I cant be..

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edited: 12/3/17

I stayed at Tom's last night I told my mum that I was staying at Maxine's as she would never approve not off staying over at my boyfriends/ teacher especially on a school night we haven't really discussed what we were. I lay in bed as tom got dressed  "so what did you tell your mum?" he asked "oh err, I told her I was staying at maxs which she wasn't to happy about, imagine if she knew where I actually was" I said climbing out of bed and putting on my skirt an blouse before heading to the bathroom washing my face of yesterdays make up and redoing my hair when I felt nauseous, and headed to the toilet throwing up.There was a knock at the door "babe are you in there, I need to use the bathroom" tom said  "two minutes" I said I don't know what wrong with me I've been feeling like this for days, sickness in the morning, unless... no I cant be. I walked into school determined to find max, chlo and janeece when I spotted my mum in the corridor with Mr Lawson, urgh that's all I need the third degree from her. I kept my head down with the aim to avoid eye contact and walked past her "Sophie" she called from behind me "fuck sake" I mumbled under my breath and turned around to face her "are you okay, you don't look to well" she said "im not feeling to good to be honest" "do you want to go home" she asked "no ill be fine" "right, how was your night at Maxine's" "good" "what did you get up to" "the usual, gossip, had some pizza you know" "right ill see you later" she said heading back to the office.

I headed to registration to find max and janeece "guys I need your help" I said as I sat down "what's up" said janeece "i think im pregnant" "what?" said janeece "soph, how weren't you more careful" asked max "we were usually, there was one time and we didn't plan on having sex its just happened, I didn't think until now, I've got morning sickness" I said "your mum is going to kill you, I know hes older and that all you've said" janeece said  "have you took a test" max said "no that's what I need your help with I need to go into town first period, but I need you to cover for me" I said "I'll cover for you, we have budgen doubt he'll notice" said janeece "thanks" "I'll come into town with you" said max "can you cover for both of us" I asked "sure" once the bell for first period went me and max headed out of the school gates and walked into town "have you told him?" asked max "no, I've told no one" I said "how do you think he's going to react" "honestly I think he'll freak out I mean I know I talk about it much, us, but we've only started getting things on track he'll freak  "but if your pregnant with his kid don't you think he'll come round, do more" "i don't know max, its not him which terrified me" "miss mason" "yes she was seventeen when she fell pregnant and she struggled, did stuff she regrets all for me, she would hate for me to follow in her footsteps" "it will be alright" By break we got back to school and headed to the toilets to find girls surrounding the mirror to put on make up "max" I said gesturing to the crowds of girls "Out now" said max clearing the bathroom as I went into the cubical after a few minutes I sat there starring at the test "soph?" said max from outside the cubical I opened the door and held the test in my hand "Its positive, what am I going to do max?" I said "you've only took one test it could be faulty" she said "you and I both know it, im pregnant" "you need to find tell him" she said I nodded popping the test in my bag and headed off to find Bolton.

I couldn't find tom for the rest of the day when I really needed too, so I headed to the office to tell my mum "can I talk to you" I asked "im a bit busy Sophie, can it wait" she asked "yeah it can, nine months long enough" I said she turned around and looked at me "whatever im out of here" I said turning round and walking down the hall. I found tom sitting the classroom doing marking "can I talk to you" I asked "sure" he said standing up and walking over to me "i need to tell you something ""what is it" he asked and I placed the test on his desk "im pregnant" I said and he looked at the desk and to me "your kidding right" "yeah cause this is something to joke about" "what are you going to do" I asked "me? I didn't knock myself up" I said "your fifteen" he said I could feel tears in my eyes "whatever" I said before storming off "soph?" he called after me.I headed home afterwards tears running down my face slamming the door shut and falling to the floor crying. my mum must of heard me as she came to the hallway "Sophie?" "im fine" I said wiping my eyes "who is he, the dad" she asked me and I frowned "it doesn't matter" I said as  she pulled me into her chest as I cried.

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