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Updated 21/3/17

I got up earlier than usual today was exams, yes it was French and yes I knew French like the back of my hand but I need to pass I sat on my bed reading through all my revision cards. im going to fail I know it, it was 7.30 when my mum walked in "oh your up" she asked "been up since 5" I said not taking my eyes off the revision "soph, come on you know this and besides you need to have some breakfast when you have exams" she said "i cant I need to revise" I said "yes, now soph" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me off the bed "downstairs, breakfast now" she said crossing her arms over her chest "god you dont know where to put an end to miss mason do you" I said glaring at her as I headed don the stairs "what's that suppose to mean" she said "it means that you may be my headmistresses but your also my mother and you don't know where to draw the line" I said as a grabbed a piece of toast and sat next to eddie at the table.

I walked to school by myself I wanted to get some air I headed straight to registration and sat at the back of the class as tom did the register "sophie, miss mason wishes to see you in her office" he said "now" I asked "yeah now" sighing I picked  up my stuff and headed to the office. Once I got to the office I walked in to see her with the head cook "you wished to see me" I said as I leant against the doorway "sophie come in" she said as the cook left "look if its about what I said this morning, im sorry im just under a lot of stress okay" I said "i understand although your right I dont know where to stop with you when it ones to being a parent or your head teacher, I wanted to ask you something what do you think of these" she asked handing me picture of dresses "mum, I hope your not asking me to wear them, I mean its pink and its frilly" I said she sighed "yeah, your right" she said as she looked back at the dress "look id love to stay and chat but I have my French oral" I said as I walked off to the French classroom and waited "morning soph are you ready for your oral" Bolton said as he came over with paul and Michaela "Bolton, I swear you need shut up before I shut you up" I said "why you nervous if im not mistaken your very good at oral" he said as I slapped him "i meant talking jeez" he said rubbing his arm where I had hit him. "sure you did" Michaela said smirking "shuff off you lot" I said walking off from them.

After the oral exam I stood outside of the hall and leant my head against the wall sighing a breath of relief "how did it go" tom asked me as he walked past me "good, I think its just the exam in an hour to do" "you'll ace it sophie, I know you will" he said before walking off. An hour later I sat in the hall doing the exam which I think I aced it.

After the exam I met up with Bolton "what's going on" I asked him as him, paul and phil where talking "what's going on" I asked "ros is into girls" Paul said "what, no" I said Aleesha and ugh Danielle came over "never guess what we just heard" Aleesha said "miss lipsett is not aloud to teach any more, ros is saying she did stuff to her" she said "what kind of stuff" Bolton asked "i slapped him "soph, will you stop that" "well stop being a pig" I said "they suspended her" ros asked from behind us on the stairs "that's what there saying" Danielle asked  "ros" phil said to her "im sorry" she said before storming off "phil, im sorry" I said to him "leave it sophie" he said storming off. I sat in the library when the fire drill went off really?, standing up I picked up my bag and headed out into the yard "whats going on" I asked Bolton "no idea, apparently the kitchen is on fire" he said I watched phil walk over to jos and they argued "phil?" I said as I walked over to him "she lied" "what" "she lied, miss lipsett never touched her" he said "she said that" I asked "no, I can tell the way shes been acting" he said "phil, im sorry" I said "don't soph" he said.

I headed to the office at the end of the day to find my mum, she wasn't there , no one was I walked down the hallway and heard  her voice she was in the canteen "mum" I called there was no answer I walked into the canteen to she her kissing adam "what the hell" I said they pulled away and she looked at me "how could you" I said "soph I.." "no your engaged to marry eddie and here you are kissing another man, your unbelievable" I said as I turned on my heel and out of the canteen "you don't understand" she said as she caught up with me in the hallway "don't understand what, that my mother is and always will be the whore that sleeps with people for money" I yelled "don't speak to me like that" she yelled "what about eddie, you meant to be getting married" "i know sophie, look I got scared there's nothing going on between me and adam were friends, old friends" she said "what would of happened if I didn't walk in huh, were you going to sleep with him, well you probably have as you say your old friends" she slapped me across the face and I starred at her in shock "soph im.." "don't, just don't" I said walking off "don't expect me home tonight" I called back as I stormed off out of the school.

my cheek was stinging and I headed to toms, I knocked on his door and he answered looking concerned when he seen that I was crying "Sophie, what happened" he asked as I hugged him "my mum happened, can I stay here tonight" I asked him "sure" he said.

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