school play

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edited 8/3/17

I had been dragged into school early, by my mum, god I hate being the heads daughter, is it too much to ask to sleep past six in the morning. I decided to go and met chlo I walked over to Clarkson's car as chlo and mika got out "morning Sophie" Mr  Clarkson said and I smirked at him "sir" I said as I watched chlo as she watched Celine and Donte "come on" I said as I took her hand leading her away from them she smiled at me and nodded as Mr Clarkson smiled at before we walked into school. 

As I went into school I bumped into Bolton " hey soph" he said "Bolton" I said and I noticed chlo smirk at me as she walked away "hey soph, what you doing tonight" "are you asking me out" I asked and he blushed "well if you know I thought we could hang" he said, bless "why don't you ask me later I said before walking off to registration, leaving him hanging there. I noticed my mum walk up the stairs she had her head styles nice, a little to nice for a meeting "what's with the hair" I asked "i have a meeting Sophie" she said "are you sure that's its not for Mr Lawson" I asked smirking "don't smirk at me Sophie, he's my deputy" "and?" I said as the bell for registration went "and head to registration and pull your skirt down" she said and I rolled my eyes "laters mummy" I said as I walked through the doors backward and headed to registration, she so has the hots fro Mr Lawson

I arrived in history and took a seat next to Chlo "your late" she said "i know, I couldn't find my books" I said as I tried to listen to the teacher talk about world war 1. Later on during the lesson I noticed Chlo stare at donte and Celine "Chlo, are you okay" I asked "how can he move on so fast" she asked "you want to know what I think" I said "please" "I think he's a coward, I mean your still his wife, so I think he should of come to you and asked of it were okay to see someone else, especially one of your mates, and if she's your mate she shouldn't of gone there, its girl code. But honestly I don't think its gonna last its a rebound any one can see he still loves you its donte he's scared to admit it, in case he gets hurt especially after you and Brett" I said "so you don't think its anything serious" she asked "I could bet my French GCSE on it" I said.

At break I found Chlo sitting by the bins "chlo" "soph?" "What are you doing here" I asked as I sat down next to her "donte...I gave him the ring back and he gave his back to me" "I'm sorry Chlo" " it wasn't like him at all its as if he doesn't care" she said with tears running down her face "I'm sorry Chlo" I said pulling her into a hug "you know who's responsible for this don't you him becoming cruel" I said "me" she said "no, Celine" I said "really" "yeah, Chlo trust me I'm your best friend and I wouldn't lie to you" I said "yeah, your right its all her fault" Chlo said standing up "what are you doing" I asked "I'm gonna have a word aren't I" she said "no, your not if you go in there all guns blazing your gonna look like the jealous ex" "what am I meant to do sit back and wait" "that's exactly what your supposed to do, when she messes up you'll be there for donte"" yeah your right soph" she said as the bell for next period went.

Later that afternoon I was wondering the halls when max came up to me "why" I groaned "because we have to, besides we miss lessons this afternoon" she said and I nodded  "Bolton, he asked me out" "and" "and I told him to ask me again at the end of the day" "what are you going to say" "I don't know max, I've never been on a date before" "come on Soph, you have nothing to loose, you may even enjoy yourself" "yeah your right" "now are you coming to the play?" She asked "why not" I said as we linked arms and headed to the hall.After the play I sat on the steps of the school when Bolton ran up behind me and sat behind d me "so how about that date" he asked  and I sighed I felt bad "i don't know" "oh" "look maybe we can go out as friends?" I said and he smiled and nodded kissing me on the cheek and running off after Paul "hey Soph, you walking home?" Asked janeece "nah, gonna get a lift" I said before heading back inside. Walking back into the hall I found my mum standing in the hallway "mum?" "Sophie" "are you okay" I asked "I'm fine, now tell me about your day" she said draping an arm across my shoulder as we walked towards her office " not much, same old, same old although I did get asked out" "oh who's the lucky guy" "Bolton smilie" "oh Sophie" " mum please give him a chance for me?" " oh fine"  she said and I smiled as Mr Clarkson walked off "good night Rachel, Sophie" he said to me and I smirked "what is with me around him, im like a complete mess...oh hell no I think I fancy my teacher, this is not good.

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