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Updated 22/3/17

I walked down the stairs to hear whispering by eddie and mum "you need to tell her rach" eddie said "i cant she'll hate me and I cant bear the thought of that" mum said "she has the right to know""i know she does, its my fault she got abused eddie I left her with him and I..i just don't know" she said I walked into the kitchen and it went quiet "Whats going on" I asked they both looked at each other and said nothing "nothing darling, why don't you get some breakfast" eddie said I nodded and got some toast and sat down theres something going on here and I don't like it.

"why did I have to come in for your early meetings" I asked "because you haven't got time to sit around when your doing your a-levels" "please, im up to date with them" I said as we walked into the school "even English" she said "fine, im a bit behind okay" I said "well then you can catch up on work while I go to this meeting" she said heading to the staff room and I headed to the common room. I headed to first period PSHE where we had a drug awareness class I sat with Finn who was messing about "Finn, I heard you ask my Jessica out" I said to him he smirked "yes I did sophiekins" he said "i thought I told you not to call me that Finley" I said. I found sam at break wandering the hallway "sam, whats up" i asked "amy shes got drugs" she said "she what" "drugs her and lauren are going to do it tonight" "sam you have to tell someone" "i cant, look why don't you" "what tell my mum you mean yes that will be interesting ill be sophie mason the school snitch who grasses up to mummy, I don't think so Sambuca Kelly" I said.

"sophie mason miss mason would like to see you" mr mead said from a long the corridor sighing I walked down the corridor to the office "you wanted to see me" I said walking in the office I spotted sam sitting there "whats going on" I asked her "sit down sophie" she said reluctantly I took a seat next to sam  "drugs, sophie" "what are you going on about" I asked "amy porter has been in to see me, she seen you two with drugs these morning" "its a lie miss" sam said "exactly I don't do drugs, I thought you knew me well enough to know that" I said angrily "hand me your bag" she said "what" "if your not doing drugs then hand me your bag she said I couldn't hand her my bag I had leaflets on blood disorders in their "go to hell" I said as I stormed out of the office and a long the corridor. I found harry at break "alright short stuff" I said to him "yeah" he said as he walked away from me that was weird. I spotted lauren standing at the bottom of the stairs "you must be sick in  the head or something" I said to her "hey, what are you on about"  "sam is suppose to be your best friend and you grass her up framing her for drugs just to impress amy porter" I said "its not like that" "yeah well what is it like cause sam could be excluded over this, police could be involved is that really what you want" " no" " or how about involving me in this I should give you a good slap for that" I said "im sorry" she said "well act it" I said storming off.

At the end of the day I found sam "im leaving, im done with this place" she said "sam, you cant" "why not, the one time I needed lauren she let me down" she said crying and walking off with her mum that's it, I found lauren "you stupid cow" I said pushing her up against the locker "what I just told the truth" "the truth you wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bite you, and know you probably lost your only best friend next one" I said tom came up around the corner and seen me pinning lauren to a locker "cooler now" he said I rolled my eyes before heading to the cooler with tom on my tail. I dropped my back on the floor and started pacing to calm myself down. "what the hell happened back there sophie" tom asked me "what happened, what happened is that I was sticking up for a mate unlike lauren" "what are you on about" "sam, she was framed by lauren and amy" I said he walked over tom and placed his hands on my shoulders "you need to calm down" he said I looked up at him and kissed him wrapping my arms around his shoulders he kissed me back before leaning me over the table until my back made contact with it I moved my hands slightly so I could undo his tie and buttons of his shirt "sophie, are you sure I mean here at school" he said I smirked at him "just close the blinds and lock the door" I said as he did before heading over to me ad undoing the buttons of my jeans.

we sat on the floor he had his arms and legs wrapped around me as I rested my head on his chest "that's one way to discipline me sir" I said smirking "that it is miss mason maybe you need disciplined more often" he said "i missed this" I said "so do I" "we should get going" I said getting up and getting dressed "yeah" he said "have you seen my bra" I asked he smirked at me "the last time I saw it, it was being thrown over my shoulder" he said "funny" I said as I picked up my bra from the floor "ive got to go" I said "don't" he said grabbing not onto my hand "tom" "please don't" "i have to my mum will be looking for me" I said as I picked up my bag and headed to the door "i love you" "i love you too" I said "marry me?" he said I froze in spot did he just ask what I think he did I turned around to look at him "what did you just say" he got down on one knee "marry me soph, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you" he said "I.."

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