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My mum woke me up "Sophie wake up" "why" "do you know what day it is" she asked "yes, last day of term, July 23rd" I said "yes and this time fifteen years ago I was in unbelievable pain" "this time fifteen years ago I was resting in the womb" "come on, I have presents" she said "im up" I said jumping out of bed and heading downstairs to the kitchen and noticed that she had made pancakes "mum you didn't have to make all this effort" I said "of course I did, my little girl is fifteen" she said kissing my cheek and handing me a box I opened it to find a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes "mum, you didn't have to they must of cost you a fortune" I said "its no problem, I thought that you could wear them tomorrow night, we'll go out to dinner" "yeah".

Arriving at school, I noticed the rest of the football team were practising, good. As we sat in the door I noticed mum was checking her hair in the mirror "who are you dressed all nice for?" I asked "i always dress like this" "yeah, but you've done your hair, who's the lucky fella?" I asked "Sophie" "is it Mr Lawson" she didn't say anything "oh my god it is you have the hots for your deputy" I said "i do not, now are you ready for this afternoon?" she asked "of course, we're going to show those posh kids how to do it" I said. As we walked into school I noticed Tom and her, Davina walking in behind us, I looked over my shoulder and  he caught eye contact with me. Walking into the school, Candice was preparing food and drinks ready for the spelling bee "good morning Candice" said mum as she grabbed some biscuits from the table "give me one" I said "no" she said lifting the biscuit over head head so I couldn't reach "that's not fair I'm short" I said she headed to the hall checking on the stage where I spotted Bolton, who was helping "hey soph, happy birthday" he called "thanks" I said. I walked down the hall way as I was grabbed by the arm and pulled into an empty classroom I let out a scream and seen Tom he placed a finger over my lips "shh" he said and I smirked at him "i heard its your birthday" he said and I shrugged "yeah, so" "so what are you doing" he asked "nothing, im not a big fan of birthdays" I said "how come your fifteen" he said "bad memories...especially when your mum misses three of them" I said and he sighed "im sorry" "don't be" I said "I got you something" he said pulling out a box from his back pocket. I opened the box to see a pink gem bracelet "oh babe, I love it" I said kissing him "good, I'll see you later yeah" he said "see you later".

First period was canceled because of the spelling bee so we headed to the hall to watch. After waterloo road won mum stood up to congratulate everyone. Just as Stuart walked in "oh boy this can't be good" I said "who is he" asked Max "bad news" I said as Stuart exposed mums secret to everyone before being thrown out "god no" I said as mum who was still on the stage started to talk about how the past was the past and never meant for it to hurt anyone, before storming out. I caught eye contact with Tom and I looked away "did you know?" Asked Max "yeah I did, she had her reasons" I said "what for being a hooker" "oh shut up will you, you don't know the half of it" I said storming out after her as everyone started to applause her. I followed her out of the hall and there was no sign of her, I knew where she would be in the office "is she in there?" I asked Bridget "yeah, is she okay" "no, she's not" I walked into the office to find her sitting crying her eyes out "mum" I said walking over to her "Sophie, I'm sorry" she said "don't be, that was the bravest thing ever and I can't say how proud I am of you right now" I said as she continued to cry I sat next to her and pulled her towards me as she cried it me "its all going to be okay, I promise" I said. After ten minutes Mr Lawson walked in "you can't" I said "what are you doing" he asked mum "okay, where are you going" he asked "straight to hell no doubt" she said "don't say that" I said "I'm sure that's what everyone saying" she said "no, not all of them" said Mr Lawson "did you hear that applause, that was The kids I think there a good reason for you to stay" "no there the reason I'm leaving" "mum please you can't just run away" I said "sorry?" Said Mr Lawson "I know exactly what's gonna happen, first it will be the press knocking on doors asking the kids questions, then the parents will get uncomfortable then they'll look for other schools, its not right, that I'll bring that to the school I've made a big mistake I should of nibbed it in the bud, I should of handed my resignation the minute...." She said "you can't leave mum, we need you, I need you" I said looking her in the eye "I'm going to go, just don't leave" I said as I headed back to class. I walked down the hall as I heard miss Haydock and Mr wilding talking about her "Matt, you've only got one boyfriend not a string of them paying by the hour" miss Haydock said "why don't you give it a go miss, I mean Max has told me you know you sleep with anything with a pulse, you may as well charge while your at it" I spat at her "how dare you" she said as I walked off.

I headed back to class and as I walked on everyone looked at me "what are you lot starring at" I snapped before sitting back of the class. I sat with Chlo later on when Tom came in to talk to Chlo, after a few minutes she came storming back in "Chlo, what is it?""its tom he knows about the cheating, the exam board have been" "oh god, this is not good" I said. I needed to confess all before she found out from someone else "there's something you need to know" I said as I walked into the office "tell me, its not true Sophie, tell me you didn't cheat""I'm sorry" "have you any idea the position you put me in" "you, its all about you" "I'm not just your mother I'm your headmistress" "I'm sorry, I did it a couple of times as I missed my French deadline and hadn't started it and you were so proud I got a A, a never had one before so I did it off English I just wanted you to be proud I just wanted to do well in school for once" "Sophie you know what this means, don't you" "your expelling me" "I should, but I'm giving you one more chance, but your going to have to resit year 10 again" "the whole year?""I'm afraid so" "okay". I walked down the hall when I found myself in front of Tom "you been avoiding me" he asked "not you, everyone" I said and he smiled "you okay" he asked me and I shrugged "is this what you were on about a few moths back about it not being your secret to tell" he asked and i nodded "its not your fault soph" he said as he pulled me into a hug

I headed out of the toilets to hear shouting I recognised who it was it was mum and Stuart "why are you still here?" She asked him she was standing at the top of the first set of stairs "don't you get it, its over" she said "yeah it is now your life is as much a mess as mine" he said pinning her to the wall "GET OUT OF MY SCHOOL" she yelled "get off her" I said standing at the top of the second flight of stairs starting to walk towards them "if you don't leave I'll get somebody to make you leave" she said, "were the same, you and I, we just did what we had to survive" he said "I did not hurt anyone" she said as she went to walk past him as he grabbed her "you think that your so Much better than me, don't you" he said "she is" I said as she kneed him in the crouch sending him tumbling down the stairs "mum, are you alright" I asked as I ran over to her "fine" she said turning to run down the stairs checking if he's okay "leave him, he's not worth it" I said following her down the stairs standing behind her. Just then there was an explosion and I screamed ducked down as mum but her arms over me, shielding me "what is going on?" I asked "I don't know Sophie just get outside quickly" she said leading me to the door.

I headed outside standing with Mika "where's Chlo is she not with you" she asked "I haven't seen her since this morning" I said as she ran over to Donte who had just answers the phone to Chlo " where is she?" I asked "she's trapped I'm going to help her" he said running off.

Ten minutes later Chlo came out "Chlo, oh my god are you okay?" I said pulling her in for a hug "I'm fine" she said. I noticed that Mr Lawson had came outside so I ran up to him "where is she? Where's my mum?" I asked "she's still inside" he said "what" I said turning round and heading into the building to find her "Sophie" I heard Tom yell as I walked back into the fire blazed school. I walked through the hallway coughing as I breathed in smoke, I headed towards the office area and found her lying in the floor rubble had fallen on her I ran over her "mum,mum, wake up" I said to her there was no answer and no moment she wasn't breathing. I pulled the rubble of her and noticed stuart, it him or her I grabbed her from under the arms and dragged her out towards the front of the school, I noticed the fire was heading our way and my breathing was getting worse .A part of the ceiling fell and I felt a spark hit the back of my neck, it stringed so bad.  I got her out of the school and lay her on the ground when Tom walked over "Sophie is she okay" he asked as he wrapped his arms round my waist " I don't think she's breathing" I said "mum, you can't die I need you, I'll have no one" I said "please don't leave me mummy" I said stroking her hair out of her face. Tom grabbed me around the waist and lifting me away"come on Sophie, let them do there job" he said as the paramedics put her in the back of an ambulance "is she going to die" I asked "your mum is a fighter, she'll be fine" he said I watched the ambulance drive off as a tear fell down my face. "what were you thinking" he asked me "i wasn't...I just didn't want her to die" I said as he pushed my hair out of my face "she'll be okay...I thought I lost you" he said "im still here" I said. Happy birthday to me, this is why I hate birthdays.

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