party of a lifetime

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Updated 22/3/17

"bex is gone" mum said the following morning at breakfast "im sorry I've just got a sense of Deja vu did we just go back in time two years" I asked "this is serious Sophie, I have had your aunt on the phone half the night in bits" she said "mum please its too early for a lecture" I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee "rach, soph didn't mean it" Eddie said "yeah I know, im sorry soph its just the last time she went it tore that family apart" she said as she took a seat next to Eddie and he pulled her into him and kissed her forehead "it will be fine rach, she'll turn up" he said "has she said anything to you soph, I know that you've been close ever since she got back" she asked me "i don't know, maybe, she said something a while back about a boyfriend who kept harassing her maybe the same one that took those videos" I said "right, look if she tries to get in contact with you or you remember something else come and tell me" she said as she headed for the door, leaving me and Eddie alone "she's stressed" he said "your telling me" I said "she doesn't mean to be snappy soph" "i know its just her" I said.

Finn and Ronan came over to me "what do you two dorks want?" I asked them "sophiekins, we wanted to invite you to the best party of your life" Finn said "okay don't call me sophiekins, if your two are hosting its unlikely to be the best party of my life is it" I said walking of "hurtful" Finn said as I walked away chuckling to myself. I headed to chemistry and sat next to jess "look jess she'll come back" I said "you don't know that" she said as she stormed off. I put my head in my hands and shuck my head.I sat in the library at lunch when I felt a pair of hands touch my shoulders and jumped "hey jumpy its only me" tom said "sorry" I said as I rubbed my eyes "what's up with you, is it bex" he asked "yeah, I think jess knows where she is although I cant prove it but I do know that she knows something" "what makes you think that" he asked "she snapped at me this morning and I mean really snapped like Sophie snapped as you would put it all because I said she would come back" I said "it does sounds fishy" he said "im going out tonight, I need to let my hair down and be seventeen" I said

later that night I met up with sam and I watched as her and finn exchanged some words "trouble in paradise" I asked "there is no paradise, me and finn are over" she said "shame, I could see like sam and finns running round" I said "shut up" she said. finn came over to me and handed me a drink "thought our party wasn't good enough for you" he said "well I think id come and judge for myself" I said as I necked my drink soon filling up my up again and again. I stood with finn as he watched sam as she danced with lauren "i wished that you would just talk to her" I said "whats the point she doesn't want to know" he said "yeah she does, look Sambuca Kelly is one of the most stubbornness people I know as are you, a math made in heaven or hell I haven't quite decided yet" I said not long after some guy came in and started to smash the place up "im going to go" I said as I noticed tom had came into the warehouse "still going" sam asked "yep" I said as I headed outside I hadn't realise just how drunk I was until I had gotten outside I felt a pair of hands make way to my hips "i think its time for bed for you" tom whispered in my ear "bed with you" I slurred "not tonight darling" he said "what are you taking me back to my mothers" I asked "that I am" he said before he put me into the car and I feel asleep as he drove off.

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