Alcohol in the school

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Updated 21/3/17

I met up with Sam in the school yard "hey" she said as I sat down next to her on the wall as we watched Danielle and Aleesha walking into the school "are they drunk?" Sam asked "Oh there more than drunk Sam they are hammered" I said "no way" "now this day just got a little more interesting" I said as I jumped off the wall and headed inside and picked up my bag "there you are Sophie" said my mum walking over in my direction, rolling my eyes I turned to face her "where else would I be, at the funfair?" I said "don't start this" she said grabbing a hold of my arm and tightening her grip "your hurting me" I said "look I don't know what is up with you, but you have become a disobedient like cow at the minute I swear you put one foot out of place your grounded" she said I pulled my arm out of her grip and walked off into the school "good morning Sophie" said Mr Tyler as I walked into the school "sir" I said as I past him and headed to registration.

As I sat in registration I noticed tom looking as if he was on an another planet. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text;

sophie: are you okay x

he looked up at me and nodded

sophie: are you sure? x

tom: after registration x

At the end of registration I stayed behind I walked over to tom "what the matter?" I asked "josh Stevenson, he says he's my son" "what the kid in year 10, tom" "it was only the once, we were careful it doesn't make sense" he said "it only takes once, and protection doesn't always work tom" I said "yeah I guess, look im going to see his mother tonight, ill See you after" he said kissing my forehead "yeah" I said.

I found Philip wondering the halls "Phil?" I said getting his attention "I..your a girl Sophie" "well noticed, nothing gets past you does it? who is she?" I said "she's just..its no one I mean how am I meant to talk to girls" "you want help, its going to cost you" I said "how much £10 and I need you to cover for me on Friday night im going out and wont be home all night" "fine" "okay girls lets see, me often go for looks which you don't have, there's humour that's a big help" I said "thanks" he said walking off "eh I think that you owe me my money now, I provided service now pay up" I said stretching my hand out "fine" he said as he handed me the money "pleasure doing business with you" I said walking off to science.

I sat at the in front of Paul and Bolton in the lab as paul poured some chemical that was meant to be hair of the dog for Danielle "what are you playing at" I asked swinging back in my chair "ethanol, the chemical for alcohol" Paul said as he placed a bottle of pop with the ethanol in on the table "is that safe" I asked "of course it is, have some faith in me will you soph" paul said I looked at him and narrowed my eyes "fine ill show you" he said as he took a drink "see , fine" he said placing the bottle on the table as Danielle picked it up and necked half the bottle down "i cant believe you just did that" I said turning back around and getting on with my work.

At break I found Bolton and paul selling the alcohol "so any chance of mate deals" I said to Bolton "here you go soph" Bolton said "cheers" I said as I headed into the school and found sam I opened the bottle and took a drink of it "how is it" she asked "strong...really strong ive never had anything this strong" I said "give me a drink" she said "no get your own" I said "come on soph" "no your 14 your not drinking this" I said running down the hallway with it in my hand "come on soph" sam said running after me as I ran into my mu with the bottle in my hand "watch it" she said as I noticed sam backing away in the corner of my eye "what have you got there" she asked noticing the bottle in my hand "nothing" I said hiding it behind my bad but she was too quick and grabbed it out of my hand and took a smell of it before dragging me off to the cooler. "where did you get it" she asked "im no snitch" I said as I took a seat "right, well have it your way you either tell me where you got it or your grounded" she said "not telling" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest "fine" she said storming out of the room.

I sat in the cooler for about ten minutes until the fire alarm went off and I headed outside off the school to the assembly point. where Mr Tyler and mum were after any one who had any of the ethanol alcohol that Bolton and Paul were selling earlier on. soon I got back to the cooler and sat by the window when my mum came in "so ethanol, do you have any idea how dangerous that could be?" she asked "i didn't think it was that bad I mean Danielle drank a whole bottle and she was fine, so I though it was alright" I said "Danielle is in the hospital" "what" "she was poisoned" "I..i drank some mum am I going to be okay" I asked she looked at me "how much did you drink" she asked at me "you seem okay, how much did you drink" "a couple of mouthfuls" I said "you should be fine soph, just never again" she said "now I want you to head home and no going out ill be home later" she said handing me the keys.

I headed home at the end of the day and It was just me in the house when there was a knock at the door I opened it to see tom standing there "hey, you okay?" I asked him "are you alone" he asked "just me" I said "good" he said before crashing his lips to mine and pulling me inside of the house before pushing me against the door as I wrapped my leg around his waist, his hand travelling up laying on the back of my thigh. I pulled away breathless "that bad huh" I asked smirking as he nibbled on my neck and I let out a moan and I felt him smirk into my neck "come on" he said as he dragged me up the chairs and headed into my room.

some time later I lay across his chest "i guess that's a way off letting your anger out" I said smirking as he chuckled and kissed the top of my head looking at the time I know my mum and possibly Phil would be back soon "as nice as this is, your going to have to go" I said climbing out of the bed "just using me for my body eh" he said "you know that's not true" I said as I slid on a top and a pair of jeans as tom got out of the bed getting dressed, I made the bed quickly as tom stood behind me wrapping his hands around my waist "i want to take you out" he said "yeah and where are you thinking, the cinema, a meal its not that easy me and you both know that" I said "ive booked a night in Manchester, I want to take the woman I love away" I froze in my spot "im sorry the woman you what" I said "the woman I love, I love you Sophie Patricia mason and im no afraid to say it" "and I love you too tom Clarkson, but we cant tell anyone not yet" "i know, so this weekend?" he asked "yeah ill think of something" I said as he headed out of the door.

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