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Updated 21/3/17

I have been staying with tom for over a week, I haven't forgiven my mum get I haven't even talked to her, although she tries to talk to me but I just walk away. I got to school and watched as eddie and SHE got out of the car. Philip came and stood next to me "when are you coming home?" he asked I shrugged my shoulders "i don't know phil" "look I hate to admit it but its not the same without you, we all miss you Rachel, eddie" "you" "Yes even me, I mean you may be my annoying little cousin but its not the same without you and your moods, what even happened between you and Rachel?" he asked "its not my place to say" I said. She noticed me standing and walked over to me "please soph, I want you to come home, eddies asking questions im sorry for hitting you" she said sighing I looked at her "theres nothing going on between you and Adam right" I asked "no, I promise look its the wedding ive never been married before and it scared me" she said "you need to tell eddie" "he'll hate me" "no he'll love you besides you cant have a wedding based on lies" I said as I stood up and headed off to registration.

I had a free first period and headed to the common room to find Bolton, paul and phil "okay what are you three up to" I asked them as i  sat down "nothing" the three of them said at the same time "right, and im a virgin" I said as I snatched the paper out of phils hands "well..well..Well what's this" I said reading through the paper "pros and cons god your disgusting" I said as I threw the paper ball at him. Break time I headed into the toilets to see Philip list pinned to the wall "what on earth" I said to myself. "Michaela what have you done" I asked her in the hall as I spotted her handing out sheets of phils list "look sophie, its not like he called you a slapper" "really Michaela, talk about petty" I said as I stormed off and walked into eddie "hey stranger" he said to me "oh hey" I said "any chance of you coming home" he asked "i don't know eddie, maybe"

Lunch time I spotted Michaela handing out the list again "Michaela seriously" I said "im doing it for you ,soph" "what" "have you not seen what hes said about you, 'shes got more brains in her toe than my own cousin' " "you what, give me that" I said as I snatched the sheet out of her hand "im going to kill him" I said as I ran at him "Philip, how could you say such a thing" I yelled as mum and eddie walked into the room "sophie, cooler go and calm down" eddie shouted as I narrowed my eyes at phil "this is not over" I said storming out of the room and to the cooler. At the end of lunch mum pulled me out of the cooler "come on" she said "where are we going" I asked "general studies, mr budgen" she said "ugh" "come on it will be fun" she said "your type of fun and mine have different definitions" I said

so here we were girls v.s boys the debate "guys are better athletes" said paul "that's not true, I could easily beat you at football, basketball one-on-one myself and im just a little petite girl" I said as we continued to argue over who is better "i think you should know that I told eddie" mum whispered to me "oh, how did he take" "better than you, he said hes needs time" "that's understandable" I said "so any chance on coming home" she asked "fine, only cause you all miss me so much" I said.

The end of the day I meet up with eddie who as sitting on the steps "i was so angry, when I found out" I said to him "i know it meant nothing soph, its just I wished that she would of talked to me"  he said "you and me both, look you know what my mum is like, she has her own shell she likes to live in, shes scared" I said "yeah" "she loves you eddie, anyone stupid enough can see that" I said. mum came out and sat on the steps "im sorry eddie" she said to him "so am I" he said kissing her "theres something we have to show you soph" eddie said "oh" I said "at home come on" he said as we headed towards the car. "so what is it" I asked once we got in the house "this" eddie said handing me a sheet of paper "the adoption came through, were practically a family now" mum said "well once you get married" I said "yes, and i  think we should get married as soon as possible" eddie said "what, really" mum asked "well unless you have anymore doubts" "absolutely not" she said as she kissed him.


A/N So ive decided that im going to keep Rachel as head mistresses and im introducing Karen in as Rachel's older sister and she will be acting as  head when Rachel and eddie go on their honeymoon so there will be no reddie, for a few chapters and ill be introducing some sophom drama soon.

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