Damn you finn

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Updated 22/3/17

I woke up feeling exhausted I was lying on toms chest he had his arm wrapped around my waist and was drawing patterns at the bottom of my back "what time did you come to bed last night?" he asked "after one, I was working on that stupid maths work half the night" I said "i woke up about twelve and you were still up" "hmm sorry baby" I said "did you have anything to eat last night" he asked "no" "soph doll, you need to eat you cant go on a relapse again, I spoke to your mum she told me if you relapse again it could kill you" "she had no right to tell you" "yes she did, you should of told me im your fiancée were suppose to tell each other everything" he said "im sorry baby, its just my anorexia its hard to talk about even with you, don't take it personally its really hard that's all" I said  he kissed me on the head "if you ever want to talk im here" he said "i know, but I think its you who needs to talk I know you tom, I know your worried about sam, you dont want her to feel as if you let her down given up on her, well you haven't we need to be strong for sam" I said "when you told me you were sick last year, I felt my heart smash I thought I was going to lose you and when you had your surgery I realised just how much I loved you and didn't want to lose you, to this disease and now sams got it but she cant fight it as its too advantaged, I feel useless" he said "but your not, you here by her side still and she'll appreciate that so much" I said 

when we got to school the school gates where locked mum drove up and go out of the car "does this mean we get to go home, mum?" I asked her "no sophie, it does not" she said as she unlocked the gates. we headed into school and I headed to first period, English with tom I sat at the back with vicki as her and Aiden made eye contact  "whats going on with you" I asked vicki "what do you mean" "what do I mean, I mean you and your best mates boyfriend making eyes at each other and considering that your suppose to be engaged to ronan, you shouldn't be doing that" "butt out" she said "sophie, vicki is there a problem" tom asked "no sir" Vicki said "look vick, keep away from aiden he made me hot but hes bad news I dotn want you to mess up what you have with ronan and your best mate over the likes for him" " theres nothing going on" she said "dont lie vick" "im not" " right sophie mason, you can move up here to the front by yourself since your incapable of keeping your mouth shut" tom said. I stood up and moved to the front as he handed me a book "you've never complained about it before" I said to him although no one heard "get on with your work  sophie" he said.

At lunch I found sam "when did you get in" I asked her "not too long ago, have you seen finn?" she asked "erm I think he and tom went to the canteen to cook or something" "and you didn't go" "sam come on you've tasted my cooking" I said "yeah your the only person I know who can burn beans" she said "shut up" I said as we ehaded to the hall "i hope your having something to eat" tom whispered in my ear standing behind me "yes, I am" I said As I got a plate of spaghetti. "soph, you need to talk to finn?" josh said "why me" I asked "because, believe it or not finn listens to you" he said "he dumped his dying girlfriend josh" "i know and you need to make him see sense" "fine" I said as I headed outside to find finn playing football "oi shakey I think we need a word" "what is it sophiekins" he asked "okay we've talked about that dont call em sophiekins and what are you playing at dumping sam" "people break up soph" "yes they do, but not when it comes to you and your irlfriend whos dying, look finn i know its hard being the boyfriend of the dying girl but she needs you now more than ever" i said as i headed back into school.

"we have to deal with that new girl" lauren said "ugh lauren" i said "okay fine, ill do it" she said "its not that lauren its just im feeling ill look ill stay with sam" i said as i headed to the common room and sat with sam "it will be okay" i told her "how do you know" she asked "i just do" i said. At the end of the day i found finn sitting outside of the school with his football "right, are we just sitting here moaping now" i said as i sat down next to him "no, we're going to see sam" he said standing up and helping me up before we headed off to sams.

"i was wondering if we could have a word" finn said to sam as he stood on the doorstep and i headed inside sitting next to josh "hey joshy" i said "pizza?" he asked handing me the box "my favourite" i said as i took a piece of pizza. "you feeling any better soph?" lauren asked me "not really, just feeling nauseous" i said "your not pregnant are you"amy said "can you imagine, josh having a little sibling who knew Clarkson had it in him" lauren said "shut up the lot of you" i said "yeah, give it a rest" josh said. Later on that night i went home and sat on my bed, i cant be pregnant not now its not the right time.

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