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Updated 22/3/17

I got up and dressed for the fundraising day I wore my skinny jeans, my tank top and heeled boots. I went down to breakfast finding only Eddie in the kitchen "you feeling okay kidda" he asked "eddie im fine, im all recovered from the surgery and reading to go back to school" I said "its the last day of term, you could just wait and go back after the holidays" "eddie leave her you know sophie if she decides something theres no changing her mind" said mum "thank you mum" I said as I took a few seconds to register what she said "hey im not stubborn" I said "yes you are, just like your mother" eddie said.

I walked into school to see Lauren blindfolded "my god, what the hell" I said "soph?" Lauren said "yeah" I looked to Amy to see she had tapped her mouth shut "sponsored blindness" Lauren said "ermm..right" I said "Mrs fry said I show compassion for the less able" she said "get you two showing compassion" I said "shut up soph" "im joking" I said "and Amy cant speak all day" Lauren said "god it will be quiet, here" I said handing them money "aww thanks soph" Lauren said "so are two really staying like this until period six" I asked "we got to" Lauren said as Amy walked off leaving Lauren "Amy come back, you cant leave me" she said "come on" I said leading her to registration. we got to registration and Lauren bumped into josh "Lauren watch were your going" he said "does it look like I can watch where im going" she said as she found her way to her seat "how are you going to answer the register Amy" harry asked "lucky Amy she's got one of the gobbest girls to speak for her, for the day" josh said as Lauren stood up from her seat and attempted to chase josh. Tom soon came into the class and took the register instead of Mr budgen who hadn't turned up. I smirked at tom as he took the register.

I went to the hall at break and looked around for the fundraising when I seen miss Haydock "miss Haydock, hey what are you doing here" I asked her "im here to see Mr budgen" she said hugging me she spotted a ring on my finger "I've seen you been busy, who's the lucky guy" she asked "you'll find out sooner than later" I said before walking off and bumping into tom "soph, we have a problem" he said "what" "the a-levels ,Mr budgens been teaching, its been the wrong stuff" "you what, I cant believe this" I said "come to the common room now we've got an idea" he said. I headed to the common room and took a seat as tom handed out schedules "so were been kept in all the holidays" I asked "look I know the situation isn't ideal but we've written to the exam board explaining the circumstances but you lot are just going to put the work in" tom said "this is unbelievable" I said storming out of the common room and into the hall. we walked into the hall, all of us we're not happy as vicki through some vegetable balls and me and jess were squirted with tomato ketchup I looked down at my top  before I picked up some food and a food fight broke out in the hall.

we were later made to clean up the mess in the hall "look at the state of me" I said as jess laughed "its not funny Jessica"i said "well sorry sophie Patricia" she said trying to full name me "god, I hate my mother who names there daughter that" I said. "im going home to get changed are you coming back to mine" "sure" we walked back to jess and she leaned me one of her shirts as she put mine in the washers with hers. "want a sandwich" she asked "go on then, im starved" I said as jess made a sandwich with her headphones in "what you listening to" I asked her she handed me one of her headphones "nice" I said "its my new favourite" she said as we headed to the table as someone ran out from behind the bench to the door, jess ran after them and I followed her out of the kitchen "bex" me and jess said as she turned round to look at us "alright sis, cuz" she said as we just looked at her "becky" I said "where've you been" jess asked her "all over its complicated" she said "ill leave you two too talk" I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the front door.

I headed back to school and headed to the hall and stood with tom as john barnes, some footballer or something came in don't ask me who he is because im a girl and I don't know I may play football but that's about it. I stood with tom who had about ten raffle tickets as the winning ticket number was drawn I noticed tom pout "don't pout baby" I said "im not pouting" he said "besides what can he offer you that a night with me cant" I said and he smirked at me "did you talk to josh" I asked "i did, hes fine with it" he said and I smiled "you know what, soph I need to do something" he said as he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into him and kissed me in front of the whole school, I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck before he pulled away resting his forehead against mine "is this your way of telling everyone" I asked "your my girl and I want to show you off" he said as the whole wolf whistled and cheered at us.

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