Like a brother

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Updated 22/3/17

"are you nervous" eddie asked as I sat through my lines at the table "what if I forget my lines, what if I mess up, what if I let everyone down" I said "you wont" eddie said "you don't know that" I said "eddie right soph, you need to have some faith in yourself your great" mum said I rolled my eyes "sure" "if your not as good as you think then how come you got the lead" she asked "simple, im the heads daughter so too make you happy" I said "sophie, ever since you were little you have been into singing and dancing, look I know that you will do well you always do if you mess up then its okay because your only human" she said as I nodded "thanks mum" I said as she kissed the top of my head "do you want a lift to school?" she asked "sure, I need to get in early for rehearsals and I need to read over my lines once more" I said.

we drove into school to see the place surrounded by paparazzi "is this really necessary" I asked my mum "i don't like it as much as you do Sophie" mum said "well cant you put a stop to it" "not when there outside the gates there not on school property but if they come inside the gates then yes" she said I picked up the newspaper from the seat  beside me "talk about giving the school an even worst reputation that it already has" I said as I read the article about Jonah and miss Montoya. As I got out of the car I seen Lauren and Amy giving an interview "seriously?" I asked them "sorry soph" they said as they walked inside the school. "so you ready?"Kyle asked "im scared, I mean what if I forget my lines and mess up" I said "don't worry ill be here to look after you" he said as we headed into the hall.

At registration tom held me behind "what is it?" I asked slightly still annoyed "im sorry about last week, Doll I really missed you I hate fighting with you" he said "come here" I said wrapping my arms around him and hugging him "god I miss you, I missed your smell" I said as I breathed in the scent of his cologne "have you seen this the new staff and student protocol" he asked "what" I asked as I snatched the piece of paper of him and read through them leaning against the desk as he stood next to me reading over my shoulder  "no closed classroom doors with pupils, no encouragement or unnecessary contact outside of school, no one-on-one tutorials" he read out "well we are serious done" then I said smirking "did you mum write this" she asked "no, that's more of a aunt Karen thing or Mr mead even, don't worry about it" I said "don't worry about it doll, we've broke these rules and I feel as if its a dig at us" he said "tom, its fine try not to worry okay, I have to go ive got rehearsals"

I headed to rehearsals with only three hours to go until the big show I got my costume of janeece "how are you feeling" janeece asked "sick, physically sick" I said as I headed onto the stage with kyle who danced and dipped me and kissed me "woo" lauren and amy cheered in the audience "better not let my dad see that" josh said "im sure he will considering hes working backstage letter" I said. Kyle and finn soon got into a fight resulting in kyle being kicked off the pantomime and being resulted in finn taking over "sam I think you should be princess charming" I said "what, no" she said "yes, look finn is like a brother to me I cant kiss him, hes your boyfriend it will be better with you two doing it, besides I..i don't have the balls to do it" I said. "okay" she said. Later backstage tom came up to me "what happened I heard you gave up the lead" he asked "i couldn't do it, sam will be a better princess charming" I said "doll, is that what you want" he asked "yeah, tom I cant do it infront of all those people" I said.

I stood with Sam and finn at the end of the day when sam picked up her phone "my god" she said "what" I asked as she showed me a video that was sent to her off denzil walking on top of a bridge "come on, my mums outside we need to tell her" I said as we headed outside to see my mum, tom and mr mead "theres something you need to see" I said to her as I handed her the phone "we need to get there before something happens" mum said as me climbed into the car when we got there denzil slipped and was hanging off the edge "my god" I said as finn ran up to the bridge to help him "what did you do?" I said to kyle "i tried to stop him" he said. I watched as finn climbed over the bridge and helped denzil " finn be careful" sam shouted as we could hear sirens in the background. suddenly he  slipped and feel to the ground sam and I let out a scream and sam ran to him "don't touch him sam" mum said. I stood with sam as she and I cried as we looked at the scene in front of us as an ambulance came round the corner and get finn strapped up, sam got in the ambulance and kissed him before coming running back to me and cried on my shoulder "hes going to be alright soph, isn't he" she asked "of course" I said as I blinked back tears as tom got in the ambulance with finn "tom call me when you get there" I said and he nodded and we held eye contact for a few minutes before they drove off and mum drove us to the hospital.

when we got to the hospital I stood against a wall waiting to hear about finn. Tom came walking down the hallway "is he going to be okay" mum asked "well, he'll live put it that way" tom said "hes suffered multiple fractures the doctors are doing tests they cant be sure that there wont be any long term effects or paralysis " he said as I held back the tears "you idiot" sam said as she went for denzil "is he allowed visitors" I asked tom "one at a time" he said as I nodded and walked to the hospital room to see him hooked up to machines with loads of tubes connected to him "so much for being the hero finn sharkey" I said as I took his hand and he smiled at me "im sorry soph" he said "so you will be, do you have any idea the damage you could of done, if I lost you I have no idea what I would of done finn, your like my best mate your like a brother, the brother I never had" "i love you too soph, sis" he said "you hurry up and get better, yeah so I can beat you at football" I said as the door opened and sam came in "you wish soph" he said "ill leave you two, too it" I said as I walked back down the corridor of the hospital to find tom leaning against the wall he noticed me and turned and smiled at me "hey" he said as I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his neck "he'll be alright" tom said "you don't know that" I said.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now