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Updated 21/3/17

I sat at the kitchen table as eddie walked in "you okay kidda" He asked as I was starring into space "im fine" I said as I got up and poured myself a glass of orange juice "have you had breakfast?" he asked as he walked over to the coffee machine, making some fresh coffee "yeah" I said avoiding eye contact "Sophie, have you?" he asked walking over in front of me and crossing his arms "i have Eddie, I promise" I said "i hope so, look I know a lot has happened while I was away but your mum told me, she told me everything" he said "everything?" "everything, the anorexia about your father, everything and I think I should know everything if im marrying your mum" he said as I nodded now I felt bad for lying to him. "so when are you planning on asking mum?" I said changing the subject "nice try, I know what your doing changing the subject" "what, no I wouldn't do that Eddie, I really want to know" I said "tonight, im going to ask her tonight" "tonight, as in tonight tonight" "yeah im going to take to her favourite restaurant and ask her there" he said "oh Eddie that's great" I said . "what are you two talking about" mum asked walking into the kitchen with Philip following her "nothing mum" I said smirking at Eddie "well I better get ready" I said exciting the kitchen and heading upstairs.

I walked to school meeting up with Sam and Lauren on the way "you okay soph?" you look pale" Lauren said "im fine" I said. As we headed over to where Bolton was playing basketball and Sam tackled the ball from him before they past it to each other "are you coming tonight" Bolton asked her "dunno yet" she said as she threw the ball back and hit Aiden keen with the ball knocking food out of his hands me and Lauren laughed "what are you laughing at?" he said to us "nothing" we said as he stormed off.

First lesson we headed to art as that Aiden shared doughnuts out  "do you want one?" he asked me, Sam and Lauren "no thanks your alright" I said as I turned back to the front and carried on with my work before miss Campbell got the doughnuts confiscated from him. At break I found Sam and Lauren outside with that weird Aiden kid "im sure he fancies Sam, or something" I whispered to Lauren who started to laugh at what I had said as he offered me some sausage rolls "no thanks, have you got ay idea how many calories are in those" I said "are you calling me fat" he said "i never said that" I said "well at least im not an anorexic, food starved freak" he said to me I turned to face him as Sam and Lauren stepped back as they knew what I was like "you what, your one to talk to big lump" I said pushing him as he pushed me back "Sophie mason, cooler" shouted miss Campbell "me, what about him" I yelled "NOW" she said I groaned and picked up my bag before storming off to the cooler. this is so unfair.

Eddie walked into the cooler some time later "i didn't do anything" I said as I looked down at my work and finished writing "soph, Im not here to tell you off" "oh" "yes, look before your mum finds out that you've been fighting I thought we could talk about what happened" he said taking a seat in front of me "you don't understand what is like, everyone knowing about my anorexia and whispering and talking about me all the damn time then there's those like Aiden keen who thinks he has the right to give their opinion on it, its my life not theirs" "soph, you have to ignore them" he said "its easier said than done" I said "look your mum doesn't know your in here, she's got back to back interviews come on" he said leading me out of the cooler.

It was lunchtime by the time that I got out of the cooler and I sat with Lauren and Sam "how was the cooler" Lauren asked "oh you know just a ball we had a party" I said sarcastically "you not eating" Sam asked "not hungry" I said as Aiden came over and sat next to Sam "oh great" I said as he started arguing with Lauren before flicking food on her "what do you think your doing, you fat slob" she said standing up and pushing him and he pushed her back. soon they were in a full out fight.

At the end of the day, I headed off to the changing rooms and got changed ready for basketball half way through I felt ill and dizzy and sat on the bench at the side when tom came and sat next to me "are you okay" he asked me I took a sip of water and nodded "im fine sir, just dizzy" I said "have you eaten today" he asked me "of course I have" I said looking to the ground "sophie, you forget how well I actually know you, you look to the ground when you lie, and when you have eaten you are the most energetic player ever" he said "what do you want me to do" I asked him "i think you know" "look I had a relapse its perfectly normal" I said storming off to find my mum. I found her in the canteen with a cook who was serving her food "mum" I shouted getting her attention she was leaning against a cooker "come on in, soph" she called as I walked in a stood next to her "thought you had basketball" she asked "i did, I finished not feeling to good" I said "you okay" she asked "fine, look I know your going out with eddie tonight, we'll talk later" I said "hold up, hold up she said grabbing my arm and pulling me to her "whats up" "I..i had a relapse mum" I said my eyes filling with tears "a relapse?" she said "eating, I  cant I haven't for the past three days" I said. I watched as the chef placed a plate in front of her "here" she said handing me the plate "what" "eat it, you will be the perfect judge for adam and I cant have you back in hospital you know what the doctors said last time Sophie, if it happens again...." "i could end up dead I know mum" "your my only child and I will do anything to keep you healthy" she said handing me the plate I nodded before digging into the food on the plate.

Later that night I had gotten out of the bath and was drying my hair when I heard the front door slam shut "mum?" I called from the stairs "yeah its just us" she shouted as I headed downstairs to see her and eddie "how was dinner" I asked her following her into the living room "good, great actually eddie proposed" she said showing me the ring "i know" I said smirking "you knew" " who do you think helped him pick the ring out" I said "of course you did" she said. eddie pulled me aside "soph"  "yeah" "i thought we had a good relationship, you could of told me about your relapse" he said "eddie, im sorry I just didn't want you to be disappointed" I said "never" he said pulling me into a hug before I headed off to bed.

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