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Updated 22/3/17

"are you sure your ready to go back?" mum asked me "i have to move on, its what sam would of wanted" I said it hurt saying her name I know shes gone but I still cant except it "yeah, look no one will forget sam Kelly in a hurry" eddie said "i know that eddie its just hard going back and shes not there, I mean we practically did everything together" I said "it will be okay soph, just one step at a time" mum said and I nodded as I got ready to go back to school.

I got to school and I stood outside of school as I bumped into lauren "i cant believe we have exams" she said "tell me about it" I said as we walked past tom in the hallway I haven't spoke to him at all since sam died "how you doing" he asked us "id rather stay in bed then this" lauren said "ive been better" I said as I continued to walk down the hall and to the exam hall my head is not ready for this I am not in the right state of mind to do this. it seems as if fate or should I say sam was on my side as the fire alarm went off just as we were about to take the exam and we all rushed out of the hall and into the yard as I truck came around the corner with a tree on "sams tree" I said as finn put a reassuring hand on my shoulder "pack to the exam, yeah" I said as we went back inside. At the end of the exam I met up with lauren, amy, finn, josh and tom came along as we all stood in front of her locker "you don't have to do this, theres no rush" tom said "hes right, we should wait until after our exams" josh said "no, we need to do this" lauren said as finn stormed off and I held a photo of me and sam "look at your face there soph" amy said "yeah, but sam looks great" "she always does" I said "ill leave you too it" tom said as he walked off I could see that he was close to tears.

I followed him off to his classroom where I found him hiding "tom, we need to talk" I said "your the one avoiding me" he said "i know, im sorry its just I don't know how to deal with this I shut myself off from everything and everyone..ive probably messed up my chances off uni now I messed up my exam" I said "come here" he said as he pulled me into a hug "i love you soph, don't shut me out" he said "your all that's keeping me going" I said "im always here" he said as he kissed me on the lips and I kissed him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled away "i have to stop that before it gets out of hand" I said. I walked out of the corridor and found finn "finn, don't lash out at me I know your angry" "angry, im not angry soph all I feel is numb, numb ever since sam died" he said nearly crying "its okay" I said as he broke down crying on my shoulder "i miss her, I miss her so much" he said "i know, I know" I said.

"so apparently aiden got Vicki pregnant" amy said to me "honestly, that aiden first he sleeps with her and tries it on with me, what next" I said as I got up and went to pick my bag up but knocked it overand everything fell out "here let me help" amy said as she went to help me pick things up and herhand landed on the pregnancy test I had bought earlier "soph, are you?" she asked "i don't know, I haven't took it and I mean I haven't spoke to tom really since she.. if I am pregnant its not right I mean we weren't careful but its ot the right time were both still grieving" I said "take the test" she said "i will later, but first lets head to sam memorial" I said as we headed out of the common room and outside where I spotted tom "hey" he said as he kissed my head "you okay, you look pale" tom asked "fine" I said as I stood with lauren and we hheld hands "for sam" I said "for sam" she said as the rest of the teachers came out "i honoured to know someone as special as Sambuca Kelly, sam seem to be one of my biggest challenges shewas full of attitude, opinionated and very mysterious that's putting it politly, sam was wonderful as she knew who she was and fought for what was right and she taught me what waterloo road was all about, live has a habit of giving us all challeneges and its how we deal with them that matters and sam never ran away from then and faced up to her challeneges and I know im not the only one who will miss her" mum said giving a speech about sam ad we all clapped as tom walked over to me "come" he said leading me away "i think you and I need to move past this, do you know what sam would say" he asked "she would stay that your move stubborn and you love each oher so give other and move on" I said as he smiled as finn buried a memorial for sam under the tree.

"im going to go home, I need to lie down" I said to tom "ill see you later" he said as he kissed me on the lips and I headed home as I got home the house was empty and I went to the bathroom and took the pregnancy test with me and waited for the longest three minutes of my life. my phone beeped telling me that it was three minutes and I turned the test over to see the results.


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