girls night

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Updated 22/3/17
"ill stay with you if you want" I said to tom "no, you go to school" "come gets some breakfast first" I said to him "im not hungry" "you haven't been out the house in a week tom, everyone's asking about you, there all worried" I said "im not in the mood soph" he said. I sighed my patience was wearing thin with this man "look tom, im trying my best here you need to stop pushing me away and josh were trying to help you" I said he didn't say anything and just starred at the wall "fine, ill see you later" I said as I headed out of the door.

"we should go out tonight" bex said as me, her, jess and Vicki walked through the halls "i don't know" I said "come on soph, it will be fun" Vicki said "its not that its...." "is it Mr Clarkson" jess asked "yeah, I just feel like im getting no where with him no matter how hard I try hes determined to push me away" "soph, he probably needs time and so do you so come out with us, I'll pay" bex said "yeah I suppose your right" "I am, besides he ahs josh to look after him" she said "alright im in though not to late yeah" "deal" vicki said. At break I found bex outside with a ton of money "what have you got there?" I said "nothing" she said "don't lie to me there must be a fortune there" I said "look ive just been saving up for a while, I was thinking that we could head into town and I could buy you your birthday present" "becky, my birthday is months away" I said "but its your eighteeth you need a decent present" she said "if were having it that way, how about me get something for tonight" I asked "alright, lets fnd jess and we can all head into town" bex said. I nodded as we headed into back inside.

we headed into town and jess and I decided to try on dress "wheres bex" I asked " I dunno, shes disappeared" I said "come on lets find her" I said. we found bex sitting on a bench not to far away "there you are" I said. "i haven't got any money" bex said "you had a big envelope full of it" I said "threw it away" she said "why'd you do that" jess asked "they weren't my savings" "gathered as much" jess said "come on, lets find a bank" I said "why" bex asked "well if were going out tonight, were going to need money" "how?" jess aksed "i have more money than you know" I said smirking.

After shopping I headed round to see tom before I went out "i see you changed out of your pajammas" I said "im sorry" he said "i should think so" I said "ive been an idiot, soph you've been great looking after me and everything" "its okay I love you ill always be here" "to tell you the truth im ashamed, I look weak in front of you" "at least your not a thug" I said he but his hand on my cheek "you okay" he asked "fine, are you" "i will be" he said I kissed him on the lips "ill see you later okay, I said id go out with the girls" I said "try not to have too much fun" he said as I headed out of the door and made my way to the bar and met up with bex and jess "wheres vicki" I asked "she said she wont be long" jess said. "vodka and lemonade" I ordered soon finding my way to the dance floor.

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