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Updated 21/3/17

I woke up and headed to the kitchen to find magazines spread out all over the place "my god it looks as if bridezilla is in town" I said as I tred to find a seat at the table mum slapped me on the arm "ouch that hurt" I said "im no bridezilla I just want it perfect" she said "mum, it will be look you love eddie and he loves you, it doesn't matter about the cake, the dress or where you get married all that matters is that the two of you are sharing your love with each other" I said "yeah your right, get some breakfast" she said I headed to the fridge and pulled out some eggs.

Once I got to school I headed to chemistry running late "shit" I said to myself running through the corridor and into the lab "sorry im late sir" I said sitting next to sam "Sophie mason that's the third time this week your late and its only Wednesday, ill be speaking to miss mason" he said "suit yourself" I said mumbling as I put on a pair of googles "don't I look sexy" I said to Sam "totally suit you soph" she said laughing as we got on with the experiment and Lauren and josh flirted. "oi oi loves young dream" I said to sam

At break we headed to the jumble sale and I handed lauren a top "here try this on, josh will like it" I said to her smirking "shut up soph" she said heading to try on the top. I stood with sam looking through some racks of clothes while Aleesha and Danielle argued over a pair of shorts and knocked over a changing booth, the one that lauren was in she had a huge burn on her back. she froze on the spot knowing to well everyone was starring at her everyone started to laugh and point at her while lauren broke down in tears running away "soph, maybe you can talk to her" sam said to me "why me" I said "look you have that burn, if anyone can understand then its you" sam said "I..i don't know" I said to sam before heading to English with sam I sat next to sam as lauren walked in late "she looks awful" sam said to me "i know" I said watching her. I watched as lauren made a speech which tom thought was about some monster but everyone else knew it was about herself "poor lauren" I said as she stormed out with sam running after her "lauren wait"  sam called running after her.

Lunch soon came around and I walked into the hall to find no food "what the?" I said "food will be out in a minute, no take a seat and id like the teachers not to sit together" said adam before we all sat down and my mum just had to sit next to me "you could of sat at any other table" I said to her "well this way I can see if your eating" she said as I rolled my eyes and soon food was served. I starred at the plate in front of me "this is too much" I said to my mum she put a reassuring hand on my back "try and eat half" she said.

I sat in art as tom and mr mead came into the class looking for lauren "come on sam, we need to find her" I said as we stormed off to find lauren "where do you think she is" I asked her "i dont know" said sam. we heard a scream and ran into the changing room with tom "go get miss mason" he said to sam as she ran off I stood looking at sam as I rubbed the burn on my neck "you okay" sam asked me "it doesn't matter, its about lauren" I said. At the end of the day I headed to the office to find my mum "you wanted to see me" I asked her "yes, take a seat" she said "am I in trouble" I asked "no, I wanted to see how you are, after today with lauren" she asked "im fine" I said rubbing my scar "soph, I know you've thought about trying to get rid of your burn but we're stuck with them" she said "i know" I said. A knock came at the door and in walked eddie "ah eddie perfect timing" mum said "whats going on" I asked eddie took a seat next to me "eddie and I have been talking and eddie, well how would you feel about him adopting you" said mum "for real" I asked looking at eddie"yeah I haven't got any children.....well none I see and we're going to be family and you didn't really have a father growing up and I thought I could make up for it, I know im not your real dad but" "but your miles better than the real one" I said hugging him "is that a yes" he asked "definatly" I said "do I have to call you dad now" I asked "if you want" he said "i don't know how I feel about that" I said "well its up to you" mum said "yeah, looks its getting late we should head home" eddie said as the three of us headed home.

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