we need you

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Updated 21/3/17

I sat in the dining room and nibbled on some toast "okay, soph im off to school I have a meeting and im taking Phil he's going to practice for the show today" she said "okay, ill be in for registration" I said "good" she said as she threw me the keys "don't forget to set the alarm" she said "sure" I said as she and Phil left the house. After finishing my toast and loading the dishwasher I headed upstairs to brush my teeth before getting ready for school when I noticed my mums bedroom door open. I finished brushing my teeth before heading into her room, it was spotless not a thing out of place I knew this would be easy I headed to her dresser and opened the top draw to find a little black book it was her address book searching through the book I found who I was looking for. I took out my phone and took a picture from the book, before putting it back where I found it and headed back to get ready for school.

I found phil in the hall "okay out with it" I said to him "what" "phil, im not stupid you've been acting strange for the last week" I said to him "your one to talk, you been acting like that for the last month" he said "I...look phil its complicated" I said "yeah, well... that sounds about right coming from you soph" he said before storming off "Philip" I shouted calling after him.

I found Philip ten minutes later he was walking through the hallway and when he seen my mum and Mr Tyler he ran into the cooler and hid "phil what's going on" I asked him he grabbed me pulling me down to the floor next to him so we were leaning against the window and listening as mum and Mr Tyler argued "i told you I wanted you out, how many warnings do you need" he said to her "your a long way to getting me out, I will fight this" she yelled at him "im prepared for that, maybe it wont happen this time but it will happen" "what is it that I do that offends you so much" she asked him "your dangerous, you indulge in these kids interfere in their lives" "its not about indulging, its about helping them, about being a good head" "its about you Rachel, every kid you think you can safe its just another boost for your ego" he said "your one to talk about ego" "the more you go around you acting like a saint you miss what these kids really need" "and what that" she said "order, structure, authority" "and that's you" "well they don't need you, that's for sure and if you want to help them you'll sign this" he said he must of handed her a contract "you don't really think ill make it that easy for you, do you" "yes cause I wont stop, until your out, if you really care about this school you'll sign that today" he said to her. "phil, what are we going to do" I said to him as I stood up off the floor "i don't know soph, I don't know" he said before I walked off.

I found max in the hall "can we talk "i said to him who was talking to mr mead "of course" he said following me to the corner of the room "so, our deal was just a way of getting me into your bed was it" I asked him "keep your voice down will you" he said grabbing my arm and dragging me off to the cooler "are you trying to get people to hear you, you idiot girl cause they will" he said pushing me into a table where I banged my hip "yeah like id want people to know that I slept with you, we had a deal I heard you with my mum" "do you really think that I would make a deal with a schoolgirl" he said "i should of known, well let me tell you something your finished ill tell my mum everything" he said "its your word against mine and besides we all know about your past, its not like anyone will believe you" he said "we'll see" I said pushing past him as he grabbed me by my arm and pushed be against the table "your not going anywhere" he said as he walked out of the cooler leaving me alone standing there.

soon Phil came into the cooler with Mr Tyler, oh boy what's he doing "there's me thinking we had an understanding" Mr Tyler said to Phil "yeah well I heard you with Rachel, besides it will all be other when I get you done for assault" Phil said "you do what you have to, you'll probably make things worse for her" he said "don't listen to him Phil" I said "silence" Mr Tyler said to me slamming his hand down on my desk making me jump. I walked out of the cooler to find my mum in the hallway "Sophie?" she called "there's something you need to know" I said to her "okay, go wait in the pastoral care office ill be there soon" she said. I nodded and walked of the office. Ten minutes later I was still sitting here she must of forgotten about me I rushed off to the office to find her, she was on the phone when I walked in "you haven't" I said to her "what" " you haven't, please tell me you haven't resigned" I said "Sophie, what you need to understand is..." "no you need to understand that max Tyler cant stay here anymore not what after hes done" "what are you going on about" she asked "I..there's something you need to know" I said "okay" "I..i had a relationship with tom Clarkson and he found out"" tom Clarkson, as in your form and English teacher tom Clarkson" "yes, we broke up a few months back but max he blackmailed me he said if I didn't sleep with him hed ruin tom, I didn't want to mum it was the night he turned up to ours and pinned you to the wall, I made a deal for him to leave you alone which obviously he hasn't" "Sophie, why didn't you tell me" "because I knew how you'd react you'd hate me, I mean I hate myself weeks afterwards all I can smell was him on me, his breath, his cologne I just felt dirty I still do" "don't its not your fault, how long has it been going on you and tom" " we finished mum" "before hand how long" "I don't know a year, it was his baby" "Sophie, if you just told me all this could of been avoided" "what so you could fire tom" "its over, isn't it" "yes he dumped me for the dinner lady mum, I love him" "ill sort this" she said standing up and leaving "mum" I called after and she turned around "don't go" I said to her.

I ran through the hallways, why do I wear these heels to school again I found my mum with miss Haydock she was heading to the door of the carpark, was she really going to leave "what Steph, do you just expect me to stand up and say im being bullied by max Tyler, would believe me" mum said "we would for one" said miss Campbell who walked around the corner with Philip. she dragged us back to the office where we sat down "you should of come to me, as soon as this happened both of you" she said "i didn't want to make things worse" phil said "I was protecting you" I said "i do appreciate that you were trying to protect me" She said "come on, go get changed" she said to phil "come here" she said to me pulling me into a hug "im sorry" I said. "ill find you later" she said as I walked out of school and pulled out my phone reading the address I had got out of my mums address book. I knocked at the door hoping he would answer "Sophie" "Eddie" I said as he pulled me into a hug "what are you doing here" "when you left you said you would be there for us, me and my mum well we need you" I said "ill be there, give me a few hours" he said.

I headed back to school to find phil in the hall "are you okay" I asked him "yeah, are you" he asked I shrugged my shoulders "come here" he said pulling me into a hug as mr tyler was lead out of the room we stood and watched as he was escorted out of the building and everyone clapped. soon we headed home and the doorbell rang "can you get that" I asked mum "sure" she said going to the door and I opened it and there stood eddie "hello Rachel, miss me?" he asked "eddie, what are you doing here" "sophie came round she said you needed me" she smiled at me and leaned in to kiss him.

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