what are you doing here?

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Updated 23/3/17
"thanks for letting us stay steph, I know its been a few weeks but we're sorting things" I said "don't worry about it sophie, is there something going on with finn and you" she asked "no, god no hes like my brother" I said "ah right I was just wondering last I heard you were with tom Clarkson" she said "yeah, im pregnant with his child but he cheated on me with some slapper whos trying to close the school now, I have no proof off it but ive heard her talking on the phone about my mums 'poor' performance to run the school, if you ask me its because of my aunt Karen,the school really went downhill when she was in charge, my mum left her for a few weeks anyways tom slept with her and he really hurt me I mean I don't know if I could ever forgive him" I said "we all get hurt sophie" "ive been hurt before, just..i thought we would spend the rest of our life's together" I said "maybe you still can" "how, I mean how can I know that he'll never hurt me again especially when he talks to other woman I cant help but think hes slept with her or that something is going on" I said "ive seen the way he looks at you, ive ever seen him look at someone that way since izzy, if you ask me I think he made a big mistake and he wouldn't be stupid enough to hurt you again" she said.

I sat down in the sitting room as finn came in "there you are" he said "im sorry, I just wanted some time alone" I said as I was flickering through photos on my iPhone "you miss him" finn said looking at the picture of me and tom where we were kissing "yeah, I do" I said "you know we can go back anytime you want" he said "i can't finn, I cant face him, my mum I cant face it all" I said "i know I just thought that you would want to go back, you know with the school under inspection" he said "i would, you know I would I just cant bring myself to go back" I said as he pulled me into him ad hugged me "its okay sophiekins" he said as I lay my head on his shoulder soon falling asleep. I woke up a few hours later and rubbed my eyes "its about time sleeping beauty" finn said he was sitting there ready a book "are you really reading a book?" I asked him "funny aren't you" he said as he threw the book at me "ouch" I said as I picked up the book "Macbeth" I asked "yeah, some of my school stuff" he said.

"soph?" he said pulling me out of my thoughts "yeah" "its bad news about the school, they suspended your mum I talked to josh the teachers could lose their jobs and the school could shut down" he said "you act like you don't care, soph its our school, your school I mean its where you and tom met I know your furious still but you got to admit if you never went to waterloo road your life would be a lot more different, you were out of control you would of been inside by now probably" he said "finn" "you cant deny that tom Clarkson is the best thing that ever happened to you" "your right, look I need  you to go to the school and fight, my mum loves that job" "what me" "yes you finn, im trusting you" I said as he got up ad walked out of the door. "soph?" he called and I walked out in the hallway to find tom standing there "what are you doing here?" I asked him "Steph phoned me, look soph I know your mad but you are the one person who can safe this school you're the one who its made the most difference too" "ill get my coat" I said.

we drove to the school and finn got out of the car and rushed over to josh and I went to get out of the car when tom grabbed my hand "please soph, here me out" he said "five minutes" I said "im sorry, I love you so much I cant describe and im an idiot for hurting you like that everyone's been so worried about you I...I thought you were just saying you were leaving I was heartbroken when you left...your mum is devasted she doesn't even care shes been suspended she only wants you back" he said "it should be Karen suspended" I said "i know" "you really hurt me tom, im scared to do this alone you had to sleep with her out of all people though I told you about her what she was planning and you didn't listen instead you jumped into bed with her talk about sleeping with the enemy""i know I messed up straight away especially when she told the whole staff room what she was doing, she wants to help know apparently her and jess have organised some sort of strike" he said "is that why everyone is on the roof?" I asked "yes I guess so, look I love you and I think this is yours" tom said handing me back my ring "its not going to be that easy, forgiving you" I said "and im willing to wait no matter how long it takes after all its our baby" he said placing his hand on my stomach I felt my pulse speed up its unbelievable that after over three years he still has that effect on me I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him gently on the lips "how did it happen soph, we were always careful" tom said "i think you and I both know how it happened" I said as he smirked "but we always used protection" he said "not really I mean I changed birth control not long after sam found out she was going to die "don't you remember that night, I was sitting crying upstairs when you came up to comfort me and well...you know" I said "i cant believe we been so  stupid" he said "i know, but this is our baby I know we said we always wanted a family but not this soon I mean I wanted to finish school and go to uni then get married as we said we'd have a long engagement, I guess fate has other plans for us" I said

I got out of the car and walked over to the school the school as mum walked out with a box of stuff she never seen me "nearly five years off running this school and you come out with only a box, I thought you'd be worth a lot more" I said as she turned around and hugged me "sophie, my god" she said hugging me 'save our head, save our school'  everyone chanted "see everyone loves you" I said "come on then, lets do this" I said as I headed up onto the roof "sophie, don't your pregnant" tom said "doesn't mean I cant do this, im protesting not bungee jumping tom" I said as we protested before mum walked off with the inspector. "well?" I asked afterwards when she came out of the office "they said the schools safe and that I can have my job if I want it" she said "that's great" I said "i don't know whether I want to be a head" "what" "ive been a head at this school for five years and I want to go back to teaching" she said "teaching, like before I want to go back to food technology, I miss it and theres less stress" she said "so there will be a new teacher next term?" I asked "Yes, now I think we need to talk about running off and pregnancy" she asked "mum" "where we you" "here, and about I didn't plan on falling pregnant and im sorry for the stress" I said "come on lets get home, eddie wants to see you" she said.

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