'Your my teacher'

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Edited 8/3/17
Mum dropped me off as usual "I'll see you later" said mum "yeah" I said as I walked over to Bolton and his mates who were breaking dancing "Bolton" I shouted from over by the tree that I was standing at "you alright babe" he said as he leaned in to kiss me "yeah" I said smiling at him, when I noticed Chlo, Mika and Mr Clarkson "look ill catch you up I need to see Chlo about something" I said and he nodded as I ran off and caught up with Chlo "just ignore her Tom" I heard Chlo say "hey" I said and chlo turned round and faced me "soph, hey" she said as we walked off down the hall "what's going on" I asked "Mika found Tom in bed with Miss Shackleton, things are awkward at home" Chlo said and I felt my heart drop, he slept with her "Soph, you okay" Chlo asked me "yeah" "you seem upset" "i think I need to break up with Bolton" I said and she frowned at me "how come" "its not fair to him, I don't like him as much as I thought I did" I said and she nodded "its only fair" she said.

At break I was walking down the hall, when I was pulled aside by Mr Clarkson "a word Sophie Mason" he said to me and I rolled my eyes as I followed him into his classroom and shut the door. He walked over to me placing his hands on my hip and pulled me towards him "you okay" he asked me "no...im going to break up will Bolton" I said and he frowned at me "i thought we agreed" he said "we did, but I don't think its fair that I play with his feelings besides you slept with Davina so..." "Sophie, im sorry it sort of happened" "what did you trip and your clothes fell off and you ended up on top of her" I asked and he sighed "I don't know what I was thinking, thinking that something could happen between us, I mean your my teacher for crying out loud, its not as if we were end up getting married and having children...I was stupid to think that we could have something serious"  I said as I went to walk out of the room when he grabbed my arm, I turned to face him and he put a hand on my cheek "im sorry" he said as he leaned in and kissed me he pushed me up against the wall and I wrapped my arm around his neck as he stood between my legs kissing me, with everything that he had, as if his life depended on it. I pulled away and walked to the door "that shouldn't of happened" I said "i didn't see you try and stop me im pretty sure you kissed me back" he said and I sighed and walked off.

I walked off and sat in the common room I need to get my head together. I ran my fingers through my hair "aren't you mean to be in class" Bolton asked me as he sat down next to me "i am, im thinking" I said "dangerous stuff" he said and I rolled my eyes "i think we need to talk" I said and he looked at me "i don't like the sound of that" he said and I sighed "your a great guy Bolton" I said and he frowned "i hope that this isn't the break up speech" he said "im sorry, but I think that were better off as friends I mean...I don't feel the way you feel about me" I said and he placed a hand on my cheek "Soph, its fine don't worry about it, mates" he said and I nodded "mates" 

At the end of lunch i was heading down the hall when i seen Mr Lawson talking to someone "new friend, Mr Lawson" i asked "ah Sophie Mason, the wanderer returns is there something more important than my maths lesson" "actually sir, i could think of several things" i said "well i would think that you would be in maths getting all the help you need" "sorry sir, I was with Mr Clarkson he wanted to speak to me" i said "really, he didn't say anything" "ask him if you don't believe me" "i will" he said as  i said walked off "sir, i think your friends waiting for you" i said pointing down the corridor to the man who i had spotted earlier "that's Michaela Whites dad, no friend Michaela has accused Miss Koreshi of punching her" he said "you what" i said as he walked off and i turned round to find her.I found Michaela with her crew by the lockers "shouldn't you be in class?" i asked her "shouldn't you" "please,i have better things to do" i said "yeah, like what" "sorting out lying like tramps" i said "you talking about me" she asked walking over to me and pushing me "ah so you admit your lying" i said pushing her back so she hit the lockers "scram" i said to her crew "Koreshi had it coming, she should of minded her own business" "what, find you bullying a year seven again did she" "none of your business""ive warned you before, this is my school and i dont like bullies" "you calling me a bully" "yeah, i am" she threw a punch a me and i threw one back before grabbing her hair and pushing her to the floor i went to walk away as she grabbed my leg pulling me to the floor and as i fell i hit my head against the tile floor "shit" i said as i felt the blood oozing down my face. This time i jumped on her knocking her back as a crowd surrounded us chanting "fight, fight, fight" i was pulled off of her by Mr Lawson as Mr Clarkson held micheala "Miss Masons office now" said Mr Lawson. I held eye contact with Mr Clarkson before i picked up my bag before heading towards the office.

As we got to the office Mr Lawson went into the office first "Rachel, we have a problem" he said opening the door for us to walk in Michaela walked into the office and i stood outside the office "now Sophie" said Mr Lawson sighing i walked into the office i looked at my mum as she spotted me, i could see the flicker in her eyes as it went from mad to concern when she seen the state i was in. "sit down, both of you" she yelled. Shits about to go down, when she yelled you knew you were in trouble. We sat down at the table in her office "what happened?" she asked "shes a two faced liar" i said "shes a bloody psychopath" said Michaela "you what" i said standing up to go for her when my Mum grabbed my arms restraining me "keep her away from me, no one knows what shes got" said Michaela "whats that meant to me" "everyone knows what you did to that baby, i mean you probably have aids or something and gave it to the baby which killed it" "dont you dare mention my baby" i said running for her again until my Mum grabbed me around the waist and threw me onto one of the sofas in the office "cooler Micheala now" shouted mum.

"I thought we talked about this behaviour Sophie" asked mum i shrugged my shoulders "look at the state of you"she said as she sat down next to me and pulled my head towards her "its fine" i said "your head is bleeding Sophie" she said standing up and walking over to the cupboard taking out the first aid kit and sitting back down next to me "this may sting a bit" she said as she applied the antiseptic to my head" "son of a bitch" i said pulling away "stay still" she said. After ten minutes when she had cleaned me up she took a seat next to me "You are stubborn" she said "wonder who I take after" I said and she smirked.I got home later that night and after making pasta for tea and doing homework, i found a bottle of my mums wines and took it upstairs to bed with me.

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