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Updated 22/3/17

I tied my dirty blonde hair up into a pony tail as Eddie walked into my room "you already for school?" he asked "just about" I said as I grabbed my bag and packed it with the books that I needed for todays lessons "look I know it's weird with your mum out of town, but its just me and you" Eddie said "come on Eddie its not like its the first time its been us two" I said as I headed out of my room and into the car.

Eddie dropped me off at school "so ill see you third period" he said "yeah" I said as I headed into the school. I headed to the library to catch up on some coursework and sat next to josh "alright curly" I said as I sat down next to him "shorty" he said "just cause im short it doesn't mean you have to take the mick" I said just as tom walked in "josh" he said josh looked up at him as I focused on my Spanish essay "look im cool with you and nate okay, he can come round tonight me and Sophie have a date" he said walking over to me and massaging my shoulders "we do?" I asked "yes we do, come round to ours after school and we'll go out" he said before kissing me on the cheek "okay gross" josh said "shut it" I said "i cant help it josh if your old mans still got it" he said "that he has" I mumbled as he headed out of the library.

"are you okay" I asked tom at break he was pacing around the classroom he seen me and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug "i heard about you and nates dad are you okay" I asked "im fine...he seemed to blame it all on me" "what" "he didn't know his son was gay and apparently as a teacher I shouldn't be encouraging it" "that's a load of bull, your standing by your son unlike him hes treating his son like an alien" I said. I headed to Spanish and handed by essay in "well sophie lets see if you got higher than a C this time" she said "maybe" I said "look I know you can get an A if you try French and Spanish are pretty similar in their own ways, I know you can do it sophie if you put the effort in" she said "i will miss" I said as I headed to my next lesson.

I found aunt Karen sitting in the office starring into space "whats up?" I asked her "its bex, shes lying to me" she said I took a seat next to her "she is a teenage girl we tend to that" I said "theres something going on I know it" she said "yeah I know""sophie can you talk to her, maybe she'll listen to you" "i don't know ive tried before and it hasn't gotten me anywhere bex..shes stubborn" "as are you, just like your mother when she was your age" "my mum was pregnant when she was my age" "yes but she was stubborn our parents wanted her to have an abortion or give you up for adoption or they would disown her but she was that stubborn she was adamant she was keeping you" she said I smiled at the thought knowing what my mother was like "that sounds about right" "id just had bex and was pregnant with jess not long after she got pregnant but it was because she wasn't married and I was that was the big issue with them but she had you and she was an amazing mum that's how I knew she made the right chose even if it cost her ,her parents I know she would give anything for you" she said "do you know much about him, Michael" I asked "Michael, yes they were together at fourteen until they were seventeen they wanted different things so they broke up I always thought he was your dad know him" "mum doesn't know she always thought him because it was the last person she slept with but that's not always the way" I said.  "yes" "do you remember his name "i asked "Michael Byrne yes Michael bryne why do you ask" "just curious" I said "i better get back to class I'll try and speak to bex okay" "thanks Sophie" she said.

After school I went around to toms and josh answered the door "your dad in" I asked him "no, he said that he'd be back soon" josh said "okay" I sat in toms as the doorbell rang and I answered it to see miss Montoya with a beaten tom "my god what happened" I said "he wouldn't let me take him to hospital" she said "im alright soph, honestly" he said as we sat him inside "your father is a lunatic" miss Montoya said to Nate I went into the bathroom and found a first aid kit and brought it down "this might hurt a bit" I said as I applied the antiseptic to his face he flinched and pulled away from me "i told you it would" I said as I pulled his face to me and carried on cleaning him up. "he wont get away with this" josh said "too right" I said "this wasn't the romantic date I had in mind" tom said "its not your fault, besides I don't mind taking care of you" I said he broke down crying minutes after "its okay im here" I said as I pulled him into my chest and he cried "im sorry" I said "don't blame yourself" he said. As I held him in my arms.

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