what are you doing here?

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Updates: 8/3/17

I have been staying with Max for about a week now, my mum needed her space so did I, we haven't talked about the incident as I like to call it and I can feel a strain forming between us. Getting ready for school I wore my skinny jeans, blouse and healed boots I had seemed to have misplaced my tie somewhere and I was getting very limited on clothes as most of mine were at home. Janeece came up to me and Max in registration "i said we'd look after Mika, you know with Chlo gone" she said "of course" I said "soph, where's your tie, Clarkson's going to kill you" said Max "he's not here so he wont" I said heading off to my next class. He wouldnt kill me, he loves me im his favourite pupil. Besides I wouldn't mind being punished by him. wait where did that come from?. French, ugh, I got to French in my usual spot with chlos seat next to me, empty. "Sophie mason, you have been here long enough to know the rules, about uniform, jeans are banded and where is your tie?" asked Miss Haydock "your guess is as good as mine, miss" I said as I looked out of the window my mind miles away "right off to Mr Lawson's office" "you what I haven't done anything" "now without the attitude" "stupid old bat" mumbled as I gathered my stuff and left the classroom.

I ditched French and didn't go to Mr Lawson's office At break I found Max and Janeece "aren't you meant to be in the cooler or something" Max asked "yeah, if I went to Lawson's office I would be" I said and they shuck their heads "your mad" Janeece said "why thank you" I said "you know Haydock will go mad right" Max asked "and" I said as the bell went  and was meant to be going to the enterprise thing inside of ICT I stood outside of the classroom with Max, Janeece when Mika came up to us "anyone fancy going into town?" asked Mika "sure" I said "Soph" said Janeece "what I need to get out of here and frankly im not in the mood to do any enterprise shit, especially after the week I've had" I said "cover for me" I said to Max "sure" she said "what do we say" asked Janeece "look the new head doesn't even know who I am, so dont say anything unless they ask just say I felt unwell and went for fresh air" I said as I left with Mika.

Not long after being in town I got a text off Maxine;

Max: The new head teacher asked where you were, its as if she knows you, soph she kind of looks like you its as if its your mum

Sophie: Don't be daft, my mum not a head teacher besides she would tell me

Max: your probably right I mean you would know

while in town Mika bought a bottle of vodka which we shared considering she's eighteen and im still fourteen being one of the youngest in my year "i should hate her" said Mika "she's your sister, you cant hate her forever" "I know she's your best friend" "i miss her too" I said to Mika as I grabbed the bottle of vodka necking half of the bottle "its my fault" said Mika "no its not" I said "it is I told her not to come home, so she left" "Mika, Chlo will come home, she got to" I said. I pulled out my phone I noticed that I had two missed calls from my mum, what could she possibly want in the middle of the school day. We headed back to school a few hours later. I had hid the empty bottle of vodka in my bag, I walked down the hall with Mika slightly falling into walls "Mika we need to hold it together, unless you want to get caught" I said when Mika spotted Brett "Mika leave it" I said as she walked into the classroom and grabbed one of Brett's newspaper articles and ripped it up before Mr Lawson escorted her out of the classroom that is when I noticed her, my mum was in the classroom "what the hell, are you doing here" I asked her "i happen to be your new headmistress" she said "you've got to be taking the piss" I said, suddenly I started to feel sick, really sick "excuse me Sophie Mason, how dare you speak to me like that" she said then I had thrown up on my mum "oops" I said as the rest of the class laughed "Oh my god, Sophie your officially dead" Maxine said as was escorted away to the office and placed on the sofa.

I lay on the sofa as I heard my mum and Mr Lawson talking "don't underestimate me in front of the pupils again" said mum "Mika lost her mum less than six months ago and she's Chlo Grainger's sister and Sophie is Chlos best friend she hasn't had a easy ride since starting here she's failing nearly every class apart from French" said Mr Lawson "i know who Sophie is, she's my daughter" said Mum she knelt down next to me and put a pillow under my head "Soph, what have you drank" she asked "vodka" I said and she sighed "come on we've all been there, you we'll alright baby you always our aren't you, my little fighter, my Soph"  "im so sorry" I said "hey, we all feel a bit better after we've been sick" she said "i cant believe what I've done" "hey we've all been there, you made a mistake, besides its not the first time you've been sick on me, I have good news" "that was different I was a baby, have you changed your mind about being head" "no, Chlos been found and you know your always going to be my baby" I sat up and looked at her "really" "yeah" she said pushing the hair out of my face.

After a while Mika left and I have sobered up "I'll see you at home" I said getting up to leave "no, you don't sit down we have to talk" said mum "about?" "i think we both know the answer to that Sophie" she said taking a seat next to me "why didn't you tell me" she asked I shrugged my shoulders "dunno, I guess I felt ashamed as if it were my fault I thought you would hate me, dad..he said you would because you wouldn't want a slut for a daughter and I was afraid, so afraid, I didn't want you to know, to blame yourself" "Soph, you need to understand something your not a slut, you have no reason to be ashamed anymore, no one is ever going to hurt you like that again" she said pulling me into a hug "thanks Mum, I love you" "i love you too darling" she said. I went outside to meet Mika, Max and Janeece who were waiting for Chlo, as we seen clarksons car come into the car park, Mika ran to the car and pulled Chlo into a hug "don't you ever do that again" I said to Chlo as I pulled her it a hug and I watched as she, Mika and Ton hugged a family hug I smirked at them.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now