I love you

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Update 21/3/17
I walked back into the kitchen to find eddie and mum sitting around the kitchen table "morning sophie" eddie said with a cup of coffee in his hand "morning" I said as I sat down at the table "we wanted to talk to you" mum said "isnt that what were doing" I said "no seriously sophie" "okay, what happened with Melissa" I asked. The two of them went quiet "mum?" I said "the baby wasn't mine, you were right sophie" eddie said "are you sure" I asked "very, she said she was five months pregnant when she came to the school in july that means she should of had the baby in novemeber, well it turns out she was only 3 months pregnant at the time, im not the father as we weren't together then" eddie said "the lying cow" I said "yes,what we wanted to talk about your mum and I is..erm" he said "how would you feel if eddie moved in" mum asked "your practically here every night, so you may as well although have you asked Philip" I asked "phil, wont mind he loved eddie" mum said.

I got to school and found Amy flirting with a new boy "the sluts back" amy said to me "you what" I said as I threw myself towards her "everyone knows about tyler and you, slag" she said and I jumped for her before Eddie grabbed me from around the waist "Sophie, no" he said pulling me away from her "she's asking for it" I said "come on, your coming with me to my office" mum said dragging me into the building "how come im being punished" I asked "im not punishing you, im keeping you here until you calm down" she said "yeah looks that way" "sophie its the first day of term don't start its not even 9.00" she said "what about amy, she gets away scot free" I asked "no, eddie is having a word with her now sit down and do your work, you have a free first right?" she asked "yeah" "well your not going anywhere until second period" she said.

Second period I skipped the lesson and headed into town, I was walking out of the school gates as a white van drove past me and then as a familiar blue car drove past me stopping 50ft in front of me and mum got out "sophie in the car" she yelled as I rolled my eyes at her and climbed in the cars she drove off "where are we going" I asked as she speeded up the highway "after the man in the white van hes kidnapped his daughter" she said "and your taking me because.." "because my sixteen year old daughter cant even stay in school for two hours before sneaking off, so this way I can know where you are" she said "and we'll talk about you skipping school later" she said as she drove up to an abandoned field "wait here" she said as she got out of the car and walked through the field towards a caravan.

A few hours later I was still sat here and I got out of the car as the police came, I ran up to the caravan "mum" I screamed as she came running out of the caravan before it blew up I screamed jumping back and falling on to the ground "sophie I told you to wait in the car" "you've been gone ages" I said "if you gotten any closer" "your one to talk what is it with you and fire" I shouted at her as she stood watching the caravan burn "you could of died, and then what would of happened to me" I said "im sorry" she said taking my hand and leading me to the car and driving back to school in silence.

once we got back to school we headed straight to the office I sat down in a chair not saying anything as mum sat down next to me, looking as if she would cry "you really need to stop putting your life in danger" I said to her "i know im sorry soph" she said shuffling closer to me and resting her head on my shoulder. Eddie came into the office not long after "so are we going home" he asked and he seen noticed us sitting in the office "is everything okay" he asked as soon as miss Campbell and mr mead came into the office with a bottle of wine  "i have something to do ill meet up with you later" I said walking out of the office down the corridor to English where I found tom sitting in the classroom marking work "ah sophie, are you here to explain where you were period four" he asked "no, actually I wanted to talk about us?" "sophie, there is no us" "i know that and as much as it hurts me to hear that, I wanted to tell you that I love you, I love you so much tom and I know you don't feel the same but if you ever wanted to give us another go ill be waiting for you, unless you cant see past the max tyler thing" I said as I headed for the door and met up with my mum and eddie "you okay" eddie asked "yeah just...can we go home" I asked "sure, come on" mum said.

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