New start + New school= waterloo road

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A/n in this the girls are in year 10 and are 14/15 and chlo gets married at 15 in this with permission like she did originally.
I own only the character sophie mason and Abbey holden
Edited 4/3/17

I stood in front of the mirror in my new school uniform as I looked at my reflection blue eyes,Blonde hair short height and skinny figure. I got ready into my new school uniform and decided to wear and skirt with knee high socks and heeled ankle boots as my mum, Rachel walked in "are you all ready soph?" she asked "do I have to go to this school" I asked turning around to look at mum "yes, now hurry up and ill drop you off" said mum "no thanks id rather walk" i said picking up my bag along with my blue leather jacket and headrd towards the door "sophie" called my mum after me as i left the house.

As i walked through the school gates I looked around and thought, what a bunch of idiots and pulled out my phone texting my best friend from my old school, abbey

sophie: This school is full of idiots, I miss you

Abbey:HAHAHA I miss you too, and be nice

sophie: I wont make any promises

I entered the school to see staff searching bags "you've got to be kidding me" i said to myself. I went straight to the office as being the new kid i had to report to the office. After collecting my timetable I was lead to registration by the deputy head, mr Lawson "mr Clarkson this is sophie, shes new and will be starting today" mr Lawson said and mr Clarkson smiled at me, we made eye contact for a few seconds before i looked away I noticed that he blushed "find a seat sophie" he said "yes sir" I said as I sat at the back of the class. I hate being the new kid, I felt everyone's eyes on me as if I was a freak at the freak show. After registration I headed of to my first lesson i was late. Walking in the class i had English with miss koreshi i entered the class as the teacher had slammed the desk with a ruler "your late" she said pointing the ruler at me "don't point that thing at me will ya" i said "take a seat" she said. I took a seat towards the back of the class and took out her phone texting abbey

sophie: they have psycho's teaching here, a teacher just threatened me with a ruler

Abbey: as if, no way

sophie: yes way

After class i got up and was the first to leave when i was in the corridor i was stopped by two other girls that were in my class "hey, your the new girl right?" said the girl who had curly hair "yeah, im sophie" i said "janeece and this is Maxine" she said "nice to meet you" i said "so what brings you to waterloo road" Maxine asked "my mum moved me up, a new start and the fact she didn't like my old best friend so she wanted me away from her" I said "your mum sounds..." "tough...horrid...a cow?" "i was going to say strict" "well shes that too" I said as we walked down the hall to second period and sat down "hey guys whos this" a girl with blonde hair asked Maxine and janeece "chlo this is sophie, shes new, sophie this is chlo" janeece said and I smiled at her. Soon the bell went and the teachers had went on strike "well this places isn't to bad, especially if teachers go on strike" I said as I sat on a desk and looked through my phone "so chlos getting married" janeece said and I near enough dropped my phone "im sorry what" I said as I looked to chlo "what, donte and i love each other" she said "i didn't say nothing" I said "your fifteen chlo, are you sure you want to do this" Maxine asked her "look after my mum died I never have been more sure than anything" chlo said and I couldn't help feel sorry for her as she mentioned her mum dying.

After school the three of us snuck off to see a wedding, the wedding of Donte and chlo when Mr Clarkson broke into the registry offcie and tried to stop the wedding "shes fifteen she doesn't have permission" he said "i have permission off my dad" chlo said as she held up a letter stating she had permission to get married Mr Clarkson soon walked out furious. Then chlo and Donte said their I do's and we left to go party. But Mr Clarkson turned up and threatened Donte talk about a wedding.I couldn't help myself but look at Mr Clarkson there was something about him, I just wanted to know more, get to know him, I don't know what it is but he interested me. After that Me, Maxine and janeece were left on our own and decided to head home "this is me guys" I said as i stood outside my house "sweet place" said janeece "ill see you tomorrow" I said as i headed towards my house. As i entered the house it looked empty and i was relieved as my mum must be out "soph, where have you been" shouted my mum from upstairs "out with some friends" i said "right well you could of rang and said" "sorry" After having some tea i headed for a bath where i lay for a while thinking this place isn't too bad if only abbey were here. Soon i went to sleep as soon and as my head hit the pillow i was fast asleep.

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