A breakdown

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Updated 22/3/17

I headed downstairs with food on my mind I was so hungry, when I got to the fridge all I could see in the fridge is an orange and half a pint of milk, really?. I picked up my bag off the counter and left to go to jess's and bexs when I got there I let myself in with the key I had "hey" I said once I walked into the kitchen "Sophie, what are you doing here?" aunt Karen asked "you don't mind do you, there's no food in the house and mum went off to a early meeting" I said as I grabbed a bowl of cereal "of course not, your always welcome here" she said "if anyone wants a lift im leaving in five minutes" Karen said as we headed out to the car.

I stood out in the yard playing on my phone as I noticed a familiar car drive up, tom. I walked over to him "you ready for your first day back?" I asked him "i am more than ready to come back to work soph, okay" he said "okay if your sure, look ill catch you with you later" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. As I noticed Sam "Sam" I said as I ran over to her and hugged her "its about time" I said "look who it is" Finn said as he started to make his way over to us "did they let you out early, good behaviour or something" he asked "no, I could of come back anytime I wanted" she said "why now did you miss me" he asked "who'd miss you" I said as he glared at me and throw the football he was holding at me which I caught "nice try sharkey" I said "came back to keep Denzel out of trouble" Sam said "your always having a go you, it cant be as bad as what you get up too" Denzel said "right, well things around here are a lot different round you now, if you miss me in class you can always catch up at break" Finn said "im sure she'll manage without your company" I said as we walked away leaving him smirking to himself.

I walked into toms classroom as he was taking chairs off the desks "hey" I said as I closed the door behind me "your overly keen" he said "yeah, because I came here for registration didn't I" I said "what is it" he asked "i came to see how you are, you haven't been answering my calls" I said "im sorry soph I just couldn't face talking to you when I was so down" he said "look I don't care alright your my fiancée and im here don't shut me out tom" "im not" "tom I.." there was a knock at the door and in walked my mum "Sophie, I was wondering if I could have a word with Mr Clarkson" she said I stood up from the desk I was sitting on "will talk later yeah" I said to tom as he nodded and I headed to the door "oh mum" "yes" she said "we need food in the house there's like nothing in" I said "right ill sort it" she said. "have you seen this" sam asked me at break pointing to the notice board "business, for boys" I said "why boys" said sam "that's a god question, why don't we get a chance to do this" she asked "its just something to keep the boys happy" amy said "so what if it is, its special treatment" I said "why don't we do a business idea " sam asked "good idea, though your going ot have to count me out I have a essay due in the end of the day which I haven't started yet" I said as I headed to the library and started o the essay for mr mead.

I sat in the library  when bex came and sat next to me "there you are, aren't you suppose to be in Spanish" she asked "yeah but I need to hand this essay in by the end of the day or ill fail" I said "how many lessons have you missed" she asked "three" I said "your mum will kill you" she said "please, it wont be the first time besides its not as if im skivving im doing work" I said as I rubbed my forehead. I had just finished my essay when josh came running in he library "soph?" he said running over to me "josh whats up" I asked him "its my dad, hes lost it hes in miss masons office" I nodded "watch my stuff" I said as I ran out of the library and up the stairs to the office that is not a easy run especially in heels. I got to the office to see him pacing "sophie what are you doing here" my mum asked him I ignored her and walked over to tom and put my hands on his shoulders "its okay baby im here" I said as hr feel to his knees and rested his head in my chest and began to cry I held him wrapped my arms around him and let him cry as I knew that's what he needed at that moment in time.

At the end of the day tom stormed out of the school "are you okay" I asked him as we headed over to the car "what does it look like" he spat at me. I looked at him "soph, don't look at me like that" he said as he got into the car I got into the passengers seat next to him "there sending me to counceiling" he said "that's good right" I said "if you say so" "tom, you were attacked don't act as if it weren't a big deal its not as if we thik your weak or anything you just need some help" "why cant everyone expect that I just want to forget about it and move on" "because you can't why do you think you need councelling, look baby you aren't the first person whos had to go to councelling ive been I had to talk about my abuse and what he did to me, do you think that was easy do you?" I yelled at him "soph" he said putting his hand on my cheek and wiping away the tears that I wasn't aware I had cried "i had to go with my anorexia I refused the first time then I relapsed and my mum forced me to go and you know what im glad see did, because if she didn't I would probably we dead now" "dot say that" he said "but  its true tom, that's how bad I was"  I said "well I don't have ay choice in the matter and either go or I don't have a job" he said as he started the car and drove away.

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