life on the run

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Updated 22/3/17

"soph?" finn called as he walked into the b&b that we were staying at "in the kitchen" I called as finn walked in "hey any luck" I asked him "no, it seems no one wants to employ unless you have completed your A-levels" he said "this sucks what are we going to do for money" I said "that's not the worse part" he said as he handed me a newspaper which had our faces on 'Pregnant teen and friend gone missing'  "oh great that's all we need" I said "who do you think reported you" he asked "probably my mum or tom" I said it hurt to mention him I felt as though my heart had shattered into a million pieces because of him. "im sorry about what he did he shouldn't of done that to you, your way to good for him" finn said "thanks finn" I said as he pulled me into a hug "im glad you came with me, I wouldn't know what to do" I said "anytime soph, I just did what sam would of done besides you'd haunt me if I let you run off on your own" he said "it seems like were on the run now, even if im eighteen and your seventeen" I said "i know, its probably because you seem vulnerable" he said "yeah probably, have you heard from anyone" I asked "josh text me asking where we were saying his dad was distraught and missing you and lauren saying she was going to kill us for running off without her and amy just asked where we were and my parents it seem though they care all of a sudden, you" he said "tom ive had over 100 missed calls the last week and my mum about the same and lauren saying the same thing" I said.

I lay on the bed as finn searched for a job through the newspaper "you realise we're running out of money" finn said "i know I don't know what we're going to do" I said "your not thinking of  going back?" he asked "no, but we have to leave today were on the news and everything I know someone we can stay with" I said "tonight?" "tonight" I said. "how are you doing" finn asked me as I came out of the bathroom "this pregnancy thing is worst then I thought" I said "morning sickness?" he asked "morning, afternoon, night time sickness in my case" I said "im sorry soph" "why you didn't knock me up and cheat" I said and he looked to the ground saying nothing. "you deserve better than him soph" "i love him still finn, I don't think anyone will come close to how I feel about him" I said "come here" he said as he pulled me into a hug "are you all packed?" I asked finn "yeah, we'll leave in an hour year" he said.

Later that night we checked out at reception as the local news was on "a local teenage girl and boy have ran away sophie mason who was last seen at school three weeks again ran away after an argument with her partner and also who happens to be her teacher, tom Clarkson as finn shakey who is described as an unstable boy by the schools deputy Karen fisher is also on the run mrs fisher released a statement stating that finn is a boy who is desperate for his parents attention and even tried to commit suicide a few years back for attention, and recently lost his girlfriend Sambuca Kelly to a brain tumour, Sambuca was also the best friemd of sophie, the head of the local school who also happens to be sophie mason, mother Rachel mason as said all she wants is her daughter to come home safe, that's all for today" said the news reporter "come on soph?" finn said taking my arm and dragging me out of the b&b "where to now" finn asked "Manchester, I know someone" I said as he handed me the car keys "can you actually drive" finn asked "yes...ive had some lessons tom taught me although I don't have a liscense" I said "just don't kill us, yeah" finn said.

we drove for about an hour until we got to back into Rochdale "are you sure about this, its risky soph?" finn said "i know, put no one will look for us here besides its the other end of rochadale its no where near where we life" I said "if your sure" finn said as I walked up to the door and knocked "sophie mason" "alright miss haydock" finn said "steph, we need a favour" I said "let me guess you want a place to stay, and not tell anyone especialay your mother whos been worried sick" she said "yeah, look I know its not ideal but max would of done it, do it for her" I said "fine, come in, its a good job I like you sophie mason" she said "thanks miss" I said as we headed in and finn moved the car that we had rented out of sight.

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