The secrets out

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Updated 14/3/17

I woke up being dreadful I lay in bed with a bad head feeling as if I was gonna pass out I felt so ill im never ill I got up and dressed for school and headed downstairs sitting at the table with a glass of water "Sophie" said Philip sitting next to me "hey Phil" I said pulling my self out of my thoughts "your mums worried about you, you know" "sure she is, she's always worried" I said "no about you not eating" "i do eat I've just had some cereal" I said lying "oh yeah where's the bowl" he asked "ive washed them haven't I " I said as I headed out of the kitchen. "i know your secret" he said "what are you going no about" I said "you, your anorexic you don't eat I watch you ,you don't eat ever, when's the last time you actually ate and not thrown it back up" he asked "keep your horrible little mouth shut your lies could get people hurt" I said "but its not a lie is it Sophie" he said I looked at him before pushing him against the wall "shut up and don't you dare mention a word of this to anyone, do you understand me?" I said "Sophie get off him" said mum pulling me off him "whatever were done" I said pulling out of her grip and heading upstairs to get dressed and kicking my cabinet sitting on my bed brushing my hair through my fingers. this is not good if he tells anyone just..ugh.

Getting to school I felt worse than ever I felt tired, even if I had slept for 9 hours, I felt dizzy and today is not my day "are you okay soph" mum asked me "yeah, what was that between you and phil this morning" she asked "nothing, its just Phil putting his nose into something that has nothing to do with him" "i know your hiding something from me, and whenever you tell me im here ""im fine mum" I said "just whatever is between you and Phil I just hope you sort it out before tonight as I don't want things to be difficult at home" she said "mum he's the one that started this so it has nothing to do with me" I said storming off and headed to French where we had a test, well I could easily ace this. After ten minutes I finished the test "Sophie mason, hurry up and get on with this test" said miss Haydock "I've finished" I said "yeah right, come on finish the test" "what you don't believe me just because your crap at French don't take it out on those who can do it" "outside now" she said pointing to the door, rolling my eyes I headed outside of the classroom walking off "Sophie mason, back here" " what" "i want you to apologise to me" "yeah and I want a million quid we cant all get what we want" "right we'll see what miss mason has to say" she said dragging me up to the office "this is laughable" I said

Arriving at the office miss Haydock walked in "Rachel I have a problem" "what is it now Steph" "it comes in the shape and form of your daughter who refuses to do the test I set her" "send her in" I walked in the office and glared at Haydock "well Sophie explain yourself" she said "i told her she wont believe me I did the bloody test" "watch your mouth young lady" said mum I rolled my eyes "its only been ten minutes you couldn't possibly be finished the test" said miss Haydock "well I have, just cause you cant teach French doesn't mean the rest of us are crap" I said "Sophie" said mum "what its true, she never teaches anything, im not feeling well and she starts I've done the test" I said as I slammed it on the table and stormed out leaving them two to talk. I found chlo and janeece in the library and sat down next to chlo "i cant believe Haydock" I said "what happened" chlo asked "she set a test and I finished within ten minute she didn't believe me dragged me up to masons office humiliated me" "well of course you would finish within ten, French is your best lesson I mean you predicated a A*" said janeece. Donte walked into the library "come on soph, were due at the crèche" said janeece "yeah" I said.

At break I went to the canteen and bought a bottle of water and headed outside feeling dizzy again I felt as if I were spinning "you okay soph" janeece asked me sitting next to me "im not feeling to well" I said "have you eaten today" asked janeece "of course I have" I said "just that if you haven't it could be a reason for you not feeling well" she said "i don't know what's up jan" I said. I went to P.E after break and we were doing netball I stood in the yard and it was as if everyone around me was spinning and spinning and I was just standing there, I stood at the fence trying to get my balance back when haydock came up behind me "so ive been doing some digging, you not eating are you that's why your so fragile looking" "that's a lie, and a sick one even for you" I said as I came out of the court pulling off my bib "leave me alone" I said storming off "is everything alright?" asked mum coming up to us I looked at her "like you care" I said storming off

I walked back into the school and held onto the wall for support I felt extremely dizzy as if I was going to pass out I made my way to the changing room and got changed for next lesson, I was in art when I felt hot, really hot I needed a drink I got to the toilets and took my jumper off trying to cool myself off before I walked out of the toilets. I was walking back to my next class down the hallway when I felt as if the ground was coming towards me, I could hear voices around me although they weren't clear they just sounded like a mumble. I felt as if I were spinning when I made contact with the floor seeing blackness.

Rachel's p.o.v

I was in the office doing paperwork when Steph came running in "Rachel come quick its sophie, shes collapsed" upon hearing this I ran down the hallway to see sophie passed out "Sophie, sophie can you hear me" I asked her there was no answer, I pulled her back to me to see her bag chocked with food, uneaten food she was hiding this, why?, I asked myself. soon an ambulance came and I got in with her before asking Eddie to tell Philip and him to keep an eye on things here. she was rushed through the wards of the hospitals my little girl, shes been in hospital to many times and for only being fifteen. I waited and waited for over an hour before the doctor came out "miss mason?" he called "yes doc, how is she" I asked "sophie is suffering from anorexia she collapsed due to lack of nutrition we've put her on a drip to feed her shes asleep at the minute you can see her" he said. I walked in to the room to see her hooked up to an IV, anorexia how did I not notice this, looking at her I noticed fragile she looked "oh sophie what have you done?" I said as I took her hand.

Sophies p.o.v

I woke up to beeping, opening my eyes I seen I was in the hospital there was a drip attached to me my mum was sitting in the chair, I tried to pull out the drip it was feeding me, making me fat. when my mum grabbed my hand "sophie no" mum said "i cant ill get fat, get it out of me" I said "no, if you don't you'll die don't you understand that sophie" "i cant do it, mum" I said crying "how come I never noticed" she said "im going at hiding things" "i thought we said no more secrets, soph, if you died do you know what I would of done your my world" she said "im sorry, is just since max died, I..., I cant do it eat" "me and you are going to get through this together, even if I have to force feed you, ill book a few sessions with a therapist anything to get you better" she said as I sat crying.

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