A bully?

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Updated 21/3/17

I was dragged into school, early too early for me mum had a early morning meeting and she didn't trust me too not take the day off, nothing like the support of your own mother is there. I sat in the common room and did some revision for maths, there was an exam coming up soon and I couldn't tell you a thing to do with maths, god I wish Eddie was here it was a lot easier at least he helped me.

At break I met up with Michaela and headed to football practice "okay sophie and Michaela pick teams" said tom "game on bitch" I said to Michaela before we picked team and carried on with practice after practice we got changed and headed outside Michaela was on her phone and walked past some girl I never seen before nudging her when they started fighting, what the actual hell. "Sophie, my office" said miss Campbell sending me inside following Michaela "what have I done" I asked as soon as she walked into the office "cassie turner claims that you are bullying her" "you what, is she mad I don't even know her why would I" I said "look shes in year ten, shes not even a john fosters why would I have a go" said Michaela "thank you very much Michaela" I said glad that she said what I was thinking "so your both still involved in the gangs" miss Campbell asked "what no that's old news me and Lindsey called a truce" I said "look miss we haven't done anything, can we go" Michaela said "i see it now, the two hardest girls at waterloo road who use to hate each others guts now the perfect team, especially when it comes to bullying" she said "im not a bully, I hate bullying" I said "she is lying" sad Michaela "shes a good liar than as shes very scared by someone" said miss Campbell "its not me" I said rising from my seat "calm down Sophie" she said "cooler lunchtime" said miss Campbell as she walked out of the office "this is unbelievable" I said to Michaela "im going to get answer" Michaela said walking off "what, no Michaela don't get into anymore trouble" I said

At lunchtime I sat in the cooler "this is stupid, im being victimised" I said "join the club" said Michaela as miss Campbell decided to try and do some roleplay "imagine you had to move to some place new,leaving everything" she said "i did and then I came here becoming the headmistresses daughter didn't I" I said "same here, I moved all my family did" said sam. As we finished the little role play that miss Campbell wanted us to do i waited for sam and lauren as hopeless Hopewell had a go at micheala "hopewells finished" said micheala as she headed off to the library.

i sat outside by the bench missing my next lesson which im not going to make a big deal about it all when Michaela came up to me "so what are you doing tonight" she asked "nothing" i said "well theres a party tonight if your interested" she said "yeah, i might come" i said "ah right, ill see you later" she said walking off. not long after my mum came over and sat down next to me "ive been worried about you" she said sitting next to me i didn't say a word "miss Campbell told me about the bullying, it turns out cassie turner has been hearing voices" she said "you..didn't believe her did you, about me" i asked "of course not..i mean after demi and what happened i know you hate bullys and i also know that my daughter is no bully" she said.

i was walking back through the hallways going back to my locker when mr tyler walked over to me and pinned me to the locker "get your hands off me" i screamed at him "this is not over, you little slag i will give you twenty four hours before i phone the LEA and have tom Clarkson fired" he said before walking away. what is his problem. I got home and found mum sitting in the dinning room she was doing paper work and had a glass of wine "soph?" "yeah" "i thought i was giving you a lift home, where you been" "ive had to pick something up, from my locker" i said sitting down next to her as the doorbell went. Mum got up and went to answer the door and i followed standing ni the doorway seeing who it was. Max tyler. He had her pinned up against the wall within minutes "get out of my house or ill call the police" she said "don't play the victim Rachel, it doesn't suit you" he said "you heard her, out" i said he turned around and looked at me smirking before he left. mum ran and loked the door before she broke down crying "hey its alright, hes not going to hurt you mum i promise" i said before i ran upstairs and got changed then i left i had no other choice i had to do this.

I got to his and rang the doorbell and he answered and smirked at me when he seen me "how may i help you sophie" he asked "one night, and you leave my mum alone, you leave toms career alone and that it" i said "one night sophie that's all it takes" he said "fine, lets do this" i said "come on in" he said holding the door open for me as i followed him inside the house, i already know im going to regret this.

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