Her past

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Updated 9/3/17

I haven't confronted my mum about what i found in her desk last week but she knows that there is something up "soph, you okay?" she asked "sorry, yeah just didn't get much sleep last night" i said "are you sure that all it is" "im fine, ill see you later" i said before running off to find Maxine and Janeece "have you heard this, Janeece's new fella is older" said max "be careful there will you Janeece, there usually only after one thing" i said "i think shes in love" said Max "As if" i said "shut up, Soph, i mean its not as if Bolton smilie was with you for your brains i mean we all know you haven't got any" said Janeece"Janeece" said max "If its anything to do with you, we never had sex" I said  as i stormed off and ran into the girls toilets trying to let the tears fall. A while  later i walked out of the toilets and Bumped into someone, my mum great just what i need "Sophie" "hey" i said putting on a brave face "you've been crying" "you can always tell cant you" "come to my office" she said leading me there "what happened" she asked taking a seat "it was nothing, me and janeece had a fight and she said some hurtful things" i said "whats up with you soph, you've been in a weird mood since last week" she said "i know mum, i know about your past, i know that my mother used to be a prostitute" i said walking out of the office and slamming the door leaving her gobsmacked.

I found Maxine and Chlo in the corridor not long after "you okay Soph?" asked Chlo "just one of those days" i said just then Janeece came over and walked off with Chlo. Next period i went off with English and sat next to Max i noticed that my mum was walking down the corridor next to the classroom when she walked in " can i have a word with Sophie please, Mr Clarkson " she said "Sophie" he said "nah im alright sir, me and miss mason have nothing to say" i said as the classed went ooh "now Sophie" yelled my mum, i sighed and followed her outside of the classroom "i thought we didn't tell lies, i thought we told each other everything you said that, you said that" i yelled at her "come with me" she said practically dragging me to the cooler "what are you putting me in the cooler now, i haven't done anything" "no were going to talk, when i said Stuart hordley was bad news i was telling you the truth, he isn't no mate, his sectary knew me back then, how long have you knew?" she asked "it doesn't matter, the fact is i know the lies mum, you are the one person i trust more than anything and you lied to me" i said i stood up and paced around the room "i dont know you, do i Amanda or Rachel whatever you call yourself""i have a past im not proud of, whats wrong with trying to put that behind me and move on look soph, i did it for us your grandparents didn't want to know when i got pregnant, then you got ill and i had medical bills to pay, i did it for us, for you" "dont" "it took me two years to get out of it, the only route out was to do good by you, i got myself an education and here i am here today" said mum "what happens when people find out, you know that secrets dont stay secrets forever look at me and my secret i would of never told you if you never overheard" "does it bother you, people knowing" "im worried okay, that you'll loose your job, that i cant protect you from it" "its not your job to protect me, its my job to protect you" "and who protects you" i said. She didn't say anything and i walked out.

At break i met up with Max "what was all that about?" she asked "oh its nothing" i said throwing a stone off a wall in frustration "you sure you seem" "what, i seem what" "edgy, upset" she said "im just frustrated" i said "im here if you want to talk" "you wouldn't understand" i  snapped at her  before walking off. I pulled my phone of sending her a text;

Sophie: sorry about before max, just got a lot going on x

"i'll take that" said mum who was standing behind me "what" i said hiding my phone behind my back "your phone" "why" "you know the rules Sophie" she said "but its my phone" "yes and i am the one who paying your phone bill, now hand it over" she said outstretching her hand "fine" i said handing her the phone in the pocket of her suit jacket. no way im getting that back. "Sophie" called Mr Clarkson as he walked down the hall after me "sir" I said "you want to talk to me, about what happened during my lesson this morning between you and your mum" he asked and I sighed "not here" I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the drama room "what's going on" he asked and I sighed "Tom...I want to tell you its just....its not my secret to tell" I said "your mum?" he asked and I nodded "how bad is it" he asked "pretty bad, I just feel as if I've been lied to my entire life" I said and he walked over and hugged me I could smell his cologne, it was like a drug to me "it will be okay" he said "you don't know the half of it, how will it be okay" I said as he placed a hand on my cheek "I know it will be, your my girl and im here" he said and I smiled "your girl, now am I " I asked and he smirked "yes"

Miss Haydock came and pulled me chlo and Maxine out of art "have any of you girls got any idea where Janeece is?" she asked "no" "no" "not bothered" i said "well you should as a man who is meant to be a teacher is currently taking advantage of her right now" said Miss Haydock "sorry miss" i said. At the end of the day Max went of to Chlos to try and get a hold of Janeece while i stayed at school hoping she would turn up. I walked into the office at the end of the day still not hearing anything from Janeece "mum have you heard anything" i asked "only that shes in Manchester, Steph and Tom are on their way" "this is all my fault" i said breaking down in tears "oh no sweetheart its not" she said pulling me into a hug "i told her what older men were like this morning, we argued if only i could of told someone, i thought she was just making it up i never thought it was a teacher" i said sobbing. She took me into her office and sat me down and i still couldn't look her in the eye "you cant see past it can you, i had sex with men for money because i had nothing, we had nothing it was over twelve years ago Sophie and you know what im done apologizing im glad i did it as they're my mistakes and you can learn from them as well as me" "your right im sorry, i know you did it for us its just hard to get my head around " i said "come here" she said opening her arms fora hug. I walked over and hugged her "no more lies yeah" she said opening her arms for a hug. I walked over and hugged her "no more lies" i said. The phone on the desk rang and she went to answer it "Janeece okay?" i asked "shes fine, doesn't want to come back to school, put fine" she said "can we go?" i asked "yeah come on" she said as we headed for the door.

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