Melissa's return

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Updated 21/3/17
it's the last day of term, thank god and I turn sixteen next week mum wanted me to have a party but parties aren't my thing, not anymore, not after Freya she would be two nearly I often wonder what she would look like would she have my eyes, my dirty blonde hair, would she be like me when I was little funny and curious but a bit of a character. I was pulled out of my thoughts by knocking on the bathroom door "Sophie, come on we're leaving" said phil "coming" I said as I finished brushing my teeth off and went into my room and picked up my bag and headed out of the door, locking it behind me.I got to school and found chlo, Donte and baby Izzie "aww chlo, she's adorable" I said looking at her as she lay in chlos arms "thanks soph, I still cant believe she's mine" she said.

i was walking through the hallway when i spotted mum and Melissa, who had a baby bump "no way" i said "not now sophie" said mum as she lead Melissa off to the office. i walked down to the office to find mum by herself "is it eddies" i asked "of course it is sophie" she said "well its Melissa, i mean you never know with her" i said as she sat down in her chair "your worried, aren't you ""yeah i mean this is very Melissa like to turn up just as eddie and i are getting serious and announce that shes pregnant" "isn't it just, its a little to convenient if you ask me" i spotted a box on her desk "whats this a gift" i said picking it up and examine it, it had a watch inside "aww" i said "who knew mr Lawson would be such the romantic" i said "haven't you got class" mum said "alright im going, god way to feel the love" i said heading out of the office and made my way to art.

i found chlo at break "so can auntie sophie, have a hold?" i asked her "are you sure soph" said chlo "what" "i mean, i know that your baby is meant to be the same age as Izzie is now" said chlo "yeah i know, don't worry about it, i guess i have to accept that my baby is gone" i said as she smiled and handed me baby Izzie "aren't you like your mummy, beautiful" i said as i looked down at Izzie. i headed outside to see flicks dad shouting "this is Rachel masons fault you let this scum in here in the first place" he said pointing to marley "are you happy now, they've taken my daughter away from me, how would you like it if they took yours away" he said "you lost her yourself, ralph" mum said to him as i sat on the wall off the school watching. "you think your getting away with this" he said grabbing mum by the arm "oi get off her" i said as i walked over to mum "this is my school" mum said "says the lying tart" he said "right that's enough" said eddie grabbing him and pulling him away from mum and standing in front of her like a bodyguard. Soon everyone walked inside ending break.

everyone headed out on the bus for the choir competition while i sat at school doing some art work as i wasn't in the mood for a choir competition. "are you not going to the choir competition" said mr Lawson who was standing by the doorway "no im not in the mood, and i wanted to do some art work" "you've been doing a lot of that" "it distracts me from things" i said "like eating" "more like from not eating , the thought of it" i said he sat down opposite me "what are you going to do?"i asked him "i love your mum, you know that" "yeah but its supposedly your child she's carrying" "yeah, ill support her and be there but i wont be with her" "you realise my mum will blame herself for keeping you away from your kid" "i know" "if its even yours" "meaning" "meaning, i know Melissa well enough to know she's a scheming cow and she would probably gotten pregnant on purpose to get you back and finish you and mum" "you know sophie, you've matured a lot since you started here, especially the last year" he said "thanks sir" i said

After half an hour of drawing i had cramp in my hand from drawing and i heard a bang i headed outside of the classroom as some of the ceiling fell in i let out a scream and ran for the nearest exit as i got outside eddie pulled me to him "are you okay" he asked noticed dusk all over me "im fine" mum ran out of the taxi and stood in front of the JVC that ralph was driving "mum no" i shouted running over to her "sophie no" Melissa said pulling me back "your going to get yourself killed" i shouted over to mum as eddie pulled the keys out of the JVC i ran over to her and hugged her as she cried on my shoulder "you okay" i asked as she nodded.

i stood with Philip looking at the rubble of the school, "wow" i said "yeah, he almost killed you" "wouldn't be the first time ive nearly died in this school" i said before walking over to the couch as everyone got off. Mum stood next to me and i watched as her and eddie made eye contact "whats going on there" i asked mum "i love him soph" she said "i know that, any one who has eyes can see that" i said "we broke up" "what"" we cant be together, not when hes having a baby with Melissa""but hes yours he loves" "i know, its just too complicated" she said as she grabbed by hand "are you sure your okay"i asked her "just want to go home" she said "come on then, lets go" i said

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