Aunt Karen

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Updated 22/3/17

I lay in bed lying on my front my blonde hair lay resting over my bare shoulder I was awakened from a lovely sleep and I couldn't quite work out why, suddenly I felt a pair of lips kissing me on my shoulder travelling up to my neck I felt the Goosebumps rise on my skin and turned my head to meet toms lips "hmm" I said "morning beautiful" he said in his raspy morning voice, god I loved his morning voice it made him sound so sexy. "here" he said as he handed me a hot cup of coffee "thanks baby, you know me so well" "what I know is that you, need two cups of coffee to function before you get out of bed never mind the first year of your a-levels" he said as he climbed back into bed with me. "god im turning into my mother, when it comes to coffee" I said "talking of which, have you heard from her lately" he asked "i spoke to her a week ago she was in Mexico and Eddie was flying her off to Australia later that night" "nice" "yeah hes planning on taking her across the world in three months" I said as I lay my head across my shoulder "where going to have to get up we have school" "i know sir" I said as I kissed him "so where does your aunt think you are" "if she's noticed im gone you mean, ill tell her I stopped with a mate she's a nightmare and I thought my mother was strict I honestly feel for jess and harry" "jess and harry?" "my cousins they start today, there's bex as well but we don't speqk of bex she went missing a while back" "do you think that's why she's so strict" "possibly come on where going to be late" I said as I climbed out of bed.

Tom dropped me off around the corner of school "ill see you later sir" i said smirking before he drove of smirking to himself. I walked into school when I it cant be "janeece" I said to her and she turned around and hugged me "soph, your still here I thought mason would of kicked you out by now" she said "how kind, what about you I see you've been busy rather than doing your a-levels" I said gesturing to her pregnant belly "it just sort of happened, I got a new job im the new school secretary" she said as she walked into the school.

 I headed to assembly and noticed jess sneak in late and sit next to me "the cooler, its gone it does not exist" aunt Karen said haha yes thank the lord everyone cheered "three strikes and your out" she said "well im gone at the end of the month" I said to jess who shuck her head. Heading out of the hall jess was stopped by her mum as I sneakily walked away "hold on a minute sophie" she said I groaned as I stood at the door and walked over to where she was standing "and where were you last night" she asked "sam, sam kellys if its any of your business" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest "it is my business as im meant to be looking after you, while Rachel is away" "i don't need looking after im seventeen besides its a bit late for looking after me now" I said as I walked off to first period, Spanish.

"so has sam contacted you at all this summer" lauren asked me "no" I said "so Bolton has dumped her and she has coming running back to us" lauren said "hold up, Bolton dumped her" I asked "yeah didn't you get her text" "no, aunt Karen confiscated it, id never see the day in which I would miss my own mothers bossiness" I said as she laughed and shuck her head. At break I headed outside and watched as the boys played football "sophie" finn said running over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist "finn get of me you goof" "i said "never im going to kidnap you" he said "please do" I said as the bell rang and he let me go and I headed off to the next lesson where the fire alarm went off, ugh really on the first day.

I headed to netball where lauren and sam were still fighting, where she elbowed the new girl in the nose. "sam" I yelled at her looking in shook. I met up with jess at the end of the third period "Jessica" I said to her annoying her "shut it sophie" she said "i know where I was last night, where were you" I said "okay ill tell you but you cant tell" she said to me "okay" "i was with mead" "with mead, as in with mead" I said "yes you cant tell anyone" "id be the last one to judge" I said. Lunch went by and I met up with Lauren who was with amy "lauren, did you hear about sam" I asked her "no, and I don't care" "shes suppose to be your best friend" I said "she doesn't act like a best friend" "grow up lauren, she's been excluded" I said as I walked off. I headed back to aunt karens and headed to my room when the house phone rang I answered it "hello" I said "sophie, darling how are you" "mum, I miss you" I said "i miss you too, ill be home at the end of the month how was school" "same old, though there no cooler and three strikes and im out so ill probably be out by the end of the month" I said "sophie" "you know what im like mum" she sighed "i know" "so where are you now" I asked her "we're in Italy" "wow Italy, nice" "i know its beautiful, look soph ill ring you in the morning before school ive got to go" "okay mum give eddie my love"  "i will, be good and I love you" "you too mum" I said hanging up the phone.

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