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Updated 22/3/17

I sat in my dressing room at work checking my phone no calls, no texts, nothing. I was hoping that tom would of text me but why would he especially when im a bitch to him, he'll see soon that I was doing it for him I mean he doesn't want to be with a sick girl its bad enough the age difference he doesn't want to be with me when im ill, its all related to my brain tumour that I had when I was little I have a blood disorder that needs treating with expensive medication and taking this degrading job is the only way to help. I don't want to bother Karen with this or tell my mum and least of all tom, im scared, terrified hopefully this disorder goes away soon before anyone notices im ill.

I got back from work late last night and sneaked in it was about half 4 by the time I got to bed. when I got up and got dressed headed for school. I had a free first period and watched as the boys train, my favourite hobby I caught eye contact with tom and we starred at each other for a few minutes before he broke eye contact and paid his attention back to the match. At break I stood in the hall with Lauren "so how's it going with you and Clarkson junior" I asked her "good, he's coming round to mine tonight" "oh" "i think its the night" "well it will be better than my night, its bex birthday and that means family time, so I have to make myself scarce" I said "it must be hard, feeling the spare part when's mason back" "later this week" I said looking over we saw josh and Finn fighting "what's going on with them, there best friends" I said Lauren ran over to them trying to separate them.

I sat in fourth period with Sam when she showed me a text "what, josh kissed Finn" I said as Lauren walked in oh boy I bet she doesn't know. I sat down in class everyone was starring at josh when Amy and Sam started to tease him before he stormed out of the classroom "nice one" I said to Sam and Amy who hung their heads in shame. "GET ON WITH YOUR WORK" tom shouted as we all went quiet and got on with our work. At the end of the lesson we all got up to leave the class in silence "Sophie, Mrs fisher would like to see you in her office at the end of lunch" he said "of course, sir" I said before walking off and sneaking out of the gates at lunch.  I headed to work for an hours shift, I needed all the money I needed. when I got back to school the bell for registration had just gone and I walked into the office to see janeece "hey" I said to her "your late, sophie mason you were never one for organisation" she said "cheeky" "ill tell mrs fisher your here, your going to love this" she said as she went into the office a few minutes later, I walked into the office "you wanted to see me" I said walking into the office and not really paying attention "yes I did" said a familiar voice, mum "mummy,your back" I said as I ran to her and hugged her "mummy? god that goes back some years and yes we are" she said "ill leave you alone" Karen said leaving the office. "i thought you werent back until the weekend" I said "we caught a earlier flight, we came to surprise you" she said "so can I go home" I asked her "yes" "is eddie with you" "yes I am" came a voice from behind "hey eddie" I said turning round and hugging him "im sorry I missed your birthday" mum said "don't worry about it" I said "look im going to make it up to you" she said "now, back to class" eddie said as I headed off to my next class,

At the end of the day I walked home and when I got there I found eddie and mum messing around in the kitchen "hey" I said walking into the house "sophie, are you glad to be home" eddie asked me "yes" "eddie brought your stuff home, there in your room" mum said "theres something I...never mind actually" "what is it" mum asked "nothing, really" I said she looked at me unsure and nodded her head "okay, as long as your sure" she said and handed me a box "whats this" I asked "well, don't think we'd forget your birthday do you, open it up" eddie said. I opened the box up to find a pair of heeled boots "yours I thought instead of stealing mine and wearing those nike trainers to school, theres a new pair" mum said "thank you" I said "tea, will be ready in a bit why don't you get on with your homework" eddie said. I headed upstairs and lay on my bed. its good to be home.

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