Fashion show

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Updated 22/3/17

"Sophie Patricia mason I cant believe you" mum yelled the next morning "shh" I said putting my finger to my lips and sipping on my coffee my head was banging and I couldn't deal with this "did you just shush me, you did not just shush me" she said standing with her hands on her hips "so what if I did" I said "you are seventeen you cant just go out drinking like you did  last night, your lucky tom showed up when he did" she lecturing me "don't lecture me, you were pregnant at my age" I said she looked at me "what are you trying to say Sophie" she asked "you know exactly what im saying, your a slag you don't even know your daughters father is" I watched as she walked out of the room tears in her eyes "that was out of order Sophie" Eddie said as he followed her out of the room as I sat there damn it Sophie, you really need to learn how to bite your lip. I thought to myself.

I got to school and walked with bex, jess and Vicki "there's your boyfriend" jess said to Vicki as Ronan rode by on a bike "he's not my boyfriend" she said "well you snogged him, I cant say  blame you he's pretty dashing, mature... I mean look at his bike he could really take you places on that " jess said "yes leave her alone" I said "i thought you liked him" bex asked "i do, as a mate" said Vicki "well if you do its up to you" bex said "im just saying she can do better" jess said "well if you do Vicki follow your heart, you shouldn't listen to us two or three for that matter with our love life's" bex said "i think I have the best love life out of all of us here, I am the one engaged" I said "to a teacher" jess said and I glared at her "he may be a teacher but I love him, besides out of the four of us im the only one who's getting any" I said smirking "ugh TMI" bex said as I walked away smirking.

After registration I headed to the art room to finish off for the fashion show when janeece walked in showing around some judge for the fashion show "so this is Lauren and Amy with the sports line" she said "bex, Jonah and Sophie with the futurist theme, though bex has had sometime off so I've been giving them a hand" janeece bragged "well you can see you have an eye for fashion" "what devil wears Primark" Amy said and everyone laughed. At break we spent break practising how to model and how to walk down the catwalk.

Tom found me at lunch time  I was sitting in the common room biting my nails and starring into space "hey, bad head?" tom asked sitting next to me I rested my head on his shoulder "whats up?" "im a terrible person" I said "what" "i said some hurtful things to my mum this morning" "we all say hurtful things soph?" "not like what  I said I really upset her and you know what my mums like she doesn't upset easy" "go find her and apologise then" he said I nodded my head and cuddled into him "in a bit, im quite happy where I am" I said as tom chuckled. I headed off to the changing rooms to get ready for the fashion show "sorry im late" I said as I sat at the dressing table and started to get ready "there you are soph" bex said "sorry". Soon we got ready for the fashion show when ronan kicked off because he was jealous.

"sophie, your up first" bex said "me" "yes, you then me" she said and I nodded as I finished adding the touches to my make up and headed down the catwalk making eye contact with my mum who clapped and cheered. I searched for tom through the crowd but he wasn't there I couldn't help but feel disappointed. After the fashion show I headed down the hall in heels that were two high to walk in for my liking when tom came up to me "soph" he called turned around and stumbled and feel but he caught me "you okay" he asked as he held my waist "im fine" I said as I pulled of my heels "too high of a heel" I said "i cant believe im marrying a model" "im not a model" I said "yeah, well you could of fooled me look at you your looking amazing and your beautiful" he said "is that your way of saying just how hot I am" I said smirking as I kissed him "its is" he said as he picked me up off the ground I squealed in shook "what are you doing" I asked "cant have you walking round with no shoes can we" he said as he carried me bridal style to the common room "your crazy tom Clarkson" I said as I kissed him "yeah" "yeah its a good job I love you" I said grabbing him by the tie and pulling him towards me. "i love you too" he said.

As the bell for the end of the day went I found myself standing outside the office "oh hi sophie" mum said as she looked up from her desk I could tell that she was still upset "im sorry, about what I said I was out of order and I shouldn't of said it" I said "no you shouldn't it was hurtful soph, I know I don't know the results of your paternity and im sorry for that" "i don't care okay your a great mum and I couldn't ask for anyone better ad I have eddie its like the dad I never had even if hes only come around now" I said "come here, im sorry for being just a nag lately its just your growing up and your nearly eighteen and your getting married I don't know when you stopped being my baby" she said hugging me "i think you and I both know your never going to stop treating me like a baby" I said "come on lets go home, unless you have plans" she said "no, none at all" I said

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