CCTV and surgery

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Updated 22/3/17

"im scared" I said to tom as we lay in bed "its okay to be scared baby, your going through major surgery" he said I curled into his side as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him "will you come" I asked "do you want me there" "yes, you'll probably be the only one there who's fussing and worrying unlike mum and Eddie" "then ill come" he said "thank you" I said sitting him and kissing him on the lips "were you aware that the cooler had cctv cameras" I asked "no, why would I be... Oh god" he said realising what I was hinting at "she didn't, did she" he asked "oh she saw, she saw everything" I said "god, I don't know how ill look your mum in the eye again" he said "don't worry about it, I mean I think she knows what we were up to twenty minutes ago" I said smirking "shut up" he said "make me" "oh ill make you alright" he said grabbing my hands pinning them to the bed and rolling so he was on top of me "god I love you tom Clarkson" I said stroking the stubble on his face "and I love you Sophie mason" he said before he kissed me.

I got to school and met up with jess, Ronan , Jonah and Vicki at the gate "talk about against our human rights" Vicki said gesturing to the sign about CCTV cameras "seriously what is this all about" I said "your mum is head teacher you tell us" Ronan said "i don't know why she does this things" I said "well its not going to stop me doing the things I want to" jess said as she snogged Jonah "think im going to puke up my breakfast" I said "shut up, I don't care even if its my aunt that's matching" she said "don't forget mummy, she's deputy she could be matching" I said "more than likely" she said as she walked away "what about you soph, don't you care with mummy watching" said Ronan "trust me Ronan my mum has seen a lot of stuff I've done whether its on or off camera" I said smirking "what's that meant to mean" he said as I tapped the end of my nose and headed inside. I headed to Spanish and sat with Finn as he waved to the camera in the corner of the room before he grabbed a hold of me "come on mason, come save Sophie" he said messing around "Finn stop it" I said laughing.

I found jess at break "what happened?" I asked her "Jonah he found out about me and mead" "is that why he attacked him" she nodded "if he tells mason, or my mum mr mead will lose his job" "my mum wont sack him, I know she wont" "how" "all I can say is that it would be hypercritical of her" I said. Later on after lunch I spotted tom walking through the hallway "are you okay" I asked "im fine" "you sure" "im just overwhelmed, janeece got her baby back" I smiled "its about time dont you think" "yes" "im heading to the hospital, are you still coming" "yes" "will you drive me" I asked him "of course come on" he said as he headed up to the staff room and got his car keys before driving me to the hospital.

when we got o the hospital I changed into my gown "how do I look" I said to tom he smirked at me "gorgeous as ever" "yeah right" "no I mean it soph, you'd look good in a bin bag" he said as I smirked "you okay, you know it will be fine" he said "come on tom you cant know that its a bone marrow it can only work or..." "don't" "you know its true tom" "try and stay positive" he said as they were getting me ready for surgery "you'll be here right, waiting for me" I asked "of course" he said as they wheeled me off to surgery.


I watched as sophie was wheeled on to surgery, she was scared petrified even and I can stay that I was scared for her. I stood pacing when Rachel and eddie came in "tom" Rachel called getting my attention "hey" I said hugging her I know how much sophie meant to her "has she gone in" she asked "yeah, she went in about half an hour ago" I said "thanks for being here with her" she said "don't, I love her there's no other place to be" I said. After another hour Sophie was wheeled back in she was still unconscious still I sat down next to her bed and held her hand until she woke up.


I Woke up feeling groggy "hey" tom said he was holding my hand and sitting next to me I smiled at him as my mum and eddie walked in "your awake" mum said as she sat on the end of my bed "i spoke to the doctor, it looks like the surgery was a success" she said "really" I asked "yes your going to be alright kiddo" eddie said "that's brilliant" tom said standing up and kissing me on the forehead.

I had to stay in over night as I had major surgery tom decided to stay with me as josh was staying with finn "im so glad your okay" he said "so am I" I said "i couldn't bear it if something happened to you" he said I smiled at him "ive been thinking" I said "really, you can think" he said "funny, yes I can actually and I think that josh needs to know, you need to tell him tom its only fair" "soph what if he hates me, your his mate" "then he shouldn't hate you only if your hurt me which your to going to do, I hope" I said "your right, ill tell him" he said not long after I feel asleep.

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