another pregnancy

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edited 12/2/17

I stood in the toilets waiting for chlo "chlo you alright?" I asked her she didn't answer I brushed my hair to the side as she stormed out of the toilets then came back in with a pregnancy test in her hand "oh chlo" I said she smiled at me "welcome to the club" I said she ran out of the toilets and about 5 minutes later in walked janeece and Maxine with her she handed them the test "no way" said max "you've only done one test you cant be sure" said janeece. chlo went into her bag pulling out a plastic bag full of pregnancy tests "five tests all in a row cant be wrong can they" she asked "what's Donte said" I asked "he doesn't know" she said "when you going to tell him" said janeece "tell him what, I didn't say I was keeping it did I, I don't want to be the school freak show, you know the girl that everyone looks at cause she was dumb enough to get herself pregnant" she said "thanks chlo" I said "Sophie I didn't mean it" "no its alright" I said walking out of the toilets. I went to first period. after first period I bumped into tom"watch where your going Sophie" he said "sorry , can I have a word actually" I said "sure come into the classroom and shut the door" I did as he said as he sat at his desk "what's the problem" he asked "its chlo, she's pregnant" "she's what" he asked "pregnant I thought you should know as when...well I thought you should know "come on we'll go find her" we walked down the corridor and spotted her coming down the stairs "everything alright chlo?" he asked her "soph" she said "sorry, when I got pregnant with Freya I didn't tell anyone about it either I don't want you making the same mistake" I said walking off and leaving them to it.

At the end of the day I found Danielle "me and you need to talk" I said as I stood at the top of the stairs "do we?" she asked "yes, I want to know what sort of messed up person lies about there dad abusing him, are you that messed up in the head or are you just a liar about your dad hitting you" "it was a mistake soph, im sorry" she said trying to get past me "it was a mistake, alright why would you there are actually people out there, ones that get abused and you do this" I said "get out of my way" she said "no im not done with you" I said pushing her back she pushed me back and I feel backwards down the stairs letting out a scream as I hit my head on the floor. The last thing I remember is everyone crowded around me "Sophie, can you hear me" asked the familiar voice of my mum.

Rachel's p.o.v

I was sitting in the office doing some paperwork when I heard shouting I recognised Sophie's voice, what is she up to now, I headed out of the office as I heard a scream it was Sophie as I got to the stairway I noticed Sophie at the bottom of the stairs and Danielle Harker at the top "cooler now" I shouted at Danielle as I ran to my daughters side "Sophie can you hear me?" I asked her there was no answer she had hit her head. "ill call an ambulance" said Eddie as he pulled out his phone.

we got to the hospital and Sophie was still none responsive the doctors had told me to wait in the waiting room, I was pacing up and down worrying "Sophie masons guardian" asked the doctor "yes im her mother, is she okay" I asked "she's suffered from a concussion, but other than that she'll be fine" said the doctor "and what about the baby" she looked at me before sighing "im sorry, it seems that the result of the fall has caused a miscarriage she's awake if you wish to see her, though she'll have to say over night" said the doctor "thanks doctor" I said before heading into Sophie's room.

Sophie's p.o.v

I woke up in the hospital my head was killing me I noticed my mum was standing next to the bed "mum what happened" I asked her "you don't remember" I shucked my head "Danielle Harker, pushed you down the stairs she's confessed" "what about the baby" I asked "im sorry, soph" she said "i lost it" i asked "yeah" she said sitting next to me taking my hand as I lay there crying.

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