Amy's stalker

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Updated 22/3/17

"you okay soph?" mum asked me at breakfast the next morning I nodded my head "remember no matter how tough you find it its Sam who has to go through it" she said "she wont go through it alone" I said "it that a god idea" mum asked "look I have fought two different cancers one being a brain tumour, she needs me right now"  I said "i know you want to do the right thing soph, but your only eighteen" "and Sam is younger she shouldn't have to go through this" I said "you were two, and had no idea what was happening how are you going to support her" "mum, don't start I don't want to argue with you, whether or not you like it im a adult and I will be helping Sam, you cant stop me" I said as  I walked out of the house.

I got to school and met up with Amy and Lauren when tom came over to us "you alright girls" he asked "been better" I said "i didn't want to ask her this but what's going to happen now" Lauren asked "well she'll have treatment, she might spend some time in hospital" "we know that, but my Nanna had cancer and she died" Amy said and I glared at her "yeah but when have you ever seen anything that defeated Sambuca Kelly, get those thought out of your head she'll be fine, besides Sophie here is a prime example of beating cancer" tom said as he headed inside and we headed to our lockers "I've got a stalker" Amy said as she read a note that was placed inside her locker. "if you ask me someone's got too much time on their hands" Lauren said "yes defiantly" I said.I headed into class and sat with Amy as a massive picture of her drunk from last weekend came onto the board "what the hell?" I said "which one of you did this" she asked "it wasn't me" Lauren said "don't even look at me" I said not even looking up from the sheet of paper I was reading as the bell went we headed towards the lockers "who did that?" Amy asked as someone had written 'slag' on her locker "look come on Amy you stick with us  and no one will get to you" I said. "i caught amy stalker" lauren said "what, who" I asked "that weird kid stuart fordley and look what he was putting up" she said handing me a poster that rad '10 reasons to hate Amy porter' "that's horrible" I said. Later I sat in maths as sam recorded her film all about me "are you recording your medication" I asked her "yes, its part of me" she said "what are they for?" lauren asked "cancer, lauren" she said as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

At break I met up with tom "are you okay" I asked him as he sat there starring into space "shut the door doll, and come in" he said as I walked into the room and shut the door I sat on the desk in front of him as he rested his head on my chest "you okay" I asked "its sam, theres nothing we can do" "tom, what do you mean" "the medication isn't going to get rid of her tumour, its too advanced" he said "shes going to die" I asked tears forming in my eyes he wiped a tear that fell down my cheek  "yes, im afraid so" he said "and theres nothing we can do" I asked "im working on it, im trying" he said. At the end of the day sam came into the common room "you been bunking" I asked her "whos going to bother with the cancer kid" she said as she handed us a box of cupcakes "oooh get you" I said "what about your film sam, you were dead excited" lauren asked "dont worry, you'll see it, later" she said.

"Sophie?" tom called as I walked down the hallway I turned around and faced him "what is it" I asked as soon as I seen his face "you've been crying" I said as I noticed his red eyes "its sam" he said I sighed as he walked up to me "how long?" I asked "not long at all, she hasn't got long" he said as I hugged him and cried onto his shoulder "this is not fair, shes seventeen" "as you were last year, its just different outcomes" he said. "last year, I was in a dark place the stripping, the cancer" I said "i know and I promised never to tell Rachel about the stripping and you know I wouldn't" he said "i know if she found out though" "don't think like that" he said. I headed to sam's after school and sat with tom as she put on her film "im sorry finn" she said as he held back tears she had told us that she was going to die and she knew thee was nothing that we could do about it.

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