The trial

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Updated 21/3/17

I knew what today was it was the day of Lindsey's trial, and I couldn't be that brave and say in court what he did to me, like shes going to. I sat at the dining room table as my mum walked in "your up early" she said as she took a seat next to me. I had a cup of coffee in my hand " I couldn't sleep" I said "you know what today is" she asked I nodded my head "i just keep thinking, I mean what must she be going through I know that I couldn't do it" I said "your thinking of your father, you and her are two completely different situations" she said "not really, I.. mean be were both abused at the hands of our fathers even if mine didn't do it he was the one responsible" I said there as silence between us "do you know what I keep thinking, I think if I could only of been brave enough to tell you as soon as you came back from Africa, or maybe if I wasn't such a brat and came with you to Africa it wouldn't of happened" I said "soph, we've talked about this blaming yourself he was a grown man who should of took responsibility for his actions not you, you are not to blame with this, I left you with him because I thought you would be safe, I thought it would be a chance to get to know your father after all you never met him and I thought you should, if its anyone's fault its mine" said mum "mum no don't say that. You see why I couldn't tell you I thought you would blame yourself and I couldn't deal with that" I said "the trial im not going for going for you too" "what..i..I wanted to kill him when I found out and we don't know what happened in that house that morning maybe her mum killed him to protect Lindsey like I nearly did, all you need to know is id do anything for you soph" she said "i should get ready for school" I said getting up and heading upstairs.

Mum dropped me off at school and I noticed Emily and Lindsey, I gave Lindsey a reassuring smile before I headed off to registration "soph, hold up" said my mum running after me "what, I didn't do anything" I said "well no, its about that ermm Mr Tyler is in charge today so if you would can you try and behave yourself today I cant have you giving max Tyler another reason to try and get me out of here" she said "mum.." "Sophie I know you don't like him" "that's an understatement" I said "Sophie" "okay" I said as i went off to registration and met up with Michaela "so you want to go off to the trial and see that nutters mum get sent do" she said "Michaela don't be mean" I said "come on soph I don't know why your sticking up for her after everything" "we're more similar than you know" I said "so the trial" she asked "fine" I said

After registration I left with Michaela and we headed to court "what court is it" Michaela asked "crown court Manchester isn't it" I said once we got to court ros came running after "ditch the tie" I said "why" she asked "i don't want to be kicked out cause of you" I said leading the way into court and heading into the court room and listening to the details of his dads death "told you this would be better than the tele" said Michaela "Michaela" I said shocked. I sat listening to her mum as Lindsey came in after taking the stand. out of the corner of my eye I seen my mum walking into the room she spotted the three of us and I avoided eye contact with her "great idea, Michaela" I said to her "i didn't know that she would be able to come in" "if were able to sit in on the trail, what makes you think she cant" said ros "exactly" I said.

Soon a break was took when my mum came over to us "oh boy" I said "i don't know what you three were thinking coming here" mum said to us "neither do I" I said "i thought it would be a laugh, I feel awful" said Michaela "its a awful situation but you need to get yourself back to school" she said to us. I found myself pacing outside of a corridor I had lost Michaela and ros. I couldn't face going back to school not now. My mum found me pacing in the corridor "Sophie, I thought I told you to head back to school" she said "i know, I couldn't face it" I said "come on" she said heading back to the court room and taking a seat, I took a seat next to her as Lindsey returned to the court room I was shaking when my mum took my hand "are you sure, you an handle this" mum whispered to me "im fine" I said. Lindsey confessed to the court about the true events of that day "she killed him" I said to my mum I watched as she cried and ran to her mum who was behind the glass I could feel the tears running down my face and I buried my head in my mums neck as she stroked my hair "its okay" she said "no, its not, not for Lindsey" I said.

At the end of the trial I walked out to see Lindsey being put into a police car the three of us, Michaela, ros and I ran up to her "its not fair she shouldn't have to go jail" I said to my mum "i know, look the three of you get back to school, okay" she said as she climbed into the back of a police car with Lindsey and we headed back to school in silence. as we got back to school Michaela and ros went to their lesson while I sat outside on the bench in the art and flower garden just thinking. The end of the school bell went and I still sat on the bench when I noticed the familiar car of my mums. she noticed me and called for me but I was not paying attention when she came and sat next to me "ive been calling you" she said "sorry" I said as she took a seat next to me "okay talk to me, stop isolating yourself from me" she said "what's going to happen to Lindsey" I asked "shes been charged" "so she's going to go to jail" I asked "yes" there was silence between us "do you remember that day, you found me and my father arguing" "yes" "i was heading to the kitchen, I wanted him gone if you hadn't of walked in what could of happened" I said "soph, the fact is you didn't do it, you may of wanted to kill him but you didn't" "only cause you walked in" "well yes, but who says if I hadn't of walked in you would of actually done it, we don't know" "you didn't know the anger I felt when I seen him smug as ever, you know what im like when im angry I just wanted to wipe that smug smile of his face" I said "soph, stop it I know you, you wouldn't of" she said. "its not fair, yes she killed him but she was standing up to him, protecting her sister, herself and yet she gets punished" I said "i know, ive got to see mr tyler" she said "right, ill see you at home" I said standing up and slowly walked home.

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