who's boss" I said glaring at her, she seen me and walked into school with her little gang "Sophie, no fighting" Mr Clarkson said "who me sir, no never" I said as headed into school and i noticed it was dark "what the?" i said as i walked down the hall "you know you can get up to loads in the dark" said Mr Clarkson, he had his hands around my waist "ssh" I said to him and I sensed him smirk. I ended things with him but I cant help but be drawn back to him its as if were magnets. Chlo, Max and Janeece went on this business trip walking into my mums office i found her sitting at her desk "im bored, can i go home?" i asked "just because you aren't going on the trip does not mean you can go home" she said not looking up from her desk i sat in the seat in front of the desk "your the one who said i couldn't go on the trip" i said "we both know the reason for that Sophie" said mum "just because of that fight" i said "Sophie, you broke Michaela's nose, besides do you think your going to get away with being punished" "i know" i said smirking "stop smirking" she said she was still looking down at her desk "how do you" i asked "Sophie i think i know my own daughter well enough, to know that shes somehow proud of breaking someones nose" she said " at least she didn't need stitches" i said. "look you any have them in for a few more days then you'll get the out" said mum "whatever, what am I meant to do until lunch sit fiddling my thumbs" I said "no, get on with some work I mean your failing nearly every class" she said and I laughed "sure" I said "i mean it Sophie, your failing everything but French this is your GCSE'S were talking about going to assign you with Mr Clarkson for the morning" she said, oh great that wont be awkward at all.

"So I hear that im spending the morning with you" I said as I walked into the pastoral care office "so you are, come on in Miss Mason" he said "very formal, Mr Clarkson" I said as I walked in and took a seat. The bell went at break as Mr Clarkson came in with a cup of coffee "aren't you spending break in the staff room" I asked him "well your mother thinks that you shouldn't have the privilege of break and lunches since your fight with Michaela, so your under my duty" "aren't I lucky" I said "Sophie, I know thing are awkward since...well" "what, since I broke up with Bolton and you slept with that slag" I said "she's not a slag" he said "isn't she, let me see Brett, rimmer and you, who's next budgen" I asked and he sighed "i don't want to fight with you" he said and I stood up and ran my hands through my hair "and what do you want then" I yelled at him and he walked over to me "you..i want you" he said his face inches from mine. I threw myself at him kissing him as he lead me over to the desk I was doing work on and knocked everything off, leaning me onto the desk as he kissed me, I pulled him towards me he sat between my legs. He pulled away from me and I fell to the floor breathless "were going to get caught if we keep doing this at school" I said and he smirked as he sat next to me "defiantly, its going to lead to something more if were not careful, I don't want to push you" he said "i know, we can take it slow" I said and he nodded. I pulled out my phone to see I had a text off Max.

Max: you'll never guess what Mr Wilding is gay! x

Sophie: are you serious? x

Max got back to the school near the end of lunch "did you get my message?" she asked "yeah, i replied" i said "can you believe it" she asked "no,but really what can you expect from a drama teacher especially when he's that enthusiastic in plays" i said. Later that afternoon i walked into my mums office to see her with Stuart hordley "whats going on here?" i asked "nothing i was just going" he said leaving the office as mum stuffed an brown envelope into the top draw of her desk "what is it Sophie" she asked "just to tell you, im going home" i said "no, your not" "what did he want?" i asked "if you must know, a date and i said no" "i should hope so" i said rubbing my head "whats the matter" she asked "my head its killing me" she looked up concerned and stood up from the chair behind her desk and walked over to me "are you feeling dizzy at all?" she asked me "a little, why" "sit down theres something you need to know".

I sat down in front of her as she handed me a glass of water "drink it" she said slowly i took a drink of the water "what is it mum" "when you were little, two i think you started getting these really bad heads that you would scream bloody murder i thought that someone was trying to kill you, then you got dizzy a lot, so i took you to the doctors and they referred you to the hospital where you have a MRI scan and it came back that you had a tumour,a brain tumour and i felt so helpless" she said starting to cry "hey mum its alright, im fine" i said hugging her "you got really sick, lost all your hair and there was nothing i could do as a mother i had to sick back and watch you in pain. i felt so helpless, then you started to respond to the treatment and were cancer free i cant explain how relieved i was to hear that" she said i looked to see that she was crying "ive got a meeting, after we'll go home" she said leaving the office. As i sat back onto her chair, i glanced at the brown envelope in the draw and pulled it out of curiosity had gotten the best of me. opening the envelope i found some old newspaper clippings and a old photo of my mum when she was younger one newspaper article caught my eye 'city vice crackdown' "oh my god" i said to myself as i read through the article. Lies, it was all lies my mum is nothing but a prostitute.

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