An accident

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"come on Sophie" Tom said leading me down the stairs and out of the front door I stopped in the door way and kissed him "ill see you later" he said "ill see you at school sir" I said smirking as he shut the door and I walked home. I opened the front door as quick as possible and shut the door, no one heard I sighed a breath of relief before I started climbing up the stairs "and where do you think you've been young lady" mum asked standing at the bottom of the stairs "fuck" I said as I turned around to face her she was standing there with her arms crossed I smiled at her shyly as Eddie and Phil joined her at the bottom of the chairs "everything okay" Eddie asked "yes, Eddie could you take Phil to school I think Sophie and I need a mother- daughter chat" she said to Eddie, oh god no. I was in my room getting changed for school when mum walked in and sat on my bed "the boys are gone" she said and I nodded my head as I looked for my blazer "where we you last night Sophie?" she said I looked her deep in the eye and closed my eyes sighing "out" I said "i don't know why I bother asking, I know you to well ,you were with him weren't you?" she said "i don't know what you mean" I said as I brushed my hair "you were with tom Clarkson weren't you" "mum, you don't understand we love each other" I said "i know you do, but he's your teacher" "im very aware of that" I said "look I cant stop you god knows ive tried for the last 16 years stopping you doing things but you are too stubborn, look tom could loose his job if this is ever found out" mum said "don't you think I know that, its hard enough never mind hes my teacher" "then end it" "I can't I love him" "look im not saying im okay with it, just be careful both of you cause if other people find out im going to have to be forced to suspend him" she said "thanks mum" I said "hurry up and get dressed, and we'll head to school you can pick up breakfast there" she said leaving the room.

I got to school and met sam and lauren outside in the yard, sam was eyeing Bolton up "look sam I know you fancy each other" I said "we do not" she said " yeah and that why you kissed him" I said "soph I.." "look sam your my friend and he's my ex.. if you like him id prefer you'd tell me instead of getting with him behind my back" I said before I walked off.

At Break I headed out to football with sam "im sorry about before" she said to me "same here" I said as we carried on with the game. Next period I went off to English running late "sorry im late sir" I said to tom "see me after class" he said as I sat down and smirked at him. At the end of the class the rest of the class was dismissed and I sat at the front of the class "why were you late" he asked as he walked over to me grabbing me by the hip pulling me towards him "im sorry sir" I said smirking and wrapping my arms around his neck "i should give you detention" he said "oh yeah, detention with you" I said "maybe, meet me at the end of the day and we'll discuss this further" he said as I headed out of the door.

"did you hear about Bolton and sam" Lauren asked "what, what happened" I asked "during basketball they had a huge fight ad sam practically told everyone that they kissed" "what, no way" I said "yes way" "where are they now I asked "cooler" she said "come on we have P.S.H.E " I said heading to the lesson to see budgen "sir, do you have the wrong class?" I asked him "no, mason I do not" he said "were suppose to have miss Campbell" said lauren "miss Campbell is at the hospital if it has anything to do with you" he said "do you think the baby okay" I whispered to lauren " she shrugged her shoulders.

At the end of the day my mum came up to me "sophie, I need to speak to you" she said "i thought you were on a course" I said to her "i was until Chris called me, there's been an accident its tom" I felt the colour in my face drop "hes in a coma" she said "is he okay" I asked "i don't know, ill take you to see him later okay" she said to me as I nodded. After school I sat in the car as mum drove me to the hospital I felt as though the drive there lasted a lifetime, we walked through the hallway of the corridor past miss Campbell who was sitting out of the room. I walked into the room and seen him lying there he had machines hooked up to him, he looked so vulnerable "tom" I said as I took his hand he was stable "hey" he said taking off his oxygen mask "i was so worried, when I heard you were in an accident" I said "im fine sophie I promise im never going to leave you" he said as I sat there tears rolling down my face "its okay" he said raising his hand and wiping away the tears "i love you" I said "and I love you" he said.

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