Army day

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Edited 14/3/17
I stood in the changing rooms just before registration as Tom and the army officer, who was apparently one of his mates. "so this is about teamwork this whole army thing" I asked "yes it is Sophie, unless you want to go back to shaking pom poms going ra ra ra this is going to be a team building exercise" said tom "actually I never shuck any pom poms but it sounds alright to me" I said as he handed us all a green all in one "oh sexy" I said as I eyed up the clothing in front of me.

walking through the hall after registration I spotted janeece and Michaela fighting "Jan, what's up with you and Michaela" I asked "Bolton dumped me for her didn't he" "you what" I said " he dumped me soph" she said "Jan im so sorry, when did this happen" I asked "at Philip party the other night, talking of the party what happened to you"" oh I got sick and left for a few hours by the time I got home everyone was gone" I said.

I stood in the hall before I headed outside when tom came up to me "soph, a word" he said as he pulled me a side "what is this about sir" I asked "look your the team captain so im asking you to set an example" "what are you trying to say" "you and I both no you are one of the most troubling students here" "thanks a bunch" I said crossing my arms over my chest "look the girls look up to you so if you do well, it will do well for the team" "sir, are you asking me to be good so that your army friends will be impressed" I asked "look give it a chance Sophie, yeah" he said walking off. "i cant promise anything especially when it comes to Michaela white" I said heading outside.

we were looked a van as all of the girls started screaming when someone must of dropped one "oh my god that stinks" I said as soon as we were let out tom looked at me "what" I said he walked over to me and grabbed my arm "it was you wasn't it the stink bomb, do you want to be on this team or not" he said "what tom it weren't me stink bombs are so childish" I said as he looked at Michaela as she smirked. we started to build a plank when Michaela pulled a hose on me and janeece "oi slutfaces" she said soaking us I pushed her to the ground and janeece pinned her as we fought again. the three of us were pulled a part by the army officers. we got stood against the truck as my mum came outside "oh great" I said to janeece as she spotted her too "where's the nearest hill I can run for" I said "where's Mr Clarkson" mum asked "i thought that you could tell me that" said one of the officers. "its a good job there was five of us ive seen some fights in my time but these three" he said to mum she looked over to us as I avoided eye contact and looked at the floor biting my nails. "im extremely disappointment more than embarrassed that you've had to sort this out, im really sorry" she said walking over to us "okay you three get inside" she said none of us moved "girls I said get inside" she said repeating herself I looked at janeece as we headed inside "well she didn't kill you yet" said janeece "please give her time" I said. as I noticed her following us.

we headed for the cooler and leaned against a desk as she followed us in "do you know how much we're paying this men to come see you" she asked none of us said a word "nothing, mr Clarkson asked them and they turned up their own time, their own money" she sad I rolled my eyes "please" said Michaela "something to say" mum asked Michaela "yeah, there not doing it for nothing, there doing it so kids will sign up that's what miss koreshi said" she said I took a step closer to janeece watching mums face as she got madder. oh boy. "did she now" "yeah and she said there brainwashing us and that we don't have to do it" "well, shes right about that you don't, you know what I don't think I want to take you three back out there even if you did want to continue" she said heading for the door "well miss" said Michaela mum turned around and looked at us "im sorry, its my fault" she said "too right" I mumbled "sorry janeece, sorry Sophie" she said to us "do you two want to continue" she asked "yeah" I said "yeah" said janeece "go on you two" she said to janeece and Michaela leading them outside "you sit down ill be back in a minute" she said to me leaving the room I let out a annoyed scream before kicking a desk and sitting down at the front. A couple of minutes later she came "whats this harsher punishment for the heads daughter "I asked "Sophie I don't know what to do with you at the moment" "why don't you kick me out on the street with the rest of the garbage we both know its what I deserve" "what no" "why did you do it, why did you have to leave me with him, I have those memories and no way of getting them out of my head" "your father, look there was no one else who would have you for three year" "aunt Karen" "you and I both know it wasn't a good idea bex had just went missing" "no bex went missing 6 months ago she just didn't want me,i just cant stop them the memories tell me what to do mum cause im scared , scared I might do something stupid" I said crying as she pulled me into her shoulder and I cried

After a few minutes she brung me back "sorry" I said to tom and the army officer ton soon pulled me aside "i though we had an agreement" he said "why do you care, you weren't even here" "i see great potential in you sophie and I don't like to see you waste it" he said "whatever" "you know whatever happened between us this is the end now, I cant deal with it I mean your just a child aren't you" he said walking off "and your an arse" I yelled after him

At the end of the day we did a pupils v.s teachers optical course I didn't feel to well but I went last and cheered ass Danielle, flick and Michaela went I was racing mr Lawson and I won, I guess being the fastest has its benefits now. I found Michaela at the ed of the day "hey Michaela I heard about your brother, im sorry" "thanks" she said "how about we put everything behind us" I said "sure" she said as I headed off to the office I sat in the chair feeling my eyes flutter shut "sophie, there you are" said my mum as she walked in the office "here I am"i said "me and eddie are heading out for a drink you okay to get something to eat" she asked "sure" I said

as I got home I decided I was going to get something to eat but I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and all that shouted out to me was fatty, so I headed off to bed.

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