Sticking up for me

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Edited: 8/3/17
The next morning we drove into school as we parked Mum got a text that she didn't like the look of as she slammed her phone down "you okay?" i asked her "yeah" "is it Stuart hordley" "yeah" "what has he got on you" i asked "nothing, darling" she said smiling "you enjoy your placement" she said "i dont have to go, i can stay at school" "no, your going and thats final" she said "mum are you sure your alright, I mean you've been acting weird for weeks, what are you hiding from me" I asked and she smiled at me "Sophie, its nothing for you to worry about, okay" she said   as we got out of the car and headed inside.

I met up with max and janeece in the hallway "finally" said janeece "where have you been" asked max "overthinking" i said "what" said janeece "sorry guys my mind is elsewhere, i dont even want to do this placement and im just worried about my mum shes been weird, weirder than usual" i said. As I noticed Donte walking into the school "oh my god, someone's after sucking up" I said and Maxine snorted "im not wearing my best clothes all for some fart to dripple all over them" she said "you'll be lucky if its just dribble" I said "well the museum provides you uniform, just need to wear smart shoes" Janeece said  "why didn't you then" Max asked and I chuckled "There her horse riding boots Max, cant you see the manure on the boots" I said smirking "ill manure you in a minute, pair of cheeky sods" she said as we laughed. I spotted Chlo talking to Donte and Celine, she seemed upset "you okay" I asked her and she nodded "you sure" I asked her and she sighed "i will be, come on we better go" she said

Arriving at the hairdressers lets say i was glad that i was with Chlo, i mean theres is only so much making cup of teas and sweeping hair i can do "i cant wait for this week to be over with" said Chlo "your telling me" i said after four hours of being in the salon,i had, had enough and went into town an ordered some burgers and fries i needed some nice food not that healthy crap my mother makes, i also ordered a strawberry milkshake its my favorite drink as i always liked them since i was six and me and my mum use to come here. It wasn't even lunch time yet when my mum walked in and took a seat opposite me "thought you had your big important meeting" I asked her without looking up at her. she took my hand that was placed on the table and held it in hers "want to tell me what happened" "what's the point, what the point of anything, life, anything at all" I said as I sat back in my seat "that's very pessimist of you Sophie" "i wonder who i take after, she said I wouldn't amount to anything" "well you just as well proof them right, didn't you" she asked and I rolled my eyes "at school, you get away with a lot and not only because your my daughter, you just have a way with people, I say its those blue eyes, but outside you have to grow up and be responsible" she said "so, its my fault" I asked her "look when it comes to work, the real world its not going to be fair, it will be boring, hard and you'll meet people who will think the worse of you and if you let them write you off, they will" she said "you talking about me or you" I asked her and she looked at me "come on, eat up and ill take you back to school" she said "school?" "yes its obvious you cant behave so back to school it is" she said and I sighed "im not even in uniform" "it doesn't matter" she said as her phone rang "what's the point as may as well ditch school, for all the goods its use" I said "you will not, you've embarrassed us all enough" "don't you mean you" I said "come on" she said as she dragged me off into the at park. I sat in the car "its no use" I said "im going to drive you back to school and you will sit with Mr Clarkson and do some work" she said and I sighed .

I got back to school and headed off to the pastoral care office "i hear you've been causing trouble again Sophie mason" he said not looking up from his desk "not me, sir" I said and he looked at me and smirked "come on, I have some work for you to do, some Shakespeare" he said "great" I said as I took a seat and carried out some work. I sat doing some work when miss Haydock came in "ahh Sophie been causing more trouble, nothing but trouble are you" she said and I felt my stomach drop, I knew what everyone was thinking of me now, Sophie Mason nothing but trouble. I caught eye contact with Mr Clarkson and he seen the look in my eyes "miss Haydock there's no need to speak to Sophie like that, she's a young girl and that's a way to knock her confidence just cause she is better at French then you" he said and I looked at him in shook, did he really just stand up for me "right, ill be doing some work in the staff room if you need me" she said walking out of the room "you didn't have to do that" I said to him "yeah I did" he said and I smiled at him.

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