an abandoned baby

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Updated 22/3/17
I sat at the table in my pjs sipping a cup of coffee, it was the first day off my final year at waterloo road "has anyone seen my keys" mum asked as she came into the kitchen "they were by the back door last time I seen them" I said she picked up her keys and walked out of the kitchen "where are you going at this time" I asked her "there's been a break in at the school, I have to go in" she said "who would want to break into a school, id rather break out" I said as Eddie walked into the kitchen "yes Sophie you would" he said "ill see you later" mum said as she kissed Eddie and left the house.

I got to school and met up with jess where we found vicki and ronan kissing "finally drag yourself out of bed did we?" jess asked them "yeah, well not all of us have parents to drag us out of bed" Vicki said "well vicki is all like 'im going to get me a-levels' " ronan said "me too, unless something gets in the way" jess said as she eyed up a new boy "damn new boy looking good" I said "hands off, I seen him first besides you have Clarkson" jess said "hey, a girl can look cant she" I asked "three guesses what they got up to this summer" vicki said and I rolled my eyes "if its any of your information, I haven't really seen him he and josh went away to france then when he got back I went to Italy with mum and eddie part of my eighteenth birthday present" I said heading into the hall for assembly. As I walked into assembly I spotted jess sitting there with a long face "whats with the face Jessica?" I asked as I sat next to her "that new boy just rejected me, I offered him this seat no ones ever rejected me" she said "theres  a first for everything" I said. soon mum walked in and made a speech about waiting for the doors to be open before going into school. when janeece walked out of the hall and ran back I a minute later "miss, someone's left a baby" she said as everyone stood up to see.

At the end of assembly I walked out with josh, Finn, sam, amy and lauren "its not your is it soph, a little brother or sister for me?" josh asked "i should hope not, I think sophie would tell me if she was pregnant" tom said overhearing us "don't be daft josh, course its not mine besides with my petite body I think you could tell if I was pregnant" I said. "so let me guess, someone pops out a sprog then dumps it here, theres some dodgy slappers around here" lauren said "that there is" I said "i know soph dumped her kid, but that was different" amy said as I froze at the mention of Freya no one had mentioned her in years. she would be four nearly now. "sorry soph I didn't mean it like that" she said "right" I said as I turned around and headed to the common room, first period can do one. "did you hear?" finn asked me at break "huh" "the baby its Ali redback's" he said "what kyles girlfriend, kyles a father" I  said "yep can you believe it" he asked "no" I said as I starred into space "look soph, amy didn't mean what she said you know about your baby" "Freya, her names Freya" I said "sorry, she doesn't think, you know that" "why would she dumped a kid" I asked "don't know, scared probably maybe she didn't want a kid with kyle" he said "maybe" I said.

"tom, can I talk to you?" I asked at the end of lunch "soph, what the matter?" he asked as he took me into one of the classroom "what is it" "is it true what there saying about Ali, that she was abused by her step dad" I asked he didn't say anything but the look on his face said it all and I rubbed my eyes "come here" he said as he pulled me into a hug "he abused her, got her pregnant" I said "i know, I know don't think about it, him what he did to you I thought you were putting it out of your mind" he said "its harder said than done" he said and I buried my head in his neck and he rubbed my hair "you know if I was pregnant I would of told you" I said "i know, its just josh being josh". I met up with my mum who was sitting with a glass of whiskey "cant say how happy I am to see you" she said as I grabbed a glass and poured myself a drink "soph, no"  "mum im eighteen I think im aloud one drink" I said as I sat down "are you okay" I asked her she sighed "when I found out about her step dad all I kept thinking about is you, when you told me about your father it was deja vu I felt as though I needed to protect Ali and keep him away form her as I was unable to protect you, I was unable to protect my own daughter and that's the one promise I made to you when you were born I held you in my arms and said id protect you not let anyone hurt you, but I failed" "mum dont blame yourself, you weren't to know what he would do to me" "but I did know what kind of man he was, why do you think I ended it he was angered easily and I left my nine year old with him to go to Africa, as I needed a clear head I know I can never make it up to you but soph I want you to know I love you and im sorry" "mum, please don't do this to yourself, do you remember the shoplifting you got a call to Africa" "yes" "i stole that necklace on purpose as I wanted you home, I refused to let them ring him because I knew what he would do I just wanted you and in my twelve year old mind I thought the only way to do that was to get in trouble with the police so after school one day I went to the shopping centre and stole a pearl necklace, I actually stole it for you I thought you would like it and I made sure someone had seen me and ran out of the door I almost got to the bus stop when they caught me" "you never told me that soph" "i needed my mum back and I knew I couldn't tell you so I did that" I said

When I got home and lay on my bed when the doorbell rang and ran down the  stairs and answered it to see tom standing there he was in a right state "what happened?" I asked him he walked into the house and pulled me into the kitchen "its sam" "tom what's happened" "im not quite sure, she had a seizure" "what happened , what wrong with her" I asked "i don't know soph, she had a nosebleed and was complaining that she couldn't see or concentrate and she got out of the car and had a seizure" he said "is she going to be okay" I asked "i don't know" he said pulling me into a hug as I began to cry "shes one of my best friends I cant loose another not after max" I said "she'll be okay, shes sam Kelly she has to be" he said as he stroked my hair.

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