A weekend away

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Edited 9/3/17
Mum woke me up at 6.45 "Sophie,come on you've got school" she said "no" i said pulling the duvet over my head "and what time did you get to bed last night?" she asked "eleven" "no, after you sneaked out " she said "about two" i said "well its your own fault, you had about four hours sleep, you'll learn in future wont you? now up" she said leaving the room while i attempted to get up. I got up and got dressed and headed downstairs fro breakfast "mum, have you seen my jumper" i asked as i pulled the cushions of the sofa in the living room "here"she called from the kitchen "you left it o the bench top last night" she said "thanks" i said taking it from her and putting it on. Heading to registration i lay with my head on the desk "Soph?" Max called sitting next to me "hmm" i said "i think someone was out late with her boyfriend last night" said Chlo "When are we going to meet the mystery guy" Max asked  "so tired, i didn't get in until two" i said lifting my head up of the desk and resting it against the wall "what were you two doing out so late" asked Max "There's no boyfriend I told you" i said  "as if I've see you, texting him the smile on your face" Max said "shut it Max" I said "let me guess, your mum wouldn't let you stay off" asked Chlo "you got that right" i said "here" said Maxine as she handed me an energy drink "your going to need that if your going to last all day" she said.

During drama class Chlo stormed out and me and Max made eye contact before i gestured to the door and we followed Chlo and we found her pacing in the girls toilets "Chlo" said Max "are you alright" i asked "i thought i was dealing with it all, but i cant" she said "damn you Donte" i said "you want him back" said Max "you cant let donte see that its bothering you" i said "what is it that obvious?" asked Chlo "duh" said Max "i miss him,i really miss him" said Chlo "what do i do?" asked Chlo "Donte hasn't seen you loved up yet, go out with someone else" said Max "yeah Max is right Chlo" "what about that guy from Collins office, he was up for it" said Max "hes texted me" she said "well text im back" i said "what have you got to loose" said Max "text him" said Max "i bet Donte not over you, he cant be your Chlo and Donte" i said "you were together to long" said Max, Just then the bell went.

At break we went outside but we couldn't go on the fields because of mikas environmental protests "Why dont we just drag them in kicking and screaming" Tom said to my mum and I smirked "Tom, you've got a lot to learn when it comes to laying down the law with teenage girls, that never worked with me ad it wont work for Mika, I should know having a teenager daughter myself" she said  "its dikran" said Chlo reading her text message "where" said Janeece. Max grabbed Chlo and turned her around to face the gates "is that him?" i asked "yeah" said Max "damn Chlo" i said "oh god,im in my uniform" said Chlo "looks like you've pulled Chlo" said Max as we pulled her towards him and left her to talk "should i pick you up at lunchtime" he asked her "where are we going" Chlo asked "its up to you, i was glad to get your text really, i'll see you then" he said before getting in his car. "Miss Mason ,can I have a word" Tom said to me and I smiled "sure" I said as I walked off with him "so I booked us a night in a hotel this weekend, are you able to get away" he said and I nodded "a hotel" "nothing like that I just thought we could have dinner, have a massage" he said and  I smiled "what if I wanted to" I said "Sophie, are you sure I mean its a big deal you haven't really...since you were abused" he said and I smiled "Tom I want my first time to me with you, yes its not my official first time but I want it to be with you, when I can consent to it" I said and he smiled

After 3rd period i walked into the toilets to find Chlo doing her make up "sorry, im late, Mr Lawson wanted to talk to me" i said leaning against the sink just as Celine walked in "ugh" i said as i noticed her "so how long have you been seeing Mr sports car, i want all the details and pin numbers" she said "you'll be lucky" i said as Janeece nudged me "Soph" "hes picking her up at lunch" said Max "its early days" said Chlo "and hes loaded" i said "hes taking her to lunch at that well posh restaurant in town" said Janeece "can we just drop it" asked Chlo. At lunch Chlo walked out of the toilets joining us in the hallway "wow" i said "Chlo you look mint" said Janeece, as i noticed Donte was looking over i smirked at him as we walked Chlo towards the gates for her date "its only lunch" said Max as she noticed Chlo looking uneasy "have fun" i said. We watched as Chlo drove off for her date "you fancy bunking off up a tree" asked Max "thought you'd never ask" said Janeece "why not" I said as we headed over to the protest.

I sat in front of the tree as Mr Lawson and Tom came up towards us "look most of you are in this for the skive, so don't get arrested for the sake of double maths" Mr Lawson said I glanced at Max and Janeece "Miss Mason says if you don't come down its exclusion" he said and I rolled my eyes "that includes you Sophie, whether or not your her daughter as well as a criminal record" Tom said and I stood up and went back into the school, I cant get another strike. At the end of the day, I found Tom sitting in his classroom rubbing his neck "hey" I said as I walked into the class shutting the door behind me  "hi" he said "heard you had a fall, you alright" I asked him and he smiled yeah" he said "come here" he said to me and I walked over to him and he pulled me towards him pulling me into a hug.

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