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Edited 9/3/17

I had football practice first thing and headed to the changing rooms as Tom came over to me "so how's my best player" he asked "I've been better, but im ready to win tomorrow" I said. Before we headed out to practice, During practice it was a disaster, sameen decided that she wasn't one to be a team player today. At break I bumped into chlo who was handing out leaflets for her own hairdressing "nice" I said "thanks" she said smiling back. I met up with Janeece "there you are" she said "yeah" "Haydock is on the hunt for you" "damn it, I haven't done  my coursework" "idiot, id do it quick she's after your blood"  I found Max next period "Max im in deep trouble" I said sitting down next to her "what have you done now?" she asked "its more like what havent I done" I said "what" "Haydock's coursework, I haven't done it, and French is my best subject my mums already on my back to start with" "i have an idea, ill catch up with you later" she said heading for the door as the bell went. As I walked to English I noticed Danielle and Aleesha were having a go at Sameen, asking a lot of questions "immigration want to ship me back to Iran" said sameen "what they cant do that" I said "its unethical" said Bolton. miss koreshi came over to us "look Mr Clarkson wants to see the football team in the drama room, next period" "she said "okay miss" I said as I exited the classroom.

Next period we stood in the drama room, having our pictures took a bid to save Sameen "its not right, if they come for you, you should barricade yourself in a room" I said "thanks" said sameen. After missing third period Max came up to me "i think I may be able to solve all your problems, come on" she said heading into one of the classrooms "its the answer to all your coursework" said Max "what is it" I asked "you start getting better results and mason will back off, wont she?" she said typing in the essay title "Max, is that what I think it is" I said looking at the computer "yeah Soph, its a cheat site" "you sure they wont know" I asked "there's over two thousand essays there not going to read them all" she said "pick the best rated and print" she said hitting the print button "your a genius Maxine Barlow" I said.

Near the end of lunch I was standing with Janeece and Max, when Sameen ran past "Sameen" I said running after her as she had barricaded herself in the changing room, oh boy me and my big mouth. A big crowd of us surrounded the changing room as immigration stood outside the door trying to get sameen. soon my mum went into the changing room to try and talk to Sameen. Ten minutes later sameen had decided to leave. When Tom stood behind me "so, are you ready for tonight" he asked me and I nodded "what have you told your mum" "that I was staying with Janeece" I said and he smirked "meet you at six" he said and I nodded.

At the end of the day I headed to the office "I've spoken to miss Haydock she informs you that you've handed in two essays, and I was going to have a go at you for not doing your coursework, keep up the good work Sophie" she said "thanks" "i have Stuart coming in any minute, I need you to do your homework possibly with headphones in". Ten minutes later the IPOD died damn I noticed that Mr Lawson was in the room "As we have our little blackmail conversation on tape, I hope we don't see each other again" said mum I wonder who I take after for my devious ways. "i bet you love working for a two bit hooker don't you? I bet that's where her daughter is heading in a few year's aren't you darling" said Stuart putting his hand on my leg, giving me flashbacks from the past "don't touch her" said mum standing up from her chair, he walked over to Mr Lawson as I walked to my mum was and she pulled you into a hug "you okay?" she asked I nodded my head "i bet she gives it to you for free" he said to Mr Lawson who turned around and punched Stuart, making us gasp. Heading out to the car park we watched as Stuart drove away "is it over" I asked "i don't know, hopefully" said mum "come on lets get you home" she said.

At six, I packed my bag for the weekend and headed downstairs "mum" I called and she walked out of the kitchen "yeah" "im going to Janeece, ill see you Sunday" I said ad she nodded "okay be good" she said and I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the house and met up with tom who was waiting for me around the corner "you ready" he asked and I smiled at him "yeah" I said a I looked out of the window looking at the view of the s I got into the car and drove for about half an hour. We got out of the car and Tom took my hand as we walked into the lobby of the hotel. As we walked into the room of the hotel I looked out of the window in front of me to see a view of the city just lit up as it was getting dark. Tom Walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist "its beautiful isn't it" I said "not as beautiful as you" he said and I smirked. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck "i love you" I said to him and he looked at me for a minute and smiled "i love you too" he said as he kissed me. I lead him over to the bed "Sophie, are you sure" he asked me "there's no one else that id rather have my first time with, no one else id rather spent this weekend with" I said and he grabbed me by the waist pinning me to the bed "im glad, its me" he said as he kissed me.

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