Team captain

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Edited 9/3/17

I walked into school with Chlo and Tom "good morning Sophie" he said "sir" I said he smirked at me as he eyed me head to toe "i think that skirt is a little short Miss Mason" he said and I smirked "i think its fine" I said as I walked up the stairs towards registration "ah just the man, im looking for someone to be Davina's mentor for this teacher training programme" mum said to him, he glanced at me "do you think im the right man for the job" he asked her "im not exactly spoilt for choice, am I, unless you want me to ask Grantly" he said. I caught eye contact with him "ill think about it" he said and she nodded "Sophie" she called and I looked at her "yes mother" I said "pull that skirt down" she said and I rolled my eyes and sighed pulling it down to stop with the grieve. I followed tom, chlo and mika down the hall "ill see you later" I said to chlo and mika as I walked into Toms classroom "So you listen to your mother and not me" he said with his back to me " act as if im not going to pull it back up" I said to him and he turned round and smirked at me "you better not...I don't want a bunch of hormonal boys looking at you" he said "don't you trust me...I trust you even when it comes to Davina that's why I think you should be her mentor" I said and he sighed "i do trust you babe, its them I don't trust" "im a big girl" I said "i know...its the likes of Bolton Smilie looking at you, you use to date him" "as a cover up...Tom you need to trust me okay" I said and he smiled and nodded "ill see you at registration" I said as I walked off to find Max and Janeece

I headed for registration five minutes later I walked in and the whole class looked at me "sorry" I said to Tom as I took my seat next to Chlo "so Donte's got his photoshoot today" I said "yeah, no betting Celine is all over him" she said "probably, it pathetic really" "if he wins this completion for the best travel accent he gets a trip to Barcelona" "really, nice" At the end of registration I packed my bag and headed for the door "hold on a minute Sophie, can I have a word?" asked Tom"ermm sure" I said closing the door and walking over to the desk that he was sitting at "is this cause I was late?" I asked "no, its not that, I was wondering if you would like to be my new team captain" he asked "what, really, me?" I asked "yes, of course you there's no one better for the job then my best player" "thank you sir, id be honoured, though I hope this isn't special treatment" I said smirking "of course not" he said . I found Janeece, Max in the hallway "there you are" Max said

I had a free first period so I headed to the library with Max to print of another paper off the cheat site "im starting to feel bad, my mum is like really happy that im doing good I don't like lying to her" I said "i know, look its just our secret no one else will know that way you wont get caught" "i suppose" I said exciting the library with Max with my English paper. I walked off to English to hand in my work when I seen Tom sitting at his desk "working hard?" I asked him and he smiled slightly "something like that" he said "you okay, you looked stressed" I said as I walked over and sat on the table in front of him "Davina...she's back with jack" he said and I sighed "i thought you weren't seeing her" I said "im know she's just a cover for just hurts" he said and I nodded "look if she can't see how great you are, screw her" I said "id rather screw you" he said and I smirked at him "stop it, here's my essay" I said as I handed it to him and he smiled "thanks" he said before I walked out. Heading to French there was no sign of Haydock "does this mean we get to leave?" I asked "i wish" said Max who was sitting next to me she turned around to Celine "your never gonna have what Chlo and Donte had so, just face facts" she said as I broke out in laughter "oh yeah and what would you know about it" she said Janeece turned to her "she knows plenty, she set them up so do one" she said as all three of us burst into laughter.

After school as Donte had won his competition we as in, max, Donte and unfortunately Celine when it should be chlo on his arm. we decided to go out and celebrate so we went down to the local pub. Maxine went into a booth first but stopped in her tracks "up there mason is in there?" she said shooing us to a window by the door "i cant believe im hiding away from teachers, im married now " said Donte "not for long, only six months to go" said Celine I rolled my eyes at the comment, we'll see. "so who's getting the drinks in" asked Max everyone looked at me "don't look at me, im the youngest here im not fifteen for two weeks" I said "i'll get them in" said Donte heading to the bar. I headed to the toilet as the door opened and my mum walked in, great we made eye contact in the mirror "do you want to explain to me what your doing here" she asked me and I shrugged "Sophie, your fourteen" she said and I sighed and turned round and looked at her "okay...right...just don't start im not in the mood for this" I said "come on...home" she said.

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