Such an awkward situation

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Edited 8/3/17

Arriving at school I stood by the bins as Bolton ran over "soph?" he shouted "hey Bolton" I said as he pulled me into a hug "i wanted to ask you something" he said "ask ahead" he went into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a ring box "whoa, Bolton what" I said "what, no I didn't want to ask you that i wanted to ask if you would be my girlfriend? I know that we said we wanted to be friends but I feel something between us,don't you" he asking handing me the box "of course" I said I opened the ring box to find a purple ring " its beautiful" I said "you like it, I had 'B+S' engraved on it as well" "i love it" I said. As I walked down into school with Bolton, we held hands when we noticed miss shackleton storming out of a classroom with Mr Clarkson behind "lovers tiff" Bolton said "don't be daft there not a couple" I said though who was I trying to convince him or me "shouldn't you two be in class" Mr Clarkson yelled "yes sir" we said as we walked off.

After first period I found Bolton with Paul "hey bolt" I said he smiled at me before walking over to me and kissing me and pressing me up against the wall "put my daughter down will you smilie, she's a girl not a piece of meat" said mum as she walked past "sorry, miss" he said "shouldn't you be in class, both of you" she shouted back down the hallway "she's right, we should go" said Bolton "she's acting strange, she would usually send one of us to the cooler now she's just telling us to stop, somethings up" I said "yeah, your right what do you think it is" he asked " I don't know but I'll speak to her at the end of the day" I said before heading off to English with Mr Clarkson, neither of us had spoken since...since parents evening and the kiss "Sophie Mason your late see me after class" he said and I sighed "yes sir, sorry sir" I said as I took a seat. I packed my bag up at the end of the class as everyone else left. I stood leaning against my desk as Mr Clarkson walked over to me and stood in front of me, he was about five inches away from me "why were you late" he asked "i was otherwise occupied" I said "with Bolton Smilie" he asked and I looked up at him "i don't see what that has to do with you" I said and he sighed placing his hand on top of mine "he's bad news I don't want you seeing him" he said "really? you cant tell me who I can and cant see, besides your the one that kissed me and then went out to dinner with Davina shackleton" I said and he paled "he told you" he asked "im friends with your step daughter, who do you think" I said and he sighed "im sorry, Sophie okay there's a lot at state its my job" he said "its was a mistake as you put it" I said "no anything but" he said and I smiled at him and placed my hand on his knee "really" I said and I noticed him blush before he crossed his legs, I smirked at him "have you got a problem there sure" I asked and he looked at me "you could say that" he said and I smiled "i don't like you with Bolton, okay your my girl" he said "your girl, am I" I said "yes you are" he said before he grabbed my waist pulling me between his legs and kissed me, he kissed me and made my head spin. I stood back and felt dizzy, he steadied me and held me by my waist "i know you feel the same" he whispered in my ear as I inhaled a deep breathe "there's a lot at state" I said" "i know, maybe being with smilie isn't a bad thing" he said "huh" "a cover up, like me and Davina" he said "i don't like the thought of you with her" I said "and I don't like the thought of him with you" he said "how long" I asked "i don't know, until your sixteen at least" he said and I sighed "that's over a year" I said "i know but it will be worth it" he said and I nodded.

I sat at the window outside the pastoral care office reading through maths homework I had just been given trying to get my head around it "im pretty sure we don't sit in hallways, do we Sophie mason" said Mr Clarkson "i know, sir" I said "are you going to sit there all day" he asked "yep" I said he stuck his head "okay then" he said walking way and mumbling something about teenage girls. Bolton came running out of one of the classrooms wearing a suit? what? "babe you'll never guess what" he said sitting next to me " what is it" I asked "I've only gone and got a job" "what Bolton, that's great" I said "thanks babe, maybe I can afford to take you out to one of those posh fancy restaurants in town" he said "you don't have to do that" I said "i know but I want to" he said standing up "look I'll see you tomorrow" he said kissing my forehead and heading down the corridor. Now I feel really bad, I was using him.

I walked down the hall towards the office I needed to speak to my mum "mum?" "soph, hi come on in" "are you okay" I asked "im fine, just one of those days" she said "are you sure, you look stressed" "im always stressed Sophie, it comes with the job" "you know what I mean, you look more stressed then usual" "its nothing to worry about, I promise" she said standing up and kissing me on top of the head like she use to do when I was little "hows your day" she asked as we walked down the hallway to the car park "great actually" I said "oh yeah" "yeah Bolton asked me to be his girlfriend" I said "really" "yeah and he gave me this" I said handing her the ring that Bolton had given me his morning "Soph, its lovely" she said "isn't it just". suddenly some guy who i had seen around the school today came up to us "ah Miss Mason" he said "go wait in the car, Soph" "but" "here" she said handing me the car keys "now, Sophie" she said. I started to walk off to the car park, five minutes later mum got into the car "who was that?" i asked "Stuart hordley" "and he is?" i asked "bad news, Soph stay out of his way" "wait hold on a minute is he the one that gave Bolton the job" "yeah" "if hes bad news why did you let him give Bolton a job" "Sophie, there only so much that i can do there was nothing i could do about it" "your the headmistress, if hes bad news then there has to be something you can do" "soph, if you think there was dont you already think that i would of done it" she asked "look soph i know that your mad but tell Bolton to be careful around him. That man is nearly as bad, if not worse than your father" she said "no one is as bad as him" i said.

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