shoplifting and skipping school.

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Updated 21/3/17

I got ready for school the next morning and I was in the worst possible mood ever. I got downstairs to see everyone already sitting around the kitchen table "morning love" mum said as I took a seat next to her "does I have to be" I said as I rested my head in my arms "maybe if you didn't stop up so late then you wouldn't be tired Philip said "piss off Philip" I said glaring at him "don't speak to your cousin like that" mum said "whatever, if you must know Philip I was up  revising as some of us have exams in a matter of weeks and some of us aren't naturally bright that we don't need to revise for them" I said as I grabbed a slice of toast and heading upstairs "ill be eating breakfast in my room" I said as I left the kitchen "soph, no" called mum but I ignored her and headed to my room.

I got drop of at school and watch as Sam and lauren headed off on work experience "come on" mum said heading of to the canteen "you cant start your day without fuel" Adam said to mum "im not really a breakfast person" mum said to him "yeah she's more of a three cups of coffee before 8am person" I said "most important meal of the day, miss mason" he said to her "any chance of a bacon sandwich" I asked him "sure" he said as he headed over to the other side of the kitchen to make it and handed me a brown paper bag with my sandwich in I outstretched my hand to my mum "can I have some money" I asked her "what happened to your pocket money you got at the weekend" "i spent it" I said avoiding eye contact with her "it better not be on alcohol Sophie, as your too young to drink" she said "of course not mother" I said looking in the opposite direction of her as she paid for my sandwich "ill see you later" I said heading out of the canteen.

I got outside of registration when I got a text off Bolton

Bolton: soph, come meet me and Paul where going to meet Sam at her work experience

Sophie: be there soon

As the bell went I stood in the hall while everyone went to their classes as I walked out of the school and met up with Bolton as we went into the shop sam was working at "alright sam?"  said "what are you three doing here, aren't you meant to be at school" she said "yeah, but I have better things to do" I said as Bolton and paul headed over to the door before playing pass with a ball. I watch Sam place a pair of shorts in boltons bag I shuck my head at her and stood by the door as the alarm went off and I ran with Bolton and sam following behind me if I get caught I am done with, I've already been done for shoplifting once it cant happen again. I ran as fast as my legs could take me until there as no sign of the security guards who were chasing is "sam, what the hell" I said as I leant against the wall trying to catch my breath back "you said you wanted them" sam said to Bolton "i didn't want you to nick them" he said "look we cant stand here, theres cameras and I cant get caught especially when it comes to shoplifting I already have one strike one more and im inside" I said "what soph, I didn't know" sam said "don't, I was only twelve when I did it, look where are we gonna go" I said "i might know a place" sam said heading off and leading us away.

We headed down to a stream where sam and Bolton spent time skipping stones aww cute I sat on the bridge I pulled out my phone flicking through pictures of me and tom which made me smile, god it hurts how much I miss him. I watched as sam and Bolton flirted and they kissed now I don't feel as if im a third wheel or nothing. "soph?" shouted Bolton "yeah" I said "mason had a call from the shop, I think we should go" he said ugh great. I jumped down from where I was sitting and followed them heading back to school.

Getting back to school the three of us sat in the office "im so dead" I said as Bolton and sam messed around until the door opened and mum walked in, she made eye contact with him glaring at me. well this isn't going to go well. she sat down in the seat next to me "does someone like to explain to me, what on earth is going on today?" she said I avoided eye contact and looked to the other side of the room and neither sam or Bolton said a thing "well" she shouted "sorry miss" sam said "it was me who nicked the stuff" Bolton said I looked at him in shock as did sam "i just thought that it would be a bit of a laugh really, sorry sam I was always going to take them back" he said "is that right sam" mum asked her, sam nodded her head as mum turned to face Bolton "im so disappointed, I really thought you had outgrown this behaviour shoplifting come on, you should of been at school as should of you sophie I dropped you off myself this morning" she said looking at me I rolled my eyes at her as Bolton apologised "your lucky the shop isn't pressing charges but that doesn't help the damage you've done to the schools reputation, yours" she said to bolton "yeah cause the schools reputation is what matters" I mumbled as I slouched down in the chair. "right off you go" mum said leading us at off the rom "not you sophie" she said as I slouched back down in the chair. "sit up sophie" she said sighing I sat up and placed my arms on the table "what" I said "don't what me sophie Patricia mason do you have any idea of what I thought when I got the call about shoplifting and that you were involved, I thought it was you I thought we had gone back four years" she said "well its nice to know you have so much faith in me mother" I said "don't, just don't do you have any the trouble you can get in if you shoplift" "it may surprise you mother, but I do I know if I get caught im inside, ive already got one strike and I know that" I said yelling at her "don't yell at me" "why not, huh see how you like it" "look you need to learn to keep out of trouble, and I said Philip could have the house tonight so make yourself busy" she said "fine" I said before I walked out of the office.

At the end of the day I left the school and walked over to toms and knocked on the door I waited and waited and finally he answered "are you alone?" I asked him "yeah" he said "good" I said before I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck "i love you so damn much tom Clarkson and I cant live without you" I said "i love you too soph, I was trying to give you your life I mean you deserve better than me" "no" "do you know how hards its been to watch you everyday and not be able to kiss you, hold you, tell you how much I love you, be with you and then when you told me about max tyler I wanted to punch him your my girl he had no right to go near you, use you the way he did" "can we not talk about him" I asked "sure, now get upstairs we've got some making up to do" he said as I headed upstairs with him following on my tail.

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